The shy Kaguya was a little confused when she heard this. Didn't she eat well?

She didn't understand until she noticed that Su Yun's eyes stayed on her chest.

Even if she was stupid in this regard, she should have realized what Su Yun meant.

"It's just a pile of fat. Xiaoyun, do you like girls with enlarged vagina but insufficient brain nutrition?"

After saying that, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Su Yun with her oppressive eyes, as if threatening him to say the words"I don't like it".

Su Yun, who was not disturbed by Kaguya's eyes and caught the chicken feet in Kaguya's words, sighed. The joy of reunion finally made this always calm Kaguya careless.

"Do you care so much about what kind of girl I like, Kaguya? Do you like me as your childhood sweetheart?"

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Shinomiya Kaguya screamed in her heart, she actually made such a low-level mistake............

No, I must let Xiaoyun confess to me first! Even in this anime world, Bing Huiye has not escaped the fate of being topped by Sha Diao Huiye

"Xiaoyun, please don't misunderstand me. As your childhood friend, I am worried that you will be deceived by those bad women."

"Oh? Is that so? Kaguya, how can you get rid of the blush on your face?........."

"It's just because the weather is getting hotter. I'll turn on the air conditioner now."

While speaking, Kaguya Shinomiya frantically looked for the air conditioner remote control that she had thrown away somewhere.

Seeing Kaguya like this, Su Yun knew that it was time to stop. If he continued, he would get angry.

He stopped Kaguya who was still at a loss, and then gave Kaguya Shinomiya the same smile that Su Yun had in his childhood.

Kaguya Shinomiya was stunned. She wanted to just admit that she liked him.............Of course not. How come Xiaoyun is like a succubus now?

Even she almost fell for this smile, not to mention those little girls. It seems that Xiaoyun must be kept in his sight at all times in the future.

Su Yun didn't know that Kaguya had already thought of imprisoning him at this time. He was just sighing about the spell he had just drawn out this morning.

Enchanting Smile: Release with weak curse power to produce huge effect. Diarmuid's mole? Sorry, that kind of thing has been retired. Now it's the world of Asasi.

The system can always give him some tricks, but he likes it. Just this morning, he used this spell on Jianzi, but it seemed to have no effect.

But now when it comes to Kaguya, she is completely abnormal.........So the condition for the success of the spell is that you have a good impression of him?

Then if you make the spell's effect public, it will be strengthened.......Wouldn't it be possible for me to become a real succubus?

Thinking that there might be a bunch of girls gathering around him at that time, Su Yun decided to forget it. He admitted that as a man, he definitely had the idea of opening a harem, but not everyone could catch his eye. Only girls with interesting souls could arouse his interest.

Of course, it would be even better if he could have a rich emotional foundation with her.

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't know that the guy in front of her was so bold that he dreamed of a harem in front of her. She had just made several plans, and she was confident that Xiaoyun would not be able to escape from her palm.

So, now she wanted to hear about Xiaoyun's experiences in the past few years and whether she had been wronged in places she didn't know about.......

"Xiaoyun, can you tell me what you have been through after you left me?"

Such a gentle tone, how come Kaguya is the same as his old mother now? Something is wrong, it is too wrong.

However, there is no need for Su Yun to hide it. Thinking back to what Fujimine Akane said this morning about her family being hit by the Shinomiya family, Su Yun had some guesses at that time.

But Kaguya is destined to be disappointed. Now he is the only one bullying others, so how can others bully him? On the contrary, he is more worried about Kaguya's situation in the Shinomiya family. Let

's ask Kaguya first later. If he is not satisfied with the