In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 720 Refining Treasures, Destroying Xuanmen\r

Especially the ancient monsters like Bai Ze and Kunpeng, they can stand out among the hundreds of millions of monsters, and their own skills and qualifications are extraordinary. If they were in a normal Great Thousand World, even if they couldn't prove Dao Primordial Primordial, they would definitely be able to achieve Quasi-Saint Perfection. In the prehistoric world, with the existence of the ancestors of Hongjun, these people have no chance of detachment at all.

As for the more powerful Emperor Jun and Taiyi in the demon clan, especially Taiyi, they had the opportunity to prove the Primordial Primordial Dao.

"Ancestor Hongjun is trying to steal the way of heaven and enslave Honghuang, but he is a big thief! I have contacted other forces in Hongjun, and I am ready to fight to the death with Ancestor Hongjun. If we win, everyone will have the opportunity to prove the Dao and get rid of the Dao of Heaven. Enslavement. If we are defeated, all the lower self will turn to ashes. Zhou Fangyu said coldly, "So if we don't win this battle, we will die!"

Except for Kunpeng, everyone has a firm look in their eyes. Of course, Kunpeng didn't want the chance to prove Taoism, he just didn't want to charge ahead. Although Kunpeng and the ancestor of Kunpeng are not one body, the nature of Kunpeng is the same. He wants to get benefits, but he is not willing to take risks...

It's a pity that Zhou Fangyu is so ignorant of Kunpeng's mind that he won't give him a chance.

"If you want to deal with the ancestors of Hongjun, you must first solve the Xuanmen forces in the prehistoric world. Now Xuanmen is headed by the Grand Master Xuandu and the Emperor of Heaven. There are eight quasi-sages, and their strength is extraordinary. However, compared with our heavenly world, it is still worse. This time, against Xuanmen, Kunpeng is responsible for entangling the Emperor, Bai Ze against Taiyi, Yang Jiao against Real Man Yuding, Senior Brother Zhao against Jiang Ziya, Senior Sister Wudang against Nishang, Senior Sister Yunxiao, Senior Sister Qiongxiao, Senior Sister Bixiao and Wuyun Senior Brother Xian sets up the Sword Array of Zhuxian to deal with Yun Zhongzi, Guang Chengzi, Grand Master Xuandu, the three Senior Sisters and Senior Brother Wu Yunxian as long as they hold them back." Zhou Fangyu arranged.

"Master, what about me?" Yuan Zhantian asked.

"You look for opportunities by yourself, it's up to you whether you can win this time." Zhou Fangyu said, "The battle of the quasi-sage will not end in a while, you must find an opportunity to kill the opponent's quasi-sage quickly. With Pangu Fan in hand, Kunpeng, you must be more careful.

"Yes!" Kunpeng lowered his head, but his eyes flashed with resentment. The Heavenly Emperor who owns the Pangu Fan is undoubtedly the most dangerous, but Zhou Fangyu arranged for him to deal with it, and he only gave a light exhortation and did not give any treasures.

However, even if Kunpeng hated in his heart, he could only suppress it at this time.

Lei Ming naturally knew what Kunpeng was thinking, but he didn't care either. As long as Kunpeng didn't reach the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, he wouldn't be able to turn any waves.

"Three senior sisters, you have no defensive magic weapon. This is the magic weapon Sancai Banner that I made by imitating the Five Elements Banner. I will send you to the world of time and space to refine them. Although the Sancai Banner is a top-quality congenital spiritual treasure, it is released with the Sancai formation method. , The defense is not under the congenital treasure~" Zhou Fangyu gave San Xiao three treasures in private.

San Xiao took it over without courtesy, and branded it with the Primordial Spirit.

"Junior Brother, you are actually able to refine innate spiritual treasures!" Bi Xiao said, the best innate spiritual treasures are rare in the prehistoric world. Like the three of them, among the many magical treasures, only Hunyuan Jindou is the best innate spiritual treasure.

"Xiantian Lingbao is conceived by heaven and earth, and I control the space-time world, and it is not difficult to conceive an innate spiritual treasure. However, every time an innate spiritual treasure is conceived, the origin of the time-space world will be lost by one point, and the stronger the innate spiritual treasure, the more expensive The source, Zhou Fangyu explained.

"This..." Sanxiao hesitated, and Yunxiao said, "In that case, Junior Brother should return them to their origins. The three of us are possessed by the Primordial Golden Dou, and all of them are quasi-saints, so they won't be easily hurt by others. of.""

Zhou Fangyu smiled: "The three senior sisters don't have to be like this, the time and space world is a vast world, and the three supreme congenital spiritual treasures have little impact. This prehistoric catastrophe is a game between us and the way of heaven. It is extremely dangerous, and I can't Taking care of the three senior sisters, the three senior sisters must be careful."

"In addition, you don't have to worry about Senior Brother Zhao, he cultivates the way of God, and the imprint of the gods is placed in the God Realm of the Time and Space World. As long as the Time and Space World is not destroyed and the God Realm is still there, Senior Brother Zhao will be immortal. 35 Zhou Fangyu added .

After giving the Sanxiao Sancai Banner, Zhou Fangyu brought Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao back.

"Zhantian, bring the God of War Spear. Jiao'er, bring the Sword of Execution. 35

The two disciples handed over the magic weapon.

