The most important thing is that even in such a situation, the strength of the demons remains the same, and there will be no decline or surge.

In the demons, there is almost no such thing as promotion.

What strength a demon is born with is destined to be that strength for his whole life.

Their status is almost fixed.

Of course, here we are talking about almost.

In tens of millions of years, there will always be a few demons who can grow.

Although there are not many.

The night owl that Zhou Fangyu is responsible for is such a strong man.

And the reason why he betrayed is because such demons are incompatible with traditional demons.

Of course, this also made him bored and could only get these trivial things.

Zhou Fangyu somewhat understood why he was chosen to be the reception envoy.

The work here is really too boring, and he can only worry about these trivial things.

Zhou Fangyu directly summoned his villa in the camp and worked here.

He didn't care about him, which was considered to give him certain privileges.

With his learning ability, things here are very simple to handle.

He can handle three days of intelligence once.

Most of them are useless garbage information.

Basically, they are thrown away after just a glance.

Most of the time, he is practicing.

Occasionally, he will take some time to go to another space in the villa to do things with his first love.

However, because of the speed of time flow inside.

Even if a long time has passed here, the time over there is still not too long.

Just like this time on the battlefield, it has been several months.

But only a few days have passed over there.

Zhou Fangyu has been sleeping at home these days.

At least that's what his father told him after he woke up.

Living a leisurely junior high school life with Ahri makes Zhou Fangyu feel extremely happy.

This also makes Zhou Fangyu more eager to see Ahri in the main world.

I heard that she is also on the battlefield, but I don't know which camp she is in.

It's so dangerous here, is it really suitable for a weak woman like him?

But thinking of his current job, maybe she is doing some clerical work in the camp.

Zhou Fangyu also asked about her, but the battlefield of gods and demons is too big, and he couldn't find her for a while.

I'm afraid I can only ask the old marshal, but unfortunately I don't have the power to ask him about these little things.

Just ask slowly.

Go to school with Ahri every day and enjoy a period of reunion.

He will come out to continue his battlefield career.

In addition to practicing and sorting out materials every day, he goes to the merit office and the battlefield store most frequently.

He has a lot of military merits, so much that he can reach the exchange limit in the camp every day.

It's not that he can't exchange it, but there are only so many storage materials in the camp, which need to be replenished every day. After each replenishment, it will be exchanged by Zhou Fangyu soon.

Now the staff of the merit office have a headache when they see Zhou Fangyu.

Although they also have merit rewards for exchanging items, that is, if they exchange more merits every day, they will also have corresponding commissions.

It is also to give them a certain incentive effect, otherwise no gods would be willing to come for such a leisurely but time-consuming job.

So, Zhou Fangyu is like a poison, painful and happy.

Every time Zhou Fangyu comes, they have a headache and a busy day, but they count money until their hands cramp afterwards.

They actually envied Zhou Fangyu's strength more.

He was obviously just a high-level god, but he had so many merits to talk about. It was really annoying.

Some time ago, Wu Qifeng found him. Because the situation on the front battlefield was getting more and more unfavorable, many powerful gods who had retreated from the battlefield began to deal with the supplies in their hands. In order to facilitate them, someone would open a black market trade fair.

At that time, many strong people would come and sell the useless things in their hands in exchange for useful things.

Zhou Fangyu was also secretly happy, because he asked, he could use merits to participate in the auction. On the battlefield, the value of merits is actually not low.

Because Zhou Fangyu is a newcomer, he can't use merits to improve his status for the time being.

However, if he is an old man with a lot of merits, he can even apply to establish a new battle camp alone.

As for the old camp, it is definitely impossible to let a person with only merits and no experience lead it.

Only a new camp can be built.

This is also the way many super families arrange promotion channels for their children.

Build a new war camp, recruit family warriors, and then have a few more decent battles on the battlefield.

The promotion after that will be a smooth road.

While looking forward to the auction, Zhou Fangyu continued his salted fish life.

This kind of life lasted for a month.

During this period, he accumulated a lot of Supreme Divine Flame and ordinary Divine Flame.

