In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 938 Di Xin's Beast Desire (Part 2)\r

Chapter 938 Di Xin's Beast Desire (Top and Bottom)

A gust of wind appeared in the Nuwa Temple, waved his sleeves, and blew out Huang Feihu, who was planning to attack head-on. During the period, he did not forget to whip the opponent, causing the opponent to suffer from pain.

"Your Majesty!" Fei Zhongyou was immediately nervous when he saw that King Wucheng was defeated.

Then the strong wind hit him, and all the courtiers around Di Xin were blown out of the hall.

At one time, most of the mana consumed by the priestess was consumed. The most annoying thing in the world is this. The spells and supernatural powers consume more, and it takes a lot of hard work to recover, which is equivalent to reducing one's own cultivation time.

Even some magical powers are far less smooth than those of the left way.

And what this priestess woman is performing is a wind-fighting technique. This is because she is a priest of the Nuwa Temple and is in the Nuwa Temple. Otherwise, in the capital of Yin and Shang, a small earth fairy like her would not be able to perform it at all. With this kind of technique, the human spirit alone can overwhelm him so much that he can't take care of himself.

Now only Di Xin and the priestess woman were left in the hall.

"Di Xin should be punished." The priest woman didn't care so much, she slapped Di Xin with a whip.

And Di Xin was not at all nervous.

"How can a beauty be like this~'." He directly greeted him with his hand, and grabbed the golden long whip in his hand.

The priest held hands with each other, but he couldn't move.

It can be seen that Di Xin's martial arts cultivation is not low, even higher than Huang Feihu.

However, this golden whip was originally transformed by its mana, and it turned into a golden light spot and disappeared, and then a long whip appeared on the hand of the priest woman.

Then he pulled towards Di Xin again, but unfortunately he was caught by Di Xin again, and slowly walked towards the priestess woman.

The golden whip was scattered again, and this time, he simply planned to use the magic technique, and a gust of wind rose again in the hall, blowing towards Di Xin.

Then the thing that made the priestess feared appeared. The gust of wind formed by the magic technique was unexpectedly unable to enter within the ten feet of Di Xin, and he took a step back in fear.

Then start to cast other spells.

However, they were still unable to save in front of Di Xin.

"Haha, Gu Nai is the supreme being in the world, the emperor of the human race, the little Zuo Dao technique Fa An can hurt me." Di Xin laughed loudly.

"Fortune to protect the body." The priest woman saw clearly and knew that she could not hurt the other party.

Immediately heading towards the entrance of the temple, this is a gesture to go, since I can't hurt the other party, but the other party is blaspheming Nuwa Empress, even if the other party is the emperor, he can't be lighthearted. Women come to punish each other.

But the figure of a person was moved faster by the action of the priest woman.

Before leaving the temple gate, the hot hand that had been holding it was already grasping the shoulder of the priest woman.

Di Xin's movement was so fast, before he could react, he grabbed the opponent and twisted it hard, directly wrapping the opponent into the opponent's arms.

"..Beauty, tell Gu, what's your name." Di Xin moved his head toward him, his posture very ambiguous.

"Let go of me!" The priest woman resisted hard, but without the help of magic, the power of her body was no better than God Xin's hard work, she couldn't break free, and in Di Xin's arms, there was some mana in her body. "Slack off".

"The only one is the emperor, the beauty, the Nuwa Temple, is suffering, it is better to follow me into the palace to enjoy the happiness (of the king)." Di Xin's rare gentle whisper.

However, for a woman, it was a great shame. The other party not only blasphemed the Nuwa Empress, but also wanted to offend herself.

"Although she is not as beautiful as Nu Wa, she still has some beauty." Di Xin's voice came.

Under the anger of the priest woman, the constant resistance aroused Di Xin's "beast desire"


One couldn't hold back and tore a hole in the sacrificial robe on the other's body.

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