And Zhou Fangyu's family background can be checked.

In other words, his identity is innocent on the surface.

Therefore, many gods who know Zhou Fangyu's strength speculated whether he was an illegitimate child of the royal family, and his guardians were the guards of the royal family.

It is said that he has many guardians, but no one has seen them, that is, he said it himself.

But are there really none? So many people have seen those special races in the divine domain.

.... .... .......

In other words, Zhou Fangyu's guards may exist, but they are more mysterious.

As for why, they are all guards of big families, so it is normal to be a little mysterious.

Zhou Fangyu was grateful for Wu Shisan's assistance.

He took the things directly back to the divine domain.

"Out-of-domain war, hunting evil demons, and issuing mission rewards."

Everyone is used to it. The Lord always needs a few days to complete the judgment.

In fact, they don't know how embarrassed Zhou Fangyu is now in order to get resources for them.

After eliminating all the celestial beings, he put aside fifty units of the Supreme Divine Flame, and kept the rest for backup.

He had already realized how much the Supreme Divine Flame helped him improve his strength.

And just after these thirty days of practice, the human guardians also gave Zhou Fangyu a huge surprise.

Someone began to break through on his own.

This matter attracted Zhou Fangyu's attention.

He was not a genius, but just an ordinary, hard-working human.

He was the kind of martial arts fanatic who did not participate in any activities except practice.

Such a person who relied on his own perseverance to step by step to the earthly immortal realm and almost never took drugs.

His breakthrough was destined to make him a benchmark.

Zhou Fangyu paid great attention to his breakthrough and personally awarded him the reward of heaven.

It is a treasure that is extremely rare in the world of gods, and its value is equal to the Supreme Divine Flame.


Chapter 382

After this human broke through, golden light fell one after another, and there was a fusion rain of the Supreme Divine Flame and the treasure in it.

The two super treasures worked together to raise this person's cultivation level all the way up, directly from the earthly immortal realm to the high level of the heavenly immortal realm, and he was only one step away from perfection.

However, he still had to consolidate his foundation and digest the treasure energy of the divine realm.

These are all later stories.

This guy has become another peerless and unparalleled.

His name is very ordinary, called Zhao Wu.

He is the fifth child in the family. He is a little dull and stubborn. He does things meticulously and sees things directly to the essence.

His various personalities, ways of thinking, and ways of doing things, combined together, have made him such a super strong man.

It is not easy for a player to reach this level, and he can also break through to the heavenly immortal with his own strength. This is admirable.

Maybe some people say that he is lucky and just caught that opportunity.

Some people say it is because of his persistence.

Some people say it is the help of the master.

There are all kinds of speculations.

But Zhao Wu doesn't care. He is still doing himself, a stubborn cultivator.

The moment he became a celestial being, he once again fell into that kind of deep cultivation experience.

The tension and oppression of increasing strength bit by bit, accumulating strength, and breaking through strength made him immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

This is him, a super strong man who has been in the limelight and quickly forgotten.

Zhou Fangyu paid close attention to him because he was moved by this guy's leek attribute. Zhou Fangyu felt that his god realm improvement still depended on these extremely excellent leeks. Only by relying on them to improve his strength bit by bit, this is the most suitable leek for him.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu gave him a one mark, and only he felt that there seemed to be a transparent number on his body.

Although he couldn't see clearly what it was.

With such a goal, Zhou Fangyu paid attention to the super leeks among humans.

Because of the frequent wars of humans, the strength of humans has been greatly increased. Basically, half of humans have reached the earth fairyland, and now they are heading towards the heaven fairyland.

This is a great breakthrough.

As long as a large part of this group of strong men can reach the Heavenly Immortal Realm from the Earthly Immortal Realm again, his strength will really explode.

Zhou Fangyu selected some super leeks from these strong men, such as Zhao Wu, and made various marks.

Zhou Fangyu felt that these guys should just work hard to cultivate under his arrangement.

He was even willing to incarnate as Tiandao Hongjun to give them more lessons and tell them how to cultivate.

This is Zhou Fangyu's goal plan. He believes that sooner or later he can really train them into a cultivation machine.

The number of humans who have been reborn due to death is increasing, and coupled with the continuous fighting during this period, there are already a group of strong men who have cultivated again.

They have all died once and experienced death, so they cherish their realm more.

Of course, because they have died once, they are more active in cultivation.

They know that they are behind, and they can only compete for time again.

