In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 928 Seeing Kong Xuan at Sanshan Pass (Part 2)\r

Chapter 928 Seeing Kong Xuan at Sanshan Pass (Part 2)

The direction Zhou Fangyu went to was Sanshan Pass, which belonged to Yin Shang.

Speaking of Sanshanguan, he naturally thought of Kong Xuan, who had an extremely powerful five-colored divine light.

In the stage of the battle between Xiqi and Yin Shang, it was basically a battle of interception and interpretation, and only Kong Xuan and Yuan Hong were not among the two forces.

Moreover, Kong Xuan forced the sage to take action before he could surrender.

Zhou Fangyu wanted to obtain the Wuji Apricot Yellow Banner in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he could only use the method of grabbing it, and the only way to grab it was to lose treasure money.

Just get Luobao money, and then get it from Jiang Ziya or Yuanshi Tianzun.

According to Zhou Fangyu's estimation, although Yuanshi Tianzun bestowed the Xinghuang Banner to Jiang Ziya as a body protector, he probably did not give it to Jiang Ziya completely, and Jiang Ziya could only use part of the power of Xinghuang Banner at most.

The Apricot Yellow Flag is still under the control of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Of course, in addition to falling treasure money, five colors of divine light can also be used.

Sanshan Pass.

Kong Xuan was cultivating in the secret room, and the five-color brilliance appeared around him, blocking the surrounding red dust. Looking carefully at the five-color brilliance, it seemed that there was a world.

After a simple practice, he accepted the exercises, got up and walked out.

In this human race, Kong Xuan couldn't keep in seclusion and practice, he could only meditate every day to practice Qi, and then practice the magical power of the five-color divine light.

"This land of the human race is really not a good place for cultivation~`." An invisible barrier around Kong Xuan blocked the air of red dust and the filthy air of the Sanshan Pass. After all, it was a city.

Naturally, it is inevitable for the human race to eat and drink, and as an immortal, the five senses are very sensitive, and the filthy aura produced by the human race can naturally be easily sensed. place.

These can only be blocked by mana.

"Huh?" Kong Xuan looked up at the sky with a feeling of doubt.

Now, under the influence of the Nine Provinces Barrier, the number of human cultivators has decreased, and as soon as they arrive at the human city, they will be under more pressure from the fate of humanity. Kong Xuan feels a figure in the distance coming towards Sanshan Pass.

Soon it was close to Sanshan Pass, but it didn't have the slightest influence on that cultivator.

With a glance, the other party's target seems to be himself.

In less than three breaths, Zhou Fangyu reached the sky above Kong Xuan.

I saw a young man wearing a star robe standing under the cloud, and the cloud was slowly descending.

Because Kong Xuan's cultivation place belongs to the "forbidden land", and there are basically no people. Usually Sanshan Pass is also guarded by Deng Jiugong. Zhou Fangyu's arrival did not cause anything.

Divine Consciousness probe, it is difficult to enter the slightest.

This is a cultivator with a cultivation level similar to or higher than himself, but Kong Xuan did not show any signs of alertness, and he had enough confidence in himself.

"Pin Dao Zhou Fangyu, I have seen fellow Daoist Kong Xuan." Zhou Fangyu looked at Kong Xuanhu, who was wearing a marshal's costume.

Hearing Zhou Fangyu's claim, Kong Xuan's heart moved, it turned out to be Zhou Fangyu Tianzun.

Although Kong Xuan was born late, he didn't know everything, and there was still a vast sea world in the human race.


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