You took the bait, Hui-chan. Kato Hui really lived up to Su Yun's expectations by choosing a game where people with strong physical fitness and reaction speed take advantage.

I really disappoint you, Hui-chan..........I hope we will have another chance to play games together after this, after all, the scenes that will be shown later are going to be quite brutal.

"Okay, Hui-chan, let's get started. You must be merciful~"

"I will, classmate Su Yun, you don’t have to be polite to me, just come over!".............

As time went by, the dark clouds gradually pressed over the sky. Outside the bright room, it began to drizzle. At this time, sitting by the window, sipping a cup of tea, listening to the sound of the rain, and looking at the hazy scenery outside the window, how comfortable would it be?

But Kato Megumi couldn't feel comfortable at all

, because in the living room within her sight, on the large TV that Su Yun had just bought, was engraved the humiliation she had just left behind:

3:0 KO!

This is unscientific, and it doesn't conform to the principles of biology! Kato Megumi's expression at this moment must be very familiar to Takina, who had just finished playing rock-paper-scissors with Chitsuka.

This was an expression of disbelief mixed with a hint of anger.

"Hui-chan, try the tea I bought. This is a rare opportunity to taste tea."

After saying that, Su Yun slowly pushed the teacup, which was seven-tenths full, to Kato Hui who was opposite him.

Although her heart was turbulent, Kato Hui did not want to give up the opportunity to taste the tea brewed by Su Yun, even though this bad guy had just bullied her severely. She picked up the small teacup and took a sip. She felt her chapped lips moistened. Kato Hui then asked the question in her heart.

""How strong are you now, Su Yun? As an SSS-level ghoul, I feel like I can't tell how strong you are. Are you really a human?"

Seeing that Kato Megumi even doubted that she was not a human, Su Yun pretended to be angry and stepped forward to flick her little nose.

"Ouch, what are you doing?........."

Su Yun put his finger in front of his mouth, signaling Kato Hui to be quiet and not to bother with him for the time being, then he stood up and opened the window next to him. The rain from the sky seeped in along the window, and Su Yun pointed his two fingers into a sword shape at the sky.

Before Kato Hui could figure out what Su Yun was going to do, a crack appeared in the sky covered with dark clouds, and a ray of bright and scarlet moonlight fell from the crack, forming an artificial wonder.

At this time, the residents of Su Yun's apartment who were watching the rain by the window looked at this incredible scene, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures and record it.

Kato Hui, who was next to Su Yun, was so excited that even her eyes were exposed, and her eyes were full of strange colors when she looked at Su Xiao. Perhaps this good friend of hers could completely solve the battle between humans and ghouls...........

Of course, Su Yun didn't know what Kato Hui was thinking at the moment. He didn't use this"solution" simply to show off in front of Hui-chan. He just noticed that the rain was unusual.

Su Yun looked at the scarlet in the moonlight and asked Kato Hui tentatively.

""The pure and flawless moonlight is beautiful, isn't it, Hui-chan?"

Kato Hui, who was still imagining Su Yun solving the ghoul problem with great power, was pulled back by this voice. When she reacted, she suddenly realized something. As someone who often read girls' comics, it was not difficult for her to imagine that in this situation, was Su Yun going to confess his love to her? Ah ah ah ah ah ah!

They had only met again for one day, or to be more precise, one night. Before, she had wanted to find a way to kill all the people who bullied Su Yun before meeting him again, but today Su Yun found her and recognized her, and now he wanted to confess his love to her.

Should she agree, or................

"Stay at my house tonight, Hui-chan. It's raining heavily outside, and the road will probably be muddy if we go out now. Don't worry, I have extra guest rooms."

It seems that Hui-chan didn't notice it. Su Yun was not surprised, because the red light was not simple in his opinion, so it's better to let Hui-chan stay tonight in case of any accidents on the road.

He felt that after this rain, the world might change drastically tomorrow.

But Su Yun had nothing to worry about. His intuition told him that the red light was just weird, but not that kind of intuitive power, because there was no sense of crisis.

When Su Yun was studying the red light, Kato Hui was feeling lost. It turned out that she just asked him to stay overnight, not a confession...........

But she soon regained her calm smile. Even if they were staying overnight, she must be the first one.

As the saying goes, one step faster, all steps faster. Feeling stable, Kato Megumi no longer worried about whether she had confessed her feelings or not, but proposed to Su Yun that she would go to tidy up the room first.

Su Yun agreed of course. Seeing this, Kato Megumi went to decorate the room with a smile on her face. Yes, not make the bed, but decorate the room.

She has regarded this place as her territory, so of course she has to decorate it to suit her taste. She will never let anyone take this guest room away........

Su Yun didn't know about this, and even if she knew, she wouldn't care. At most, she would sigh that Hui-chan, who became a ghoul, had even more powerful attacks, and that the fat old man Xia and the golden-haired loser couldn't do anything to her. While a warm scene was playing out at Su Yun's house, Shikoko at the station finally sent away the monster that had just appeared in front of her. When she came to her senses, she realized that she was scared to death.........

Because of the death of Shiko Jianzi's father, her mother took on the pressure of the family. Fortunately, God did not continue to embarrass her family, but gave her mother a good job.

In order to facilitate her mother's work and her brother's schooling, her family said goodbye to this place full of family memories and decided to move into a new house close to Jianzi's mother's workplace. What Jianzi didn't know was that her father also left with them, and for Shiko Jianzi's mother���The decision of the deceased only hopes that his family will not be sad for him and continue to live happily.

Therefore, because of the move to a new house, Shigu Jianzi will transfer to a new school tomorrow. Her mother asked her before and found out that her daughter had no friends in the previous school. She felt distressed and helpless.........Fortunately, after going to the new school, Miko can reconnect with her old friends. After school, Miko Shiko couldn't wait to send the good news of her transfer to her best friend Yurikawa Hana who was also studying at Sobu High School.

But the moment the message was sent, her nightmare began........

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