"Next, I will use the time-space world to re-refine the God of War Spear and the Sword of Execution. You have to watch it carefully." Zhou Fangyu said, "Among the many quasi-sages in the prehistoric wilderness, the one who is most likely to prove the Primordial Primordial Dao is Zhantian, Jiao'er, you. Although he is not as strong as your younger brother, but with great wisdom and perseverance, there is also some hope of transcendence. To prove the Tao, either comprehend the law to 50%, or open up a great world and be in harmony with the world. Use the first method Proving Dao is undoubtedly more advantageous, just like being a teacher, after comprehending the law, you can open up a thousand worlds and carry out a second Dao proving.

Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao listened very seriously.

"Whether it is to comprehend the law or to open up the world, it is not so easy. But since I have gone through it as a teacher, I can finally leave you some experience, you can look forward to it!"

Zhou Fangyu threw the God of War Spear and Sword of Execution into the space-time world, and the entangled space-time power in the space-time world turned into chains, fixing them in the void. Immediately afterwards, the Laws of God did not enter the God of War Spear and the Sword of Execution. The God of War Spear, whose fighting intent was soaring to the sky, slowly became introverted, and the four Swords of Execution also turned into one sword. Under the deliberate acceleration of time by Zhou Fangyu, the two magic weapons have been tempered for hundreds of millions of years, and only a few days have passed in the prehistoric world.

"I extracted the Law of War and the Law of Slaughter and sealed them into two magical treasures. These two magical treasures have reached the level of the best congenital spiritual treasures." Zhou Fangyu said, Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao's eyes were eager, and they could feel the enhancement of their magical treasures. a lot.

"These two laws are matched with the two magic weapons themselves, so there is not much difficulty in integrating the magic weapons. But next, I will imprint the law of time and space on the two magic weapons, you should be careful.

Zhou Fangyu grabbed his hand, and two balls of light appeared, carefully controlling the balls of light, and the balls of light slowly merged into the God of War Spear and Sword of Execution. This process was much slower than the previous one, and it took Zhou Fangyu three years to complete.

"Get back your magic weapons." Zhou Fangyu made a move, and two magic weapons came out of the sky, Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao quickly caught them.

"It's so strong!" Yuan Zhantian shook his God of War spear, and the space was cut open. Yang Jiao also tried the sword, and under the quaint sword edge, the space cracked like a silk cloth.

"This time to refine the magic weapon, in addition to enhancing your understanding of the law of war and the law of killing, I also added two attributes of breaking the sky and accelerating to these two magic treasures. Breaking the sky comes from the law of space, and acceleration comes from the law of time. With these two attributes, they can be said to be the strongest spiritual treasures under the innate treasures, Zhou Fangyu said.

"Thank you, Master!" Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao said, their combat power was already strong, especially Yuan Zhantian, but with the help of these two magic weapons, the strength of the two increased by 30%.

Yang Jiao thought more: .. Master refining the innate spiritual treasure like this must pay a price.

Zhou Fangyu said: "Yes, the law of extracting the world will affect the evolution of the world, if you open up the world in the future, you must control it well.

"Master, is this battle really so dangerous?" Yuan Zhantian asked.

"I have gone through countless battles since my enlightenment, and this is the one I am most uncertain about." Zhou Fangyu sighed, "The horror of Hongjun's ancestor is not what you can imagine now, and I can only plan for the worst. Ancestor finally achieves the realm of heaven, and none of us can escape. If he fails, there is still a chance for you... Then I will send you to the world of time and space, and then move the world of time and space to the distant river of time and space. As long as old Hongjun Ancestor has not achieved the realm of heaven, he will not be able to travel through the long river of time and space."

Yuan Zhantian and Yang Jiao looked at each other, both of them were made by Zhou Fangyu, and they respected Zhou Fangyu in their hearts. They secretly decided that if they had the chance, even if they sacrificed themselves, they would fight for a way out for the master.

Zhou Fangyu saw through the minds of the two and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After some preparations, Yuan Zhantian brought everyone down to the realm. At this time, the power of Xuanmen was trapped in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Jieyin and Zhunti don't know what they are planning." Zhou Fangyu looked at Hezhou, Xiniu, Luohu led the demons to evacuate the flood, but the Buddha did not counterattack aggressively, and still guarded Lingshan. So far, Buddhism has not recovered to the prosperity of the Journey to the West.

However, the calmness of (Qian's) Buddhism made Zhou Fangyu secretly vigilant.

"It's not just the reception and Zhunti, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun also arranged for the back-up. As for the mother Nuwa and the ancestor of Hongyun, they can't be unprepared. The ancestor of Hongjun used the Hongmeng purple energy to control the seven saints, but the seven A saint does not have a simple one, how can he not notice it?

Zhou Fangyu feels that the situation in Honghuang is getting weirder and weirder, and behind this weirdness is not the way of heaven, but the saints trapped in the Zixiao Palace.

"No matter what plan you have, breaking the Dao of Heaven is imperative." Zhou Fangyu secretly said, "Whether it is Hongjun's control of the Dao of Heaven, or the Dao of Heaven's victory over Hongjun, it will destroy my hope of achieving the Dao of Heaven. A long river of time and space can only There is a great world of Heaven, and if the Great Wilderness becomes a great world of Heaven, there will be no hope for the world of time and space!"

Yuan Zhantian and the others were in the lower realm, and the Grand Master Xuandu and the Emperor of Heaven knew immediately.

"Fellow Heavenly Emperor, the goal of the heavenly world is us," said Grand Master Xuandu, "I wonder what your plans are?"

The Emperor of Heaven took out the Pangu Banner: "I don't have any plans now, Yuan Zhantian wants to kill them all, we can only fight Yuan to the death.

Grand Master Xuandu said indifferently: "Heaven came prepared this time, and things won't be that simple. Besides, there is Zhou Fangyu in Heaven. We have no hope of winning this battle."

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