· ··········Please give me flowers

Due to the special nature of the Supreme Divine Flame, only four units can be produced every day.

Although it is still very little, it is much better than the previous one unit a day.

"System, can you increase the output of the Supreme Divine Flame? The current output is too low, which has seriously limited my strength enhancement."

"Ding, the system prompts that the main component of the Supreme Divine Flame contains the Supreme Power, which is a special power generated by the Supreme-level strongman's understanding of the way of heaven.

If the host wants to increase production, it must obtain a large amount of supreme power, and the system can help the host synthesize it. "

The supreme power?

"Is there supreme power in the Supreme Godhead or in the Supreme God Realm?"

"Ding, what the host said is absolutely correct. Only the Supreme Godhead, Divine Body, Divine Domain, and Divine Soul all contain the power of the Supreme."

.... ..... 0

Zhou Fangyu was silent. It was a bit difficult to kill a Supreme.

Shaking his head, he threw this unrealistic idea behind him.

He can't even kill an immortal god.

Even dealing with the peak gods takes a long time and requires human lives to pile up.

Or a situation where he is completely surrounded by water, land and air.

Ordinary peak gods would not let themselves fall into such a desperate situation.

Things like the last time the demon clan carried a coffin slave were rare.

Because of the special characteristics of this race, they usually believe that they must win in battle, and naturally they must die if they lose.

For the demons who worship death, these are more in line with their values.

"The auction is about to begin. Brother Zhou, come with me." Wu Qifeng came to Zhou Fangyu's camp one night wearing a mask.

"Okay." Zhou Fangyu also put on the mask that he had prepared long ago. He had been looking forward to this auction for a long time.

After all, many things are really only available at auction.

This time, Zhou Fangyu decided to go shopping on a shopping spree.

He is no longer the newborn god.

This time, the people contacted were no longer those small families and small forces with little strength.

Those who arrived this time were all super bosses and powerful bosses from the military.

The things in their hands are absolutely rare.

Zhou Fangyu even felt that Wu Qifeng found him because he was noticed for his merits.

Otherwise, even if he is a high-level god, no matter how good his relationship is with others, he may not be called to such high-level auctions.

Not on the same level.


Chapter 387

Following Wu Qifeng came out, one with a cat head mask and the other with a dog head mask.

As for why Wu Qifeng chose dog heads, only the devil knows what his hobby is.

Zhou Fangyu was taken out of the headquarters camp.

They lurked cautiously along the way, as if they were afraid of being followed behind them.

Zhou Fangyu found it funny. This was quite interesting. He was so careful. It seemed he really didn't want to be discovered.

Are you afraid of being caught?

This guy was mysteriously taken to an abandoned warehouse. It was a big place with many empty wooden boxes. I didn't know what was inside.

Zhou Fangyu and the others were waiting here, and he always felt like a pair of eyes were staring at him.

It wasn't until half an hour later that he was finally led away by a masked man in black.

It was as if he had just been censored.

"You know all the rules!" the man in black said.

Wu Qifeng nodded, his hoarse voice came out, and his voice actually changed, as if his breath was disguised, like an old lady, "Understood!"

There was silence all the way after that.

He was taken to a dark camp, which had long been surrounded by countless men in black, like a military base.

And when they walked in, there was no obstruction. There were many people here, but they did not speak, and they were all extremely silent. At the same time, the men in black were like tool men, and behind each man in black were one or two people participating in the auction. people.

The rigor here is comparable to that of a military base.

When they entered a large tent in the center, they actually entered a teleportation formation.

This is not the most central auction venue.

It's just an auction, right?

They were then teleported to a stone room.

There wasn't any equipment or anyone else, just the three of them.

"Transactions can use meritorious deeds or divine flames, and the mutual ratio will be based on the meritorious deeds. Whatever is needed can be directly auctioned."

After saying that, he cast a spell directly and transformed into a touch screen similar to a computer screen.

He is a tool man as he continues to cast spells.

Wu Qifeng smiled and said to Zhou Fangyu, "Just wait, it will start soon."

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