After being thrown off by Su Yun, Fu also reacted at this time.

"Commander, why are you kneeling? We are not afraid of death, get up quickly!"

Nanmu certainly understood that these Likolis who were adopted since childhood were not afraid of death, but the ending of being eaten alive was too tragic for these girls who had never enjoyed life.

""Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You really gave me a good show, Commander Nanmu."

After laughing wildly, Su Yun clapped his hands, and then said in a gentle tone

"Everyone did a great job and did not disappoint Commander Nanmu and me. It was just a real-life exercise......It also allows us to see many of the problems that Licolis is facing today."

"So, what are you all still standing there for? Go back and write your self-criticisms."

Not fooled by Su Yun's words, the smart Likolis asked

"But, you clearly killed Jie and broke Fu's arm.........."

Su Yun smiled without saying anything, then walked to the side of Fu, who had small pearls falling from her eyes, and touched her arm, and it returned to its original state. Yes, Su Yun used the reversal technique. This morning, he drew the Sukuna template upgrade card in the daily draw. As a result, his progress increased from 12% to 17%. This only 5% progress increase brought him a huge surprise. The reversal technique is just one of them.........

Fu looked at his arm in disbelief and even moved it a bit. It was clearly broken, but now....

The Likolis who saw this thought it was some new technology and asked

"What about the knot?"

"Silly girls, take a closer look. Is she really dead?

The Likolis turned to look at the earth pit where Su Yun had planted the knot. Beside the earth pit, a red-dressed Likolis covered in dust was coughing.

While the Likolis turned to look at the knot, Su Yun used his eyes to warn Nanmu and Fu, who knew the truth.

The two were a little dazed by this shocking reversal. Fu even cast a puzzled look at the commander who was in a daze.

The look seemed to be saying, is it really the commander who asked you to act? But why did he break my arm? It hurts.....

Nanmu's mind was full of question marks at this time, but more of it was the joy of surviving the disaster. She knew that she had to cooperate with Su Yun to pretend.

The commander stood up, straightened his back, restored his expressionless face, and took out the loudspeaker.

"To be honest, I am very disappointed with you this time. The operation was full of loopholes. Only Fu's performance was remarkable. So, go back and review it for me now."

Likolis saw the commander speak, and then she began to believe that this was really acting.

It's just that the commander was willing to spend so much money this time.

These high-tech equipment can even block bullets out of thin air.

I guess it must be a sky-high price.

As for that man, he should just be a more advanced modified warrior, right?.........

The Likolis had figured out everything in their heads, and then they formed pairs of three or two and followed the commander's orders to go back and write their self-reviews........

Only the commander and Fu were left.

Su Yun waved Fu to let Fu pass, and Fu turned to look at Commander Nanmu. Seeing the commander nodded, Fu had no choice but to walk to the side of this"violent maniac" reluctantly.

"You are very familiar with Qian Shu, but it's a pity that she is in someone else's shape now."

Seeing Su Yun say this, Fu suddenly became anxious.

"Who is familiar with that guy? What does she have to do with me?"

Just when he said this, he clenched his fist tightly.

Su Yun saw it but did not point it out, just jokingly said

"Your hairstyle and eyes together really deduct a lot of points. From the perspective of young men, you are at least three or four levels lower than Takina."

After hearing Su Yun say the name she hated and his analysis of her appearance, this annoying guy, Fu was angry but didn't dare to do anything. It was because it was too painful to have her arm twisted.

"But you don't have to be sad, at least you can do something for Qianshu now, right?"

"So, now tell me, besides you, Qianshu's teammate, who can contact her every day when Qianshu is still working at the Likolis headquarters?"

Fu's not very flexible brain couldn't figure out why Su Yun asked this, but hearing his serious tone, he thought about it carefully.

After a minute, Fu, who was sure that his idea was correct, said

"It should be the doctor who checks our Likolis's physical condition every day. You know we may go on a mission at any time, so we must maintain good condition...."

"Oh, doctor? Okay, I got it, Fu, thank you."

After saying that, Su Yun turned around and went to find Commander Nanmu. Fu, looking at his back, curled her lips. This bastard actually said thank you?

Commander Nanmu found that Su Yun was walking towards her after talking to Fu, so she quickly straightened her body and greeted this madman whom she couldn't afford to offend with the most respectful attitude.

"Commander Nanmu, let's go inside and talk. I just happen to have something important to discuss with you.

Commander Nanmu couldn't say no when he heard this. He hurriedly led the way for Su Yun.

The headquarters of Likolis was still very luxurious........Entering from the main entrance is a high-tech security gate, with a strong industrial texture coming from it.

Not long after passing the security gate, there is a gorgeous multi-layer indoor fountain. When the big shots come to inspect, they say that this can effectively relieve the psychological pressure of the girls. Isn't that the funding?

Su Yun and Commander Nanmu were passing by the fountain at this time, walking on the way to Nanmu's command room. The two were silent all the way. Nanmu was thinking about something and didn't dare to take the initiative to bring up the topic with Su Yun; while Su Yun was just thinking.

What he was thinking about was very simple.

When he first saw Jinmu Qianshu, he found that Qianshu had a congenital problem with her heart, and now she was using an artificial heart provided by the Yalan Agency.

But he didn't think that the Yalan Agency would leave Qianshu in a pure state like in the anime, and only take action when Qianshu was 16 years old. Are they so confident in their technology? Do you think this artificial heart can be maintained without any accidents until Qianshu is 16 years old? Don't be ridiculous, reality is not a game. If the heart has an accident for unknown reasons, then wouldn't their investment in the Yalan Agency be as ridiculous as a joke?

So, Su Yun has reason to suspect that they are always monitoring Chitsuki's situation.

Chitsuki is now in the LycoReco coffee shop, and is being watched over by Mika, a guy who has connections with Yoshimatsu of the Alan Agency.

But in fact, Chitsuki did not go to the LycoReco coffee shop immediately after the artificial heart was transplanted. He just asked Commander Kusunoki on the way, and Mika went to the LycoReco coffee shop right after Chitsuki had the artificial heart transplanted.

I don't know what the original work is like, anyway, in Su Yun's anime world, there was a period of time when there was only Chitsuki but no Mika in the Lycolis headquarters.

Then when Chitsuki was working at the Lycolis headquarters, there was always a guy who reported the situation of Chitsuki's heart. At the beginning, Su Yun suspected Chitsuki's teammate Fu. Even if she was an orphan adopted by the Lycolis organization, so what? Su Yun didn't think that the Alan Agency didn't even have this ability to rebel.

And is that guy really talentless? At least in the world of Soman where ghouls and demons and monsters exist, her acquired abilities are more valuable than Qianzhu's innate talents for fighting.

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