In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 753 Extracting the Primordial Violet Qi Again\r

"If it wasn't for me to preach to you, how could you prove the Dao? Now that you are disobedient and want to kill your teacher, I will kill you first." Ancestor Hongjun said coldly.

"Right and wrong is not a matter of words. Second brother, we will also take action." Laozi said angrily, Laozi who practiced immortality was ruthless and ruthless.

"Big brother is right, third brother, let's help you." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Sanqing attacked the ancestor of Hongjun together, Taiqing Shenlei, Yuqing Shenlei and Shangqing Shenlei three combined into one, turned into Dutian Shenlei, and hit the ancestor of Hongjun. This Divine Thunder was used by Pangu to open up the world, and its power was infinite, but the ancestor Hongjun didn't move when the Divine Thunder fell on him, and disappeared without a sound.

"Don't say that you are just "one, two, three" just proving the Dao, even if Pangu is resurrected, he can't help the ancestor me." Ancestor Hongjun said with a wanton smile. Qingdu was seriously injured.

"Hongjun, don't be mad." Zhou Fangyu saw that the leader of Tongtian was injured, so he immediately asked Yuan Zhantian to cover them, and he himself attacked the ancestor of Hongjun. This time Zhou Fangyu did not use the space-time tower, but used the supernatural power of the time-space law. The law of time and space turned into a boundless ocean of Wang Yang, and the waves shot towards the ancestor Hongjun layer by layer. An illusory wall rose in front of the ancestor of Hongjun, blocking the waves of the law of time and space.

"As expected of the physique of time and space, the strength has improved very quickly." Ancestor Hongjun praised, he slapped his palm on the waves of the law of time and space, and the turbulent law of time and space was immediately suppressed by him.

"But if you want to do it in front of the ancestors, it's too bad." Ancestor Hongjun said.

Silently, time and space began to shatter, and chaotic gaps appeared between Zhou Fangyu and Hongjun ancestors.

"Hongjun, I only now know that the laws of time and space you understand are copied from me, including other laws. But a copy is a copy, how can it compare to our painstaking understanding, so you just look strong. Zhou Zhou Fangyu said loudly, "The long river of time and space is coming. 35

Zhou Fangyu drives the long river of time and space with the laws of time and space and the constitution of time and space. An illusory long river falls from above, and the river rushes towards Hongjun. The long river of time and space does not exist in real space, but its power touches the law, which is the most fundamental source of the law of time and space. In the face of such an attack, Hongjun couldn't help but change his color. After all, he had not yet achieved the realm of heaven.

"Fortune Jade Plate!" Ancestor Hongjun sacrificed the Fortune Jade Plate, his strength suddenly increased by three layers, and his control over the laws of time and space also increased by 30%. Under normal conditions, Hongjun's control over the laws of time and space is slightly inferior to Zhou Fangyu's, but with the blessing of the Jade Plate, the situation is immediately reversed.

"Time and space are repeated." Ancestor Hongjun's big hand grabbed the long river of time and space in the void. Immediately afterwards, he cut off the connection between Zhou Fangyu and the long river of time and space, and sent the long river of time and space back. Zhou Fangyu looked at the jade plate of good fortune, but he didn't react yet. The long sword formed by the law of time and space had passed through his body, and Zhou Fangyu was also injured.

"It turns out that it is." Zhou Fangyu finally understood why the ancestor of Hongjun was so powerful, it was because of the chaotic spiritual treasure, the Jade Plate of Fortune.

Seeing the ancestor Hongjun sacrificed the jade plate of good fortune, Daxian Yang Mei took a step forward, and a space vortex blocked the jade plate of good fortune.

"Hongjun, give up, you are not our opponent." Yang Mei Daxian said, "If you are willing to stop, I promise to temporarily seal you in this world, and it will never hurt your life.

Ancestor Hongjun said with a smile: "Just because you want to seal my ancestor, you can use whatever means you have. Yang Mei, I know that you got some opportunities in the chaos, and you may even go to other worlds, but here, I am the strongest.

Daxian Yang Mei shook his head: "It seems that this is the only way to do it."

Immortal Yang Mei turned around and said to Zhou Fangyu and the others, "I'll block Hongjun, and you will seal these nine puppets.

After speaking, Daxian Yang Mei moved him and Ancestor Hongjun to another dimension using the laws of space, leaving Zhou Fangyu and the others in the new world to confront the nine saints.

"Let's do it." Luo Hu shouted, the first to rush out, and then Empress Pingxin also killed her.

Not to be outdone, the nine saints under the control of Ancestor Hongjun took out their treasures one after another. Among them, there was a God-killing spear. Except for the God-killing spear, other treasures had never been seen before.

Seeing the God-killing spear, Ancestor Hongyun was furious. At the time of Qingming, he gave the God-killing Spear to Zhenyuan Daxian, but now the God-killing Spear has fallen into the hands of the other party, which shows that Zhenyuan Daxian is already more fortunate.

"Death!" The angry ancestor Hongyun turned into a red cloud that covered the sky. The red cloud wrapped the opponent, and the opponent's God-killer spear slammed into the sky with murderous aura, but this murderous aura couldn't hurt the red cloud. After all, Ancestor Hongyun used to be the owner of the God Slaughtering Spear, and he knew it very well.

Twenty Hunyuan-level powerhouses fought, and the new world was in turmoil. However, with Luo Hu and Zhou Fangyu present, those saints were quickly suppressed. After all, these were cultivated hastily by the ancestors of Hongjun, and their strength was not strong. It's strong, but it's just a novice saint.

"Pumped their Primordial Violet Qi." Luo Hu said, he used the Law of Magic to induce the Primordial Violet Qi, and quickly grabbed one. This primordial purple qi is the origin of the immortal way, and the immortal path and the magic path are two sides of each other. Luo Hu refined this primordial purple qi, and the laws of the magic path are actually a little more complete.

Zhou Fangyu's heart was moved, and he also drew a stream of Primordial Violet Qi, but his speed was much slower than Luo Huan. After getting the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Zhou Fangyu checked it carefully and found that there is a very active part in this purple Qi, and this part is not the law of immortality. Zhou Fang 4.0 Yu tried to refine the part of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and he was surprised to find that the laws of time and space under his control were actually strengthened.

Luo Hu knew that Zhou Fangyu had discovered the secret of Hongmeng Ziqi, and he no longer concealed it: "This Hongmeng Ziqi is Hongjun, refined by the jade plate of good fortune, its core is the origin of the law of immortality, but it also joins the power of the jade plate of good fortune. Yes. The jade plate of good fortune records three thousand laws, so this Hongmeng purple qi also benefits the laws.

Hearing what Luo Hu said, the others immediately began to extract the Primordial Violet Qi. Sanqing took two Harmony Violet Qi, Zhou Fangyu helped Yuan Zhantian to draw one, Pingxin Niangniang took one, Western Second Sage took one, Nuwa Niangniang took one, Red Cloud Patriarch took one, Jiu Dao Hongmeng Violet is so divided.

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