In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 914 Violating the Heavenly Rule (2)\r

Chapter 914 Violating the Heavenly Rule (2)

The pictures in the mirror are constantly changing, but they are all pictures of Emperor Donghua and Fairy Peony, like a means of going back in time, you can see the pictures of the past, and the affairs of Emperor Donghua and Fairy Peony are also slowly revealed to the public. In the eyes of the fairy.

Sure enough, it's a matter of personal love between men and women.

The affection in their eyes and their actions in the mortal world are slowly revealed.

It's impossible to get away with it.

Fairy Peony was really panicked.

"Heavenly Emperor, this matter is all my fault. 35 When I say this, my face also looks bitter.

"Since there is a heavenly rule, the heavenly court has become a little colder." For the Peony Fairy who could often go to the realm before, it was indeed too deserted, but she was sheltered by the heavenly court, and she was a flower fairy under the seat of the Baihua Fairy. Naturally There is no sense of crisis like the original 240.

Cultivation has also brought down a lot.

"I like Shangxian Donghua, but it's just my idea. Shangxian Donghua has never accepted me. I know that I have violated the rules of heaven, and I ask the emperor to punish me." expression.

Fairy Peony was very happy to hear Emperor Donghua's maintenance words, after all, their identities are still far behind.

And Haotian didn't care about Fairy Peony's words, but looked at Emperor Donghua.

"Then Emperor Donghua, what do you have to say?"

At the end, he asked, "Do you also like Peony Fairy?"

Emperor Donghua hesitated, and his face was also flashing red and white. Although the mana was locked by the chains, the aura on his body was exuding, and it was constantly changing, sometimes stronger and weaker.

Emperor Donghua is at a critical moment.

Because of Yuanqiu's reasons, his original breakthrough chance was disturbed, and then he met Peony Fairy again, which directly triggered the love calamity.

Of course, this is also partly because of the fact that there is a demon wave.

It is a robbery and an opportunity. As long as the love robbery is passed, the lost opportunity will be directly supplemented by the love robbery. Maybe it will be able to break through Da Luo and become a golden immortal.

But got into trouble.

As Emperor Donghua continued to struggle, black energy appeared on his face.

In the hall, Haotian showed a clue.

A whisper came from Emperor Donghua's ear.

"Bring your sword to cut love! Only in this way can you not be punished by the Emperor of Heaven, and your cultivation will be able to go a step further, becoming a Golden Immortal of Primordial Yuan, and the position of a saint is just around the corner." This whisper was very familiar, it was Haotian's own voice.

After falling into love calamity, Emperor Donghua often heard this (bbea) whisper to torture his heart. At first, he said that he was comprehending love calamity, and then he was wielding his sword and slashing love threads, and it was comprehension of sentient beings.

If he really doesn't even have any affection for Fairy Peony in his heart, it would be a lie, but he has been suppressing it, and he has not made a clear statement about Fairy Peony.

The special aura on Emperor Donghua's body is very familiar to Haotian. Isn't it the power that appeared when Ming He became enlightened! He was also injured because of the impact of this power, and then Xingtian injured himself again. .

Originally, Emperor Donghua had enough time to survive this calamity.

But Haotian's persecution made him have to make a choice quickly.

Slashing Qingsi with a sword? No? I am not unsympathetic to Peony, but Qingsi is difficult to cut? Emperor Donghua asked himself.

"Don't you want to be punished by the Emperor of Heaven, don't you even want to improve your cultivation?" A whisper sounded in his ears.

No? Since there is a peony in my heart, then this wielding the sword and cutting the silk of love is just an act of self-deception, and it goes against the thoughts in my heart. Even if I really do it, it will not improve my cultivation, but it will also affect my state of mind.

Like is like, in this case, why should I continue to struggle.

Emperor Donghua clarified his thoughts.

It's a pity that Emperor Donghua has not had enough time to deal with it, nor has enough time to realize it.

Because once he makes a choice, then he also violates the rules of heaven.

But he doesn't regret it.

"I do have admiration for Fairy Peony." Emperor Donghua told the truth.

At the same time as he said this, the black energy in his body slowly dissipated.

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