Chapter 920 Haotian hates Taiqing (2)

Being a saint for so long, he couldn't take Haotian, and he was still a senior brother, which made Taiqing angry again. It seemed that he had to use thunder methods to take down the opponent, otherwise he would lose his face too much.

Taiqing Divine Thunder struck.

"How come this thunder is so close to me?" A azure light appeared on Haotian, and all the thunders of Taiqing that approached disappeared.

Seeing that Taiqing Shenlei is useless, Taiqing directly takes out the Taiji map, which is chaotic yin and yang. Appears the image of "The Great Way". The Taiji map is surrounded by thousands of rays of sunshine and a thousand colors of auspicious colors. Outside the map, the "Road Prophecy" surrounds it, and the "Tian Dao Talisman" looms in the map. The five-color ray of light illuminates the mountains, rivers and the earth, and the nine-color auspicious energy shocks the heavens and the universe.

At one place in the Tai Chi map, the power of the innate treasure unfolds.

Haotian looked solemn, the Taiji map is a congenital treasure, a mirror appeared on the top of Haotian's head, it was the Haotian mirror, the Haotian mirror shot out light, across the void, the golden bridge unfolded by the Taiji map turned out to be inaccessible. .

That being the case, he didn't need to keep his hands.

"Heavenly Golden Chains." Several golden chains appeared from the void, heading towards the Taiqing locks. It was the chains transformed by the rules of the Heavenly Rules, and it was also a partial incarnation of his Heavenly Emperor's power.

Although it is mainly to restrain the immortals in the heavenly court, it is also useful for all living beings in the wild.

Taiqing glanced at it, and he didn't even use the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. The three flowers on the top appeared directly, and countless gems came out, which made this Tianzhu-golden lock unable to enter.

At the same time, he also looked at the Haotian Mirror on Haotian's head.

"It turned out to be the top innate spiritual treasure that contains the knowledge of space." Time and space are the most difficult ways to cultivate in the wild. If there is a top spiritual treasure to comprehend, I am afraid that it will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And this Clear Sky Mirror is the representative of the Heavenly Emperor, within the Three Realms can be viewed and left at will.

Even the golden bridge transformed by the Tai Chi map can be isolated by the way of space.

But if this is the case, it is impossible to stop him at all, the Tai Chi map can set the fire and feng shui, and the mere space can be suppressed as much as possible.

Sure enough, I still can't help the saint, but it is not easy for the other party to suppress and defeat him, but unfortunately he can't master the stars, otherwise there will be a battle.

Haotian actually has other means, but he doesn't want to expose this means, otherwise it will probably attract the dissatisfaction of that person. As the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the Three Realms, he still has this means of coordinating the Tao.

Of course, it is only a short-term union, so that we can truly act on behalf of heaven.

Taiqing's actions were naturally seen by Haotian.

Taiqing also discovered that Taijitu, which could suppress everything in the first place, could not work on Haotian, but it soon became clear that the other party was precious as the Emperor of Heaven. The power of the celestial mirror is increased to the maximum, and it may not even be worse than the Taiji map.

・・For flowers・・0

After all, Taijitu is not as powerful as Pangu Fan.

The other party is also in the position of the Emperor of Heaven, and he does not stick to all methods. The magical power is afraid that he will not be able to hurt the other party, and there is a space for it.

The battle between Taiqing and Haotian continues.

But that doesn't mean others won't intervene.

The three cleanliness are of the same spirit, and Haotian brought Emperor Donghua into reincarnation, and the reason for it is naturally not concealed from a few saints.

Coupled with the disrespectful behavior of Haotian before, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master also made a bold move.

Of course, it wasn't that the deity came in person, but just flew out of the spiritual treasure in his hand, submerged into the void, and called towards Haotian.

Haotian Mirror was at a stalemate on the Taiji map, and suddenly the Qingping sword arrived, and Haotian immediately showed three flowers on the top, and several golden lotuses appeared, but the power of the Qingping sword was extraordinary, and it directly cut off one. golden flower.

Haotian, on the other hand, has lost a thousand years of Taoism.

And Yuanshi Tianzun's Three Treasures Ruyi also arrived unexpectedly, and Haotian could not stop him at this time.


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