In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 958 Shiji Jie Zhuan, Ziwei Arrives (Part 2)\r

Chapter 958 Shiji Jie Zhuan, Ziwei Arrives (Part 2)

At this time, Nezha had already cut his bones and returned his father and cut his flesh to his mother, leaving only his true spirit. Of course, it also meant that all the bequests brought by his reincarnation were gone. Now, if he was reincarnated, he would have lost his innate body.

It's a foregone conclusion, Zhou Fangyu has received the water mirror technique and is no longer watching.

"Although the incarnation of lotus is good, it has many drawbacks. It is far better than being born directly from the lotus." Zhou Fangyu thought so.

That Taiyi Daoist was obviously making Nezha the foundation. As long as the lotus lotus root is not low in quality, the incarnation of the lotus flower can indeed rapidly improve Nezha's strength, but the upper limit is given.

Unless this method is performed by Nuwa herself.

Now that Shi Ji's calamity is over, of course it doesn't mean she is safe and sound. Zhou Fangyu calculated it by the number of Ziwei battles. , it is unknown.

Now that this matter is over, it is time to wait for Jiang Ziya to go into exile in Xiqi and open Fengming Qishan.

However, Zhou Fangyu doesn't need to pay attention to these now. Starting from Shiji's robbery, it means that there are variables in the robbery of the gods.

Look above the nine heavens.

The good corpse of Zhou Fangyu also came out from Ziweixing, and it was also prepared properly. The bead chain in his hand flew out and changed rapidly. At the same time, Ziweixing was bright. With the brightening of Ziweixing, Zhou Tianxing was slowly changing one by one. shines.

Among them, even the light of the sun star is a bit bigger.

Emperor Ziwei looked at the sun star and looked at the location of the hibiscus tree.

"Isn't it time to be born~`?"

After taking a look, Ziwei Xing was the leader and began to run the Zhou Tian itinerary, and the bead chain in Zhou Fangyu's hand was slowly turned into stars, although it was not as good as the three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars.

But it is also a small star, the stars move around, and these repaired stars are slowly embedded in the Zhoutian star formation.

At the same time, this great formation, together with the tyrannical chaotic energy, fell into this week's star formation, and was "grinded" into innate spiritual energy by the formation, and slowly descended into the great wilderness. Of course, there are also Part of it falls into the Thirty-Three Heavens.

During the daytime, the spectacle of the prosperous stars appeared again in the wild.

Now that Chang'e has been born, as the star of the moon, Emperor Ziwei can no longer use the power of the star formation to drive the moon star to join the star formation of Zhou Tian.

However, at the moment when the spiritual energy dropped, the lunar star unexpectedly joined the great formation.

It is the first time that the three main stars in the stars of Zhou Tian have joined forces, but unfortunately no one can host the sun star.

Drive the entire Zhoutian Star Array by himself. Even with the help of the array flag, Emperor Ziwei is still under great pressure. This great formation will only work for an hour. When the new stars hang in the sky, it will stop running. .

After doing all this, some merits and virtues of the heavenly way fell, among which Zhou Fangyu got the big head, and a small part went to the Guanghan Palace of the moon star.

Haotian also sensed the changes in the heavens. Such changes have already occurred once, so it also means that Zhou Fangyu's avatar or three corpses have returned, and this time the stars have been restored.

However, I don't know if there will be any changes, and the Tongtian Sect Master of Jin'ao Island is also thoughtful.

After passing (to Zhao Hao) Shiji, he was also thinking about whether there were other ways out for the interception.

Haotian, on the other hand, greeted Taibai Xingjun immediately.

"..Xingjun Taibai, please go and invite Emperor Ziwei to discuss important matters. 33 Haotian seems a little urgent.

Yang Jian's matter, especially the matter of the gods list, has always had a knot in his heart.

As Hongjun's boy, Haotian already had a quarrel with Hongjun.

"Yes!" Taibaijinxing flew towards Ziweixing immediately.

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