In the Service Club, Shizuka Hiratsuka had disappeared without a trace.

Outside the empty classroom, the window was gently opened by the breeze. In the deserted classroom, the lively noise and humming outside the window could be heard faintly.

In a pleasant environment, Su Yun listened to Yukino sharing the concept of the Service Club with him.

He had an illusion that it was not something that came out of thin air. Although the Yukino in front of him was still very naive, she did not have the awkward personality like in the original book. She seemed to want to be friends with me.

Su Yun was a little surprised that the Nekono in this anime world was much better than her in this period of the original book. She could actually make friends actively, and her vision was surprisingly good. She found him.

"Therefore, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. This is the core principle of the Service Club."

Finally, Yukinoshita Yukino finished her introduction to the Service Club, and then looked at Su Yun with confidence.

"How is it, Su Yun? What do you think? Are you interested in the activities of the Service Club?"

"Yukinoshita-san, you are really kind and smart." Yukinoshita Yukino saw that Su Yun did not express his opinion on the Service Club, but praised her. After a short time together, she relaxed a little and finally returned to her true nature.

"Su Yunjun, even if you praise me like this, I won't like you........."

Seeing Xue Nai drifting away, Su Yun quickly reached out and stopped her from speaking harshly to him.

"Yukinoshita-san, have you ever thought about doing something for your sister first?"

Yukino was a little confused by the question.

"Sister? Why does that perfect guy need me?......"Xue Nai, who was answering Su Yun's question, looked a little depressed, and her voice became deeper and deeper.

Su Yun smiled when he saw Xue Nai like this.

"Yukinoshita-san, where is your rationality when facing your family?"

"Think about Aunt Yukinoshita's personality. Why do you think you can move out of the house so easily? Does Yang No really like to laugh so much? You can't even laugh, how can Yang No?"

The person involved is confused, but the bystander is clear. Yukino, who was reminded by Su Yun, reacted immediately, but she felt even more lost knowing that all the burdens were on Yang No. She didn't even care why Su Yun knew all this.

She couldn't do anything and could only let Yang No bully and tease her, if this could make her elder sister feel better.............

Su Yun was very satisfied with Xue Nai's expression at this time, which meant that the prerequisites for his own pleasure plan had been met. Now was the time for him to abduct underage girls.

"I have a good idea, Yukinoshita-san."

Su Yun threw down the cat toy, and sure enough, the"cat" took the bait.

"Please be sure to tell me in detail, Su Yun-san." Xue No looked at Su Yun with a serious and cute expression with a hint of expectation, and her long black silk legs were tightly together under the table.

"I think your family still helps you with your daily living expenses, Yukinoshita-san."

"Is such that...."Xueno blushed a little

"Then let's start with the first step, financial independence. If you can support yourself, I'm sure your mother will be relieved."

After hearing what Su Yun said, Xue No also understood.

"Are you going to let me do a part-time job, Su Yun?"

Seeing that Xue Nai didn't give the answer he wanted, Su Yun also sighed. Xue Nai is good in every way, but she is too stupid in some things.

"Isn't this putting the cart before the horse? Your mother and sister should have told you that you don't need to work part-time, right?"

"They did say that........"

"Your sister and mother are right. I also think that simply working part-time is a waste of time for you."

Xue Na was confused. How could she get the money without working part-time? How could she be financially isolated without money? Did she have to rob a bank? Or worse, did she have to be a stray cat and open a treasure chest?

Ignoring the confused Xue Na, Su Yun continued to deceive her.

"Although part-time jobs may have this problem, club activities will not. Not only can you make money, but you can also touch your dreams to a certain extent. Yukinoshita-san"

"Club activities?"

Yukino couldn't understand why her club activities could be so beneficial. She couldn't think of how to do it.

"Yes, step out of this small Sobu High School, a society that can't even be called a society. You should have a wider space for activities."

"And I will introduce you to a beautiful white-haired teacher who is young, promising, kind-hearted, and has many years of volunteer experience. Please accept my kindness generously, Yukinoshita classmate."

Su Yun's high-pitched tone aroused Yukino's emotions. Her gratitude for Su Yun's help, her guilt towards her sister, and her expectation of seeing Yukino's mother's praise all converged at this moment, making her utter that word.


"Very good, very energetic. Let's meet Yukinoshita in the club room tomorrow. Before that, you can"look forward" to the future."

After saying all these words in a row, Su Yun did not give Yukino time to react, but walked out of the service club's classroom and closed the door. He wanted to leave some space for the girl who was daydreaming at this moment.

Even without looking, Su Yun could imagine what kind of charm the girl who was fantasizing about a beautiful future would exude. Takina, who also has long black hair and is Chitose's childhood sweetheart and 1 in 10, are you sweating profusely at this moment?

Su Yun smiled happily...................

Su Yun's side was progressing smoothly. As expected, Yukino had been kicked out of the service club's small classroom by him.

But in contrast, Tomoya Aki's game plan encountered serious obstacles in the first step, and the promoter of the first step was none other than the representative in black silk legs: the beautiful girl genius writer Kasumi Shiko. Kasumigaoka

Shiha is different from Tomoya Aki. As a top ten student in the senior year of Sobu, she is still very smart.

After deciding to help Tomoya Aki make the game, Kasumigaoka Shiha listed out a plan of what needs to be completed at each step.

And money is the first hurdle in front of them.

Since Kasumigaoka Shiha decided to quickly make the game and get rid of Tomoya Aki, she would go all out. She didn't include Tomoya Aki, who was a drag, in the plan, and this bespectacled otaku probably doesn't have much money. Even if he had some, he wouldn't take it out, right? After all, it's great to use it to buy figures. Anyway, she and Eriri are working for free. Kasumigaoka Shiha smiled sarcastically.

That is, it was just her and Eriri. She certainly couldn't let Eriri pay, and her royalties had already been used to pay off her father's debts........

Therefore, Kasumigaoka Utaha, who couldn't afford a penny, came up with a good idea

, which was to set up a club to get investment from the school.

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