"Don't dirty your hands because of this guy, Kato-san."

Hearing this familiar voice, Kato Megumi quickly put away her kagune and eyes and pretended to be a normal person.

Su Yun laughed at this scene.

"It's okay, Hui, even if I know your identity, we are still friends, right?"

Yes, when Su Yun heard Kato Hui's words of defending him, he carefully recalled his memories of this life before he awakened his memories of his previous life.

He was surprised to find that he actually had a childhood sweetheart. The Hui in front of him was the friend he helped in junior high school.

Knowing that he had been exposed, Kato Hui simply stopped hiding, and showed his bright eyes in front of Su Yun, and said with a helpless tone

"Can you keep it a secret for me, Su Yun?"

"Needless to say, this is a secret between the two of us~"

Kato Megumi didn't know at this time that her scumbag classmate had just teased a mature older sister. When she heard him say that, her face immediately turned red.

Su Yun saw Kato Megumi's cute expression and touched her chin with his hand. It seems that the emotions of this One-Eyed King Hui-chan are much richer than those in the original work, at least they can be shown on her face.

However, Hui-chan's cute appearance will be appreciated later. The most important thing now is to deal with the third person who knows their secret.

"Can you go out for a while? Hui-chan, the following scene is a little bloody, not suitable for young girls to watch~"

Hearing Su Yun say this, Hui's expression changed from shy to confused. Could it be bloodier than the current scene? She is a ghoul, she has seen everything, but when she thinks about it, Su Yun didn't have any expression when he saw her crime scene.

I'm afraid Su Yun is not simple either. It's better for me to listen to him. After all, isn't it more fun to do revenge by myself?

"Well, Su Yun, I'll leave it to you. I'll wait for you outside~"

After agreeing to Su Yun, Kato Hui lightly stepped out of the alley and gracefully retreated to the outside of the alley to guard Su Yun.

After seeing Kato Hui leave, Su Yun narrowed his eyes, looked at the yellow-haired man who was still kneeling, and began to practice the accuracy of his spell.

The content of the training was very simple, which was to output"solution" with different trace amounts of spell power, but this was very unfriendly to the yellow-haired man.


""Ahhh, hiss, hiss."

The screams coming from the alley made Kato Hui twitch her lips. She really underestimated Su Yun.

As time passed, the screams from the yellow-haired man became weaker and weaker, until it was completely quiet. Only the subtle noise of the crowd in the distance could be heard.

Su Yun appeared in front of her at a speed that Kato Hui had no time to react to. This made Kato Hui's pupils shrink suddenly, but before she could ask anything, Su Yun took the lead and said

"Now that we have dealt with the troublemakers, let's have a good reunion after a long absence, Hui-chan"

"But doesn’t the scene need to be dealt with? Even if the principal helps to clean up the mess, it will always be troublesome if we are discovered, Su Yun."

Su Yun smiled and pointed to the depths of the alley, motioning Hui to go and have a look herself.

Hui was also very curious about what Huangmao looked like after experiencing that kind of scream, so she did not object to Su Yun and once again returned to the crime scene to find out. But when she got there, she found that Huangmao had disappeared, and only a large pool of blood on the ground revealed what had just happened. This little bit of blood would soon disappear without a trace.

Su Yun is really not simple. Kato Hui became even more curious about this good friend of hers in junior high school...........

It's a pity that the store manager and his friends' food was ruined. I should have told Su Yun to leave a whole body.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, it wasn't just Huang Mao who participated in bullying Su Yun in the class. I can just find another one later.

Yes, Kato Megumi and Huang Mao were not a coincidence...........But she had planned it long ago.

The yellow-haired matter was resolved. It seemed that Su Yun had also remembered her. It was a smooth day.

Kato Hui was like a spring breeze, her whole face revealed her virtuousness and gentleness, and she spoke softly.

"Then let's go, classmate Su Yun, we haven't seen each other for so long, I have a lot to say to you."

Seeing Hui-chan like this, Su Yun probably understood why the senior sister and the golden-haired loser were defeated. For a man, she was too lethal.

Of course, for Su Yun, face is secondary. He cares more about the interesting soul. At this time, Hui can be said to be the character who is the most different from the original so far.

From an ordinary beautiful high school student with low presence, she directly became a famous rare one-eyed ghoul.

The story of Hui-chan really made him curious, so he invited Kato Hui.

"Do you want to come to my house and have a good chat?"


Kato Hui looked puzzled for a moment, but soon returned to her calm and gentle appearance and nodded gently...............

Neon nights are not actually safe, gangsters are everywhere.

Su Yun and Kato Hui took the tram to his home. They did not choose the spacious and bright avenue, but chose the dark and deserted path.

Kato Hui had no objection to his behavior, and still had a sweet smile on her face.

But today seems to be the lucky day for the gangsters. They have already arrived in front of Su Yun’s apartment, and no blind guy came to rob these two seemingly"weak" students.

"It seems that classmate Su Yun miscalculated. Is he disappointed?"

"Hui-chan, are you so sinister? I didn't know that when I was in junior high school."

Su Yun looked at Kato Hui who was laughing secretly with her hands covering her mouth in front of the apartment door, and said speechlessly

"People always change, don't they? Okay, Su Yun, let's go in. I'm curious about what your home is like and whether there are such books."

Su Yun looked at Kato Hui and thought to himself,"You're going to be disappointed, Hui-chan. I've dealt with those things a long time ago."

"Then we'll wait and see, Hui-chan."

While they were talking, they slowly came to the door of Su Yun's house. However, accidents always happen suddenly. The foreshadowing that Su Yun had laid before finally hurt him.

In front of the anti-theft door of Su Yun's house, there were two girls in"uniforms". One had short white and yellowish hair, and the other had long straight black hair that was quite popular in Japan. Seeing

Su Yun approaching, the white-haired beauty girl regained her vitality from her wilted state and rushed to Su Yun with a gust of wind.

"Brother, you are finally back!!! Takina and I have been waiting for you for a long time!!!"

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