The master spoke, and even though there were many words that Fang Yu wanted to say to Fang Yu, Linger left the hall with her grandmother.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door of the hall was also tightly closed, and in the end, only Fang Yu and Fairy Lingyue were left in the hall.

At this time, Fang Yu's heart was not as worried as before, but things were out of his control, and he always felt that something was wrong. Since he practiced Taoism for so many years, he rarely let things go beyond his control.

As for Fairy Lingyue, she remembered what Taoist friend Fang Yu said when he left ten years ago.

"Fairy Lingyue, I hope that when we see you next time, you won't be embarrassed."

At the beginning, she didn't understand what that meant, but at that time she could clearly feel that Fang Yu's fellow Taoist should be beyond her own existence.

But after meeting Fang Yu today, Fairy Lingyue somewhat understood what those words meant.

"Fang Yudao "One Sanqi", please take a seat!" Although Fang Yu's strength has been damaged for some reason, and even his memory has problems, he always has a meeting, and he is also his apprentice's savior.

It can be regarded as fulfilling one's own agreement, and there is no embarrassment.

Seeing this fairy being so polite, Fang Yu was relieved. It seemed that the person they knew who was very similar to him should have a lot of status.

However, he didn't intend to use the power of "others". It would be better to clarify this matter early. Now that he has met the fairy monk on this fairy island, although it may not be as good as what he saw in his dreams, it is still a fairy. home place.

Fang Yu wanted to use this Xianling Island to break through the bottleneck he had always faced.

"The boy is frightened. Although the boy's name is Zhou Fangyu, I'm afraid he is definitely not the Taoist friend Fang Yu that the fairy said."

Although Fang Yu denied it, Fairy Lingyue shook her head and said: "Although people may be somewhat similar, their aura will not change. You are undoubtedly fellow Daoist Fang Yu, although I don't know what happened to you."

Hearing Fairy Lingyue's words made Fang Yu even more puzzled. Since this Fairy said this, it should be impossible to admit her mistake, but when she was two or three years old, she remembered things.

I have always lived in Shengyu Village, and I have never been to this Fairy Island.

"Can the fairy tell me about the acquaintance between me and you?"

In order to understand the doubts in happiness, Fang Yu asked, it seems that the fairies on this island still hold kindness to him, and such words are not abrupt.

"Alright! I don't know what fellow Daoists will think of.

Fairy Lingyue also has this intention.

Slowly tell what happened back then.

In the story of Fairy Lingyue, Fang Yu is a hero who rescued Linger, the daughter of the witch queen of Nanzhao with Jiujianxian, and sent her to Xianling Island, of course. Because Fairy Lingyue herself has friendship with that witch queen.

In terms of deep friendship, there is not much friendship, just a few encounters.

The story is not long. After all, there is only the cause. As for what happened in Nanzhao, only Fang Yu and Jiujianxian knew about it.

"I wonder if fellow Daoist Fang Yu remembered something?"

Fang Yu never thought that the fairies on the Fairy Island would unite to deceive him, so this story is true.

"No impression! According to what the fairy said, if it was ten years ago, I was a child at that time, so it is possible to go to some Nanzhao country to save people."

Fang Yu's words surprised Fairy Lingyue.


how can that be.

It seems that he heard Fairy Lingyue's doubts, but Fang Yu didn't hide it, and slowly arrived at his origin, he was just an ordinary person living in a fishing village.

Fairy Lingyue also didn't believe Fang Yu was lying. This Shengyu Village was relatively close to Xianling Island, and these things could be found out by sending a disciple there.

"Then who taught your practice?" Fairy Lingyue thought of another possibility.

Could it be that Fellow Daoist Fang Yu was "hiding" in this young man's body? Since he went to that place, Fairy Lingyue's knowledge has expanded a lot, and he has thought of some wonderful techniques.

This Heaven-Breaking Hammer is not a simple thing to break the formation, and it can be regarded as a unique treasure. Since this young man is just an ordinary person, it must be bestowed by his teacher.

But what I said just now is that I went to the island to seek medicine. Since there are magic weapons like the Sky Breaker, there should be no shortage of spiritual medicines.

The more we talk, the more doubts we have.

Hearing Fairy Lingyue talking about his skill, Fang Yu felt proud.

"This skill was learned by the kid from the Taoist scriptures.""

Seeing Fairy Lingyue's disbelief in her eyes.

"Fairy, I didn't lie to you, this is really learned from Taoism."

"Okay, I believe your words for the time being. Your skills were learned from the Taoist scriptures, but don't tell me that the hammer on your waist was picked up." Fairy Lingyue said: Bad breath.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party might have a very important relationship with fellow Daoist Fang Yu, she would have used her methods directly to find out what kind of exercises he was practicing.

When it came to the Heaven-shattering Hammer on his waist, Fang Yu thought of the three Miao people, and he suddenly had a killing intent.

"The kid is offended." But when he thought that he was in Xianling Island, he immediately apologized.

However, it is better to clarify the matter of the Heaven-shattering Hammer.

"This Heaven-breaking Hammer was given to me by three Miao people." Fang Yu immediately thought of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the story of Fairy Lingyue just now, isn't that Miao Jiang!

And the old woman I saw in the hall just now.

"Miao people!" Fairy Lingyue was also surprised.

A coercion appeared from his body, and Fang Yu was instantly turned pale by the coercion, and his whole body trembled, as if his body was instinctively afraid.

Sure enough, the three Miao people's goal was the Immortal Spirit Island, and they became their pawns to explore the path.

"You speak clearly." At this time, Fairy Lingyue's tone became a little heavier.

Fang Yu didn't hide it, he quickly brought three Miao people to live in Shengyu Village, and then his aunt had a strange disease, and they appeared again and said that there was a panacea to cure the disease in Xianling Island, and then took this sky-shattering Hammer to himself.

"And this is the medicinal pill they gave me. They said it was to defend against the miasma on the island, but I kept an eye on it and didn't swallow it." Fang Yu took out a granular medicinal pill.

Fairy Lingyue's hand directly 4.0, and the medicinal pill flew directly from Fang Yu's hand to Fairy Lingyue's hand.

"Forgetting worry Gu, it seems that they are really here." Fairy Lingyue obviously knew this thing, so she was more confirmed to be a Miao person from Nanzhao country.

Fairy Lingyue is a little worried, although she has made great progress in recent years, but if it is to worship the moon personally, she is not sure whether she is the opponent's opponent.

A few years ago, he was disastrously defeated by the opponent, and even nearly died.

"It's also considered that you are smart, and you didn't do it directly. I'm afraid it's not just the three Miao people who came here. They should just come to explore the way. It seems that the tranquility of Xianling Island will be gone forever."9

"How many stone statues did you smash with this hammer?

Fang Yu said embarrassedly: "Eight seats." It seems that he really caused a big disaster.

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