In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 737 The Spirit of the Earth Realm, the opportunity to prove the Tao\r

"Junior-nephew Yang Jiao is right, not only we have no clue, but the Demon Race and the Witch Race are the same. When you see them in the Immortal Realm, they collide like flies without their heads... Moreover, the two clans are short-tempered and disagree with each other. Let's do it. They have the support of the powerful Primordial Priest behind them. We should avoid their edge for the time being and look for the opportunity to prove the Tao.

"Uncle Wudang is right, but apart from the witches and demons, there is one person we should pay special attention to, and that is Daxian Zhenyuan. In terms of understanding of the Earth and Immortals, I am afraid no one can match him." Yuan Zhantian said .


Since the Earth Immortal Realm was separated from the Heaven Realm, Zhenyuan Daxian left Wuzhuangguan. Unlike Yuan Zhantian and the others, Zhenyuan Daxian came directly to the Shiwanda Mountain in the south of the Immortal Realm~.

Because of the sanctification of Ancestor Hongyun, Daxian Zhenyuan was almost destroyed. He sat in Wuzhuang Guan for countless years, and finally regained his Taoism. Coincidentally, Zhou Fangyu separated the Earth Immortal Realm, which also gave Zhenyuan Daxian a chance.

"This is where the spirit of the earth is located-...

Zhenyuan Daxian figured for a long time, and finally found a mountain. This mountain looks no different from other mountain peaks. Only those who have reached the late stage of the quasi-sage realm can feel the extraordinaryness of the mountain.

Zhenyuan Daxian observed around the mountain peaks, constantly deducing the orientation. The Earth Realm Yuan Spirit he was looking for was the origin of the Earth Immortal Realm, which can be said to be the most important thing in the Earth Immortal Realm.

Zhenyuan Daxian arranged a formation at the foot of the mountain, and the center of the formation was a red-yellow stone platform. This stone platform is made from the crystal of the earth evil, which is a kind of innate spiritual material, and only the ancestor of the earth fairy like Zhenyuan Daxian can get it.

"Brilliant heaven and earth, Yuanling returns to its place!

Zhenyuan Daxian mobilized the formation, and the power was shot into the mountain peak. This power is endless and extremely thick. It is the power of the earth.

After ninety-nine-eighty-one days, the entire mountain began to vibrate, and then slowly divided into two halves. The mountain peaks were separated, and a khaki light was suspended there. Daxian Zhenyuan trembled with excitement when he saw the light.

"After the Earth Immortal Realm became independent, it really formed the Earth Realm Spirit!" Daxian Zhenyuan murmured, he used to be in charge of the Book of the Earth, and used the Book of the Earth to deduce the fate of the Earth Immortal Realm. If the Earth Immortal World is not separated from the Prehistoric World, then it can only be regarded as a part of the Prehistoric World. But now, the Earth Immortal World is an independent Great Thousand World, which will derive its unique origin, and this origin is the Earth World Primordial Spirit.

The primordial spirit of the earth is the essence of the laws of the earth and immortal world. If it grows into a complete body, it is the powerhouse of mixed essence nourished by the earth and immortal world, similar to the existence of heaven in other great worlds.

It is a pity that this Earth Realm Yuan Spirit has no chance to grow.

Zhenyuan Daxian slowly introduced the earth spirit to the stone platform, and the crystal of the earth demon has a huge attraction to the earth spirit. During this process, Daxian Zhenyuan was careful and careful, and did not dare to make a sound.

"Although the Earth World Primordial Spirit has just been born, it already has the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and it can use the power of the Earth Immortal World to protect itself. If it escapes, it will be difficult to find it again!""

Zhenyuan Daxian was hiding aside, watching the Earth Realm Yuanling keep approaching the stone platform. When Jie Yuanling reached the core of the formation, Zhenyuan Daxian finally showed a smile.

"Yimu Qingkong Formation, forbidden!

Zhenyuan Daxian pinched the magic formula. The entire formation was centered on the Earth Realm Yuan Spirit, and the huge force rolled towards the center. The power of the Law of Wood and the Law of Space binds the Yuanling of the Earth Realm tightly. The Yuanling of the Earth Realm wants to communicate with the Immortal Realm, but Zhen Yuanzi uses the power of the law to isolate the connection between the two.

"The universe in the sleeves!" With a sleeve robe of Zhenyuan Daxian, he was about to take away the spirit of the earth. Only then did he show a relaxed smile.

"Finally done!" Zhenyuan Daxian breathed a sigh of relief, "When I refine the spirit of the earth, I will be able to communicate with the earth, and then understand the laws of the earth, and control the earth.

"Hey, found him!"

In the sky above the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Yuan Zhantian's eyes shone with golden light. At the same time, his ears twitched slightly. Using the innate supernatural powers of ears and eyes, he finally locked onto Daxian Zhenyuan.

When Yuan Zhantian saw Daxian Zhenyuan, Daxian Zhenyuan had just put away the Yuanling of the Earth Boundary. Although Yuan Zhantian didn't see the spirit of the earth, the breath left by the spirit of the earth was still there.

"Zhenyuan Daxian, wait!" Yuan Zhantian jumped down and came to Zhenyuan Daxian. When Zhenyuan Daxian saw Yuan Zhantian, his expression changed immediately.


・・For flowers....0

A gust of wind was generated out of thin air, and Zhenyuan Daxian had disappeared from the place. Yuan Zhantian saw that Daxian Zhenyuan ran away without saying hello, and was more certain of his thoughts.

"I'm afraid Daxian Zhenyuan has already obtained the opportunity to prove the Tao."

Yuan Zhantian's eyes blinked quickly, and suddenly he turned into a giant ape with a height of more than 90,000 feet.

With a bang, the mountain peaks thousands of feet high burst under the spear of the God of War, and the figure of Zhenyuan Daxian also appeared.

"Daoist Zhenyuan is in such a hurry, is he hiding something?" Yuan Zhantian stared at Daxian Zhenyuan, and he was keenly aware of the special aura in Daxian Zhenyuan's sleeves.

"What is the meaning of the demon emperor?" Zhenyuan Daxian said coldly, "The poor Dao and the demon clan don't violate the river water, does it mean that the demon emperor thinks that the poor Dao is easy to bully?


"Haha, how dare I bully Daxian you, but I just saw a good thing that Daxian put into the sleeve robe, and I was a little anxious." Yuan Zhantian smiled, "I have also learned the universe in Daxian's sleeve, although Not as skilled as Daxian, but he also knows a thing or two. Daxian, can you show me what's in your sleeve?

"This is a treasure of the Pindao, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to see it." Zhenyuan Daxian categorically refused.

Yuan Zhantian didn't talk too much: "Then I'm unreasonable."

Yuan Zhantian is very decisive, since he concluded that Daxian Zhenyuan has found the opportunity to prove the Tao, he will not hesitate to start. The God of War spear pierced through space and time. When he arrived in front of Daxian Zhenyuan, the space in front of Daxian Zhenyuan was immediately distorted, and a black hole engulfed the God of War spear.

"Broken!" Yuan Zhantian challenged, and the Ares spear directly broke the black hole and continued to walk towards Zhenyuan Daxian.

Daxian Zhenyuan sighed softly, flicking the whisk in his hand, and threads entangled the God of War spear.

"Does Daxian want to compare his strength with me?" Yuan Zhantian laughed and pulled back the God of War spear. His strength is great and his speed is also fast, this swipe directly cuts the silk thread on the whisk.

In the blink of an eye, Zhenyuan Daxian was hundreds of miles away.

"Does the demon emperor have to make trouble with the poor?" Zhenyuan Daxian asked coldly.

"If I don't see what's in my sleeve, I will never give up." Yuan Zhantian replied.


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