Chapter 952 Taiyi VS Shiji (2)

Nezha still wants to start.

"Little beast, I listened to your father's pleas and taught you to let you go, but I didn't expect you to be stubborn and hurt me again. How can I forgive you."" Shi Ji didn't plan to let go this time. Nezha.

Shi Ji wanted to capture Nezha, but Nezha knew the truth of running away if he couldn't beat him, so he just ran away.

Shi Ji planned to go after him, but Caiyun boy was injured, so he couldn't ignore it. He picked him up, fed him the medicine pill, and brought Caiyun boy to be safe, so he went straight out of the hole and chased after him.

Nezha also knew that he was in trouble, so he naturally ran wildly, and he knew that it was useless to run back to Chentang Pass, so he flew directly towards Taiyi Zhenren's dojo.

Although I have never been to Qianyuan Mountain, Shiji also knows its place.

The real Taiyi had been waiting in Qianyuan Mountain for a long time, and Nezha was hiding behind him.

Shi Ji immediately questioned: "Brother Daoist, your disciples used your Daoist technique to shoot down the poor boy Biyun, destroy the boy Caiyun, and also hurt me with Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling. Brother Daoist, it's fine. If I ask Nezha to come out to see me, it’s better to have a good face, and everything will be at rest; if the Daoist brother hides, he is only afraid of the bright pearl and the sparrow, which will not be beautiful.”

I thought the real Taiyi would hand over Nezha.

I only heard Taiyi Zhenren say: "It's not difficult for him to come out, you only need to go to Yuxu Palace and see my head teacher. If he teaches you, I will be with you. Nezha was born under the imperial edict to help protect the Mingjun. , not my own.

When Shi Ji heard this, he was angry and said, "Don't use your uncle to oppress me.

The two of you come and go.

In the beginning, Shi Ji also respected him as a disciple of the teachings, and his tone was not so severe.

But the real Taiyi talked about Yuanshi Tianzun and the conferring of gods, which made Shiji very dissatisfied.

At best, he is no better than an outer disciple, and he didn't want to do much, but the other party was so ignorant of praise, so he could only do it once to see who's means were stronger. After all, he had to speak with strength.

Empress Shiji was furious, holding a sword in her hand, looking at the real person and slashing in the face. Taiyi Zhenren gave in, pulled back into the cave, took the sword and hung it in his hand, secretly pocketing something, and looked down at Kunlun Mountain in the east to worship, "This disciple is now on this mountain to kill."

The real Taiyi said as if he could deal with Shiji.

Although they are both golden immortals, their strengths are also different.

"Let this place be the turning point of the gods!" Zhou Fangyu looked at the mirror and smiled. After many years of arrangement, today is finally the time to blossom and bear fruit.

In the mirror, Shi Ji faced each other with swords. Because he was in the Kyushu barrier, his magical powers consumed a lot, and it was far less refreshing than close-up martial arts attacks. Taiyi Zhenren faced him with a whisk.

Because this Shiji is a chaotic stubborn petrified form, and Baihua Fairy helps him make up for the lost 270 spiritual charm, his physical body is also in the forefront among the disciples of the three sects, and this is how the Tongtian sect master bestows Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

Shi Ji, who has cultivated this magical power, is naturally not afraid of close combat.

In less than a moment, the real Taiyi was pressed and beaten by Shi Ji.

Taiyi Zhenren didn't expect the opponent's martial arts to be so good.

Taiyi swayed a little, and his palms were a little red. Shiji's power was beyond the expectations of Taiyi. I thought it was just a simple outer disciple.

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