After experiencing death, these people have their own insights, and they already know how they should cultivate.

What impact did those wrong places in cultivation have on him in the future.

This also makes them more motivated and more perfect in their cultivation.

Among this group of people, many cultivation geniuses emerged.

They were wrong at the beginning, so they took a detour in their later improvement.

But after death, they replanned their own path, which gave them more room for strength improvement.

Although they are still behind the first echelon.

However, Zhou Fangyu believes that with their unyielding heart, they will catch up sooner or later.

Among them, he also selected a lot of super leeks and numbered them.

Because of several wars among humans, there are many undercurrents.

"Sir, recently we found that many people have begun to investigate the entire God's Domain."

"They are analyzing the composition of the God's Domain, as well as various copies, wars, demonic events, etc. since the upgrades."

"They found that this is a real world."

Hades listened to the report of her subordinates, and she frowned, "Really? This is a real world, is there any problem?"

"They believe that the gods are the Lords, and are just gods, not real gods. They are just a kind of life that is so powerful that it is unimaginable. ........."

"Well, is there any problem? They are right." Hades nodded, indicating that she agreed with their views. This is something she knew many years ago.

"They want to study a way to leave the God's Domain and go to the real world of gods. Maybe, there they can become real gods."

"Oh, do you think they are defecting from the prehistoric God's Domain?" Hades, the king of the underworld, asked with a smile.

The person who reported was sweating profusely. In fact, he was sent by those people to test Hades.

And just now, he knew that Hades, the king of the underworld, had seen through their thoughts long ago.

Even many of their ideas are exactly the same as theirs.

But there is one thing, that is, they believe that the God's Domain is limited. Instead of being trapped here, it is better to find a way to break the confinement of the God's Domain, leave here, and go to the real world of gods.

Obviously, the Hades is not satisfied with this point. The Lord of Gods has worked hard to train you, and you actually want to defect? ​​Damn it.

If you want to leave the God's Domain, you can apply for the Lord of God's gift. I believe that the Lord of God is a good person to talk to.

But you actually want to break the God's Domain directly, which is completely intolerable.

Are you sure that there is a world of gods outside the God's Domain?

Are you sure that the world of gods is really suitable for you.

The Hades is not a fool. She will try to practice in the world of gods every time she fights.

But she found that there is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth, but there is divine power. Although it is rich, it cannot be practiced directly.

Because Zhou Fangyu's God's Domain is completely connected with his breath.

So as his God's Domain race, they can use divine power.

But the divine power outside is either ownerless or mixed with various attributes, which is not a good environment for them.

Therefore, Hades knew long ago that they could not survive if they left the prehistoric divine domain.

Because they need a prehistoric world with innate spiritual energy.

Instead of escaping from here, it is better to concentrate on cultivation and look forward to their strength to a higher level.

Maybe one day the Lord of God is happy, and it is not impossible for them to go to the divine realm.

Zhou Fangyu did not pay attention to these for the time being, but stared at the guys with the ancient god bodies of the new generation. .

Chapter 383

The thirty-six thunder gods, the fighting saint Buddha, the golden cicada, the purifier of the altar, the three-eyed god, the thunder Zhenzi and other new generations.

Their strength improvement has exceeded Zhou Fangyu's imagination.

In theory, they, as a new generation, will never surpass other strong men who have been practicing for a long time.

However, when he saw one child after another break through to the realm of heavenly immortals.

He was confused. Three thousand new generation geniuses, each with his own unique bloodline.

Zhou Fangyu thought that it was not an exaggeration to call it the body of the innate demon god.

It was this group of extremely powerful little guys that gave Zhou Fangyu a huge surprise.

Three thousand new generations have basically reached the peak of the earthly immortal realm.

The three-eyed god, a little guy who is only a few years old, organized a grand breakthrough banquet.

He understood their specialness early on and was proud of it.

He wanted to attract more attention and get the blessing of the Lord of God.

So, he taught a lesson to those extremely powerful innate demon god bodies who thought they were monsters, gods, and strong men.

He became the nominal leader of these people.

Although it is embarrassing to recognize such a little guy as the boss.

But it is much better than being beaten up by such a little guy in public.

So these conceited, arrogant, ignorant, and arrogant little guys made such a scene.

Three thousand innate demon god bodies broke through at the same time.

When he received the prayer of the three-eyed god in his heart, he was immediately attracted.

To give these young people some encouragement.

Rarely, Zhou Fangyu showed a pair of humane eyes in the sky.

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