The sun is shining brightly, and a beautiful spring scene is presented on an unknown street in Chiba City.

Girls wearing JK clothes show their good figures and adolescent vitality to passers-by without any concealment. What is eye-catching is that there are many couples among them. I guess they are singing praises of their youth as modern people. As for grades, that kind of thing is not important to them........

But accidents often happen in the midst of calm

""Get out, get out of the way, don't block the road!!"

The people who were basking in the sun were suddenly startled by the roar. Unlike the people of Longguo, they would rush forward to watch when encountering an emergency. As ordinary people, they knew the ability of their own police and domestic security, so they quickly avoided the source of the voice. But there are always people who can't avoid it because of panic, and the hot girl Fujimine Akane and her boyfriend from the popular group are the two unlucky ones who can't avoid it.

As popular people in school, they were paralyzed by their youthful life and their sense of crisis. When they saw a robber rushing towards them, they panicked.

It was because they were in the direction of the robber and saw clearly that the robber was not holding a knife, but a.........Guns

You have to know that Japan is a country with very strict gun control. They have never seen such a real thing. While they were stunned, the robber shouted:"You two little ghosts don't want to live, get out of here!"

The first one to react was the boy in the couple. He struggled to break free from the hands of the two people, and then ran to the side by himself.

The girl was left there by him.

Fortunately, the robber did not kill the girl, but just pushed her aside and continued to rush forward. Maybe he was amused by the boy's behavior.

After the robber passed the girl, what caught his eye was Su Yun, who did not leave and was supposed to come shopping.

"Hey, don't you want to live?.......Small......"Oh, oh!"

The robber should have threatened Su Yun loudly, but the strong sense of death made him shut his mouth quickly.

What kind of look was that? Cruelty and violence were not enough to describe it. To be precise, it was more like a disregard for life. So, the robber turned and rushed into the alley against his will. Although this was out of his original route, it was nothing compared to his life. He had not enjoyed the money he had robbed with great difficulty yet......At this moment, the robber chose to believe his own feelings.

Su Yun, who was watching the robber fleeing, felt very confused. Did he look so scary? Although he was a little angry when he saw the robber rushing towards him without any eyes and trying to make him avoid him, he was not going to cut the robber in half on the street with a"solution". If he did so, he would probably have no peace in the future. He still wanted to enjoy his two-dimensional life.

Su Yun just wanted to use his magic power to subdue the robber and teach him a lesson for bumping into him. Who knew that this guy would be so smart and just run away. Let him run away

, Su Yun would not take the initiative to chase the robber. Why should he be responsible for the pot caused by the Japanese police?

However, looking at the good show the robber brought him before rushing towards him, he did not hesitate to praise the robber.

"I was really wrong, Qian, I didn't think so much at that time, it's just, it's just........

"The boy who left his girlfriend behind was practicing the Japanese style, the spirit of craftsmanship, and kept bowing and apologizing to the girl who was left behind; it was obvious who had a higher status in the live-action circle.

The girl ignored the boy, and just stared coldly at the boy's insincere apology with her hot girl friends.

Without watching any more, Su Yun knew that this guy was finished, school violence and rumors would find him one after another, and his glorious deeds would probably be known to all the teachers and students in the school.

Su Yun was about to leave after watching the show, when some JK girls attracted his attention. With bright movements and neat uniforms, the girls rushed to the alley where the robbers just disappeared.

Is that Licorice? These girls were not unfamiliar to Su Yun, but they were wearing uniforms and thought that their assassination was secretive, which still made him speechless.

As for why they found an ordinary robber, the answer was very simple. Su Yun immediately thought of the gun in the robber's hand. The gun itself was not important. What was important was how the robber got the gun, or how this kind of lethal thermal weapon flowed into Qianye. It seemed that there was fun to watch, and Su Yun thought with some pleasure..............

Su Yun, who had been wandering blindly on the street for a long time, could sense more deeply what kind of filth was hidden under the bright neon lights with his cursed power.

He only needed a few"solutions" to completely wipe out everything that was bothering him. This sense of unreality made him feel a little dazed. For the first time, he could understand Sukuna's loneliness a little bit

, the loneliness brought about by the power that was incompatible with the world.

Fortunately, Su Yun was different from Sukuna. Sukuna was a person who didn't care about anything. It didn't matter to Sukuna whether he died or you died. As long as he could be happy, that was enough.

Su Yun still had many things he wanted to do in his previous life but couldn't do, so he wouldn't use all means to have fun like Sukuna did. He wasn't bored to that extent.

So now Su Yun was going to take the first step and start his first meal in this world, but he wouldn't eat in an ordinary place.

Unconsciously, he walked away from the noisy street and came to a sparsely populated small intersection. Now in front of him was the famous

LycoReco coffee shop, the secret base of LycoReco. Without staying outside the door for long, Su Yun pushed the door open and saw a beautiful girl with short white yellowish hair and bright red eyes.

"There are guests coming...........!"The young waitress rushed to Su Yun with great energy, and pointed to the table that had just been polished to a shine with her white and tender hands.

""Dear guest, please take a seat here. What would you like to eat? We recommend Nishiki Chitsuka's special colorful ice cream tower!"

After saying that, Nishiki Chitsuka looked straight at Su Yun with his sparkling eyes.

Su Yun suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, he was a special attacker with white hair and red pupils.

He had to slow down a bit.

Just when Su Yun was thinking about whether to have a so-called special ice cream tower as Nishiki Chitsuka wished, a beautiful girl with long black hair dressed as a waitress walked out quickly from the staff area at the back, and then stepped forward and grabbed Nishiki Chitsuka's ear.

"Qianshu, you are forcing the guests again.....How long have I been away?"

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