In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 971 Heaven's Absolute Formation (1)\r

Chapter 971 Heaven's Absolute Formation (1)

The Ten Heavenly Lord went out of the island to set up the ten best formations, unless he planned to avenge the Four Sages of Kowloon Island, it was also because the formation method was slightly successful, and because the disciples of the teachings looked down on the disciples of the teachings, and the disciples of the teachings could not see the other party's high-ranking appearance.

It happened to have the idea of ​​​​using the formation to teach the other party.

In the Yin Shang camp, Shen Gongbao hurried back.

"Brother Wen Dao!" Shen Gongbao didn't think he was the second-generation disciple of Yuxu Palace. After all, Wen Zhong was a disciple of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, but unfortunately his cultivation was a little higher than himself.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Shen." Wen Zhong said calmly.

When Shen Gongbao came back, he naturally also saw the ten best formations between Xiqi and Yin Shang.

"Fellow Daoist, how is the battle?" Shen Gongbao asked eagerly.

This made Wen Zhong puzzled. After all, Shen Gongbao gave him the feeling that he was not arrogant or impetuous, except when talking about Jiang Ziya, he would have more words.

However, Wen Zhong still smiled and said: "Earlier, the red sperms from the teachings came to fight one after another, but the red sperms couldn't get any benefits. The only pity is that Jiang Ziya's soul was taken away. 35

Hearing Wen Zhong's words, Shen Gongbao's face sank, sure enough?

Although I had already guessed it in my heart, I didn't expect it to be the case.

"Daoist friend Shen, what's the matter? I would like to thank the Daoist friend for inviting ten Daoist friends here." Shi Tianjun was only a disciple of the outer sect. Although Wen Zhong was a third-generation disciple of the Interceptor, he was also called a Daoist friend.

"Since the red sperm has arrived, I am afraid that the other disciples of Chan Jiao will also arrive." Shen Gongbao said worriedly, if the Antarctic fairy godmother also arrived, it would be troublesome. Explain teaching the twelve golden immortals.

When Wen Zhong heard Shen Gongbao's words, he was stunned, but it was not because of the other disciples, but because of the name of Shen Gongbao, and he had a bit of understanding in his heart. Although he disdained the other party's fight with his fellow apprentice brothers, he also helped him.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, these ten daoists' formations can be described as exquisite and extraordinary. I have also heard my teacher praise these 10th formations, and now the ten daoists are still perfecting the formations. The longer the time goes, the more powerful these ten formations will be." Wen Zhong was not worried at all.

He is full of confidence in these ten battles.

He used to be a disciple of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, but he also practiced in the East China Sea. Fighting in the East China Sea can be said to be something that happens from time to time, especially the formation. The longer you give it, the more powerful it will be. , really committed suicide.

Because of the influence of the cultivation atmosphere in the East China Sea, Shi Tianjun did not relax after laying out the formation, and he continued to improve the formation, or should say, constantly supplement it. After all, this place on earth is not Kowloon Island.

··For flowers·...0

If according to the original "history", after the formation of the formation, as long as the opponent did not break into the formation, I am afraid that these ten heavenly kings are now drinking heavily in the Shang army.

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao was just a little relieved.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, the other party will order someone to fight tomorrow, and we can see it." In Wen Zhong's opinion, as long as Xiqi didn't have the help of the few Xiandao cultivators, he would have beaten him down long ago.


After a simple negotiation with Wen Zhong, Shen Gongbao immediately came to the battlefield, and the formation had been arranged, but he did not enter the formation easily, but looked at Xiqi in the distance.

Have a few senior brothers gone down the mountain? This should be the second time that the disciples of Chanjiao have intervened in the emperor's affairs! The first time was the Yellow Emperor. This time in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, although King Zhou was a little ignorant, he came to Shen Gongbao. It doesn't matter at all, he himself is a monk of immortality.

It's just that Shen Gongbao's heart is still very frightened when he thinks that he has to face his own senior brothers, and maybe his master.

"The silver lining is in the East China Sea! Is it Zhou Fangyu Tianzun? Or Master Tongtian?" Shen Gongbao murmured to himself.

As far as he wanted to come, these two were the only ones who could give him a chance in the East China Sea.


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