In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 923 Conferred God will rise (1)\r

Chapter 923 Conferred God will rise (1)

The change in Haotian's heart was not reflected on his face.

If he doesn't come today, it's still uncertain whether this list of gods will be born or not. Hongjun's move really chills Haotian's heart.

Not to mention Haotian's thousands of turns.

Several saints are also constantly scanning this list of gods. The list of gods in front of them is obviously an innate spiritual treasure, and it is also ranked among the best. In addition, the gods in this list of gods are also extraordinary.

It seems that it is similar to the Tao of the Earth Immortal and the Yin God of the Underworld.

At the same time, several saints have already made their own calculations to see which doom this list of gods will deserve.

But it is related to the human race, but if you want to figure out why, it is blocked by the fate of humanity, and you can't penetrate it with the ability of a saint.

"Why so!" Tongtian's expression was a little bad.

Taking the Conferred God Ranking as the lead to calculate the people who entered the list, although it is still incomprehensible, they are somewhat enlightened. Most of the people who entered the list are actually from the three religions.

Taiqing and Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say a word, and they were a little clear in their hearts. The birth of this list of gods was also because of their Sanqing coercion against Haotian. Now this person on the list is among the three religions. It can be guessed.

Taiqing said: "All my disciples should respond to the calamity, but although the Tao of Heaven is supreme, after all, the heart of Heaven is still kind, and there is still a ray of life left. This time to save the robbery, the vitality of your disciples is all due to cause and effect, merit, and Taoism. Cause and effect are shallow. , Those who have high merits and virtues can cultivate their minds with peace of mind. Although this calamity is big, it cannot be harmed in the slightest. Two of the three can be avoided as long as the gate is closed and the "Huang Ting" is recited quietly. Those who get one of them need to enter the world to save the calamity. If you are lucky, you can also avoid the calamity. If you are unlucky, the true spirit will enter the list of the gods and enter the heavenly court to become a god. Those who have none of the three will enter the world to save the calamity. Entering the list of gods, bad luck, turned into ashes, and even reincarnation can't be reincarnated~

This is the tacit understanding of the three clear.

Zhunti said: "Since this doom has nothing to do with my Western religion, a few fellow Daoists, let's talk slowly."

Then the quasi mentions and the introductions were made to watch from the sidelines.

Nuwa is naturally the same, she has no disciples, and although this calamity seems to be no trivial matter, it cannot be compared with the calamity of the lich.

Moreover, this calamity should be among the three religions, and naturally has nothing to do with her.

Yuanshi Tianzun was worried that his disciples had committed murders, so he couldn't help but open his mouth and said: "My disciples go to Antarctica, Yun Zhongzi, Guangchengzi, Chi Jing, Huanglong Zhenren, Fear Liusun, Taiyi Zhenren, Lingbao Shi, Wenjuguang Fa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Daoren, Yuding Zhenren, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Moral Zhenzun are all people with high morality, but they should not be on the list

Master Xuandu, under the eldest brother's family, is also a person of morality and should not be on the list. "

When Yuanshi Tianzun opened his mouth, he simply swept away all the disciples under his sect. There were only so many people in his sect, and it was naturally impossible for him to be under his sect. As for Taiqing, his disciples were even rarer.

When several saints discussed the establishment of the list of gods in Zixiao Palace.

There is another big event happening in the flood.

After Dayu successfully controlled the flood, he climbed to the top of the human race to be the co-owner, and he wanted to come to this flood situation.

It is simply based on the respect of the emperor, collecting the copper of the Kyushu in the world, casting it into nine tripods, and dividing the geographical map of the mountains and rivers of the people (of Li's) into nine parts, and inscribed on the tripod.

On the day of Dingcheng, Yang Zhao used his strong dragon spirit as a guide. On that day, the entire Yunmengze was shaking. Nine golden lights flew out of the Yunmengze and went towards the human race. Only nine golden lights could be seen. submerged in the Nine Tripods.

Yang Zhao's dragon energy has completely disappeared, and he has nothing to do with the dragon clan.

The dragon and the human race had already been linked because of the Jingwei matter, and the casting of the nine cauldrons made the human race and the dragon race closely linked again.

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