Luo Hu turned around and looked at Empress Pingxin and the Twelve Ancestral Witches behind her, a strange smile appeared on her face.

"It's really not easy for you to make up your mind." Luo Hu said, "This seat is very strange, how did you guys figure it out?"

Di Jiang stepped forward and said: "The prehistoric world was created by God the Father, and we must not allow it to be stolen by the ancestors of Hongjun. We believe that this is also the will of God the Father.

"Hehe, everyone in the world is willing to believe what they want to believe..." Luo Hu said.

Empress Pingxin frowned and said, "Ancestor Demon, I am willing to join your alliance against Hongjun, just to protect the heaven and earth of God Father. If you want to get involved in the Great Wasteland in the future, I will not agree."

Luo Hu sneered twice: "It depends on the means. This seat wants to remind you that your true spirit has differentiated into the post-earth ancestral witch. If you want to prove the Tao, the true spirit must be intact. Otherwise, even if you have completely refined the underworld, You can't achieve Hunyuan either.""

Empress Pingxin was a little hesitant. The Houtu Ancestor Witch was formed by her painstaking efforts, and only the Houtu Ancestral Witch could arrange the most powerful formations of gods and gods.

Not only Empress Pingxin, but other ancestor witches also hesitated. Ancestor witches are the most affectionate, and have no obsession with proving the Way. It is not easy for them to give up their ancestors.

"Sister, don't listen to this sinister guy's bewitching, I don't believe that the underworld cannot be separated by our strength." said Zhu Rong, the most grumpy one.

"Yes, I think he has ulterior motives." Gonggong agreed.

Luo Hu sneered twice, and the enormous power pressed down on Zu Wu.

"Do you two really think this seat has no temper? Hmph, if it wasn't for the purpose of joining forces to deal with Hongjun, this seat wouldn't look down on your strength," Luo Hu said.

The twelve ancestral witches immediately joined forces to resist Luohu's pressure, and all the gods and gods formed a great formation, and the ancestral witches could finally speak.

"Do you dare to underestimate my Wu clan?" Di Jiang said, "My Wu clan is from the blood of God Father. Back then, you all fled under God's opening axe. If you are not lucky, you will surely fall too. Now you have to deal with it. Hongjun, it's not like asking for help from my witch clan. If you want to deceive my witch clan, then just shoot and break up. The big deal is that we will fight to the death with Hongjun, even if we die, we will return to the embrace of the Father~

"Big brother is right, little sister, don't listen to this guy." Xuan Ming said.

Seeing that the ancestors had changed their attitudes, Luo Hu also had a headache. These ancestral witches are all one-strands, and if they disagree, they become enemies. In fact, he wanted to deal with Hongjun, and the Wu clan was a very important helper.

Luo Hu looked at Empress Pingxin, who was the only one who could persuade Zu Wu at this time. What only worried Luo Hu was that Empress Pingxin hesitated.

"It's easy for you to die under Hongjun's hands. Anyway, you've already died once. If it wasn't for the hard work of Pingxin, you wouldn't have a chance to be resurrected. But it's easy to die, but it's a pity that Pangu spent all his energy to open up this world. You must know that when Pangu died, there was Hongjun's plan behind it, you are his bloodline but you don't want to avenge him, this seat is really sad for Pangu." Luo Hu said coldly.

"What did you say?" The ancestors were furious, "You said that Hongjun plotted against God the Father, what evidence do you have?

"It's actually very simple to find evidence. If it wasn't for Hongjun's calculation of Pangu, how could he steal the way of heaven and get the jade plate of good fortune? As far as I know, the jade plate of good fortune is Pangu's accompanying magic weapon! Otherwise, Pangu would not be able to survive the chaos. Cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is complete. Hongjun not only stole Pangu's magic weapon, but also stole the world he opened up, don't you avenge such a great revenge?" Luo Hu said.

Luo Hu's words completely angered Zu Wu, and Di Jiang said, "Sister, even if we die, we can't let Hongjun go."

"Yes, but you don't have to cooperate with the Demon Ancestor to seek revenge from Hongjun. In terms of strength, the Demon Ancestor is not the strongest in Honghuang." Zhu Jiuyin said, "Let's think about the matter of the Houtu girl.

Luo Hu was a little anxious: "Hongjun is about to refine the Heavenly Dao, we have no time. Once Hongjun succeeds, all of us will die!

The Hou Tu Zu Wu sighed and stepped forward: "Brothers and sisters, I am one with Ping Xin Ben, and now I am just returning to the original body. After Ping Xin proves the Tao, my Wu clan also has the power of Primordial Primordial Master. Asylum, I can finally win a chance. As for the great array of gods and gods... my brother and sister can give me all my blood and blood to Chiyou, he once broke through the ancestral witch

Once again a human emperor, once again breaking through the strength will be infinitely close to me. "

"Sister! The ancestors are very reluctant to give up. Among the twelve ancestors, the Houtu ancestors are the most kind, and she is the only one who has merit. But every time the witches face major events, she always sacrifices.

Seeing this, Luo Hu breathed a sigh of relief, he was indeed doing this with selfish intentions. The Twelve Ancestral Witches inherited the blood of Pangu, and they arranged the great formation of Zhou Tianshen to summon Pangu. If they truly comprehend Pangu's physical supernatural powers, they may not be able to unite and incarnate Pangu in the future.

The biggest reason for Rahu's fall to where he is today is that Pangu opened up the world, and he didn't want to see Pangu come back to life.

Houtu Zuwu stepped forward, she looked at Empress Pingxin, and the two looked at each other.

Empress Pingxin sighed softly and walked towards the Houtu Ancestral Witch. In a trance, the two merged into one, and the Houtu Ancestral Witch's body began to disintegrate, leaving nine drops of blood essence in the end.

My eldest brother, it is up to you to save these blood and essence. "Pingxin Niangniang gave the blood essence to Di Jiang. Di Jiang nodded and accepted.

"When the Houtu girl opened up the reincarnation, most of her physical strength was consumed, but now she is just returning to her true spirit, and all the blood and essence are preserved. Chiyou has refined these blood and essence, and her strength should be able to catch up with us. 35 Di Jiang thought to himself.

After the true spirit was consummated, Empress Pingxin's realm seemed to have also improved (Qian Zhao), and she looked at the junction of the underworld and the prehistoric world.

"Mozu, it's your turn to take action!" Empress Pingxin said indifferently.

Luo Hu nodded, he made a knife with his hand and slashed into the void. The black energy spreads, and the power of the demon world continues to impact the space. Before long, the underworld and the prehistoric world began to separate, and a black gulf appeared between the two worlds. But because of the attraction of the two worlds, the black gap is slowly narrowing.

"Quickly introduce chaos." Luo Hu said loudly.

Empress Pingxin took out the Chaos Clock, and the Chaos Clock turned into a great rivalry, smashing towards the black gulf.


The black gap was smashed through by the Chaos Clock, and the Chaos Airflow penetrated in. The chaotic airflow is increasing, filling the black gap. At this time, the originally narrowing gap finally stopped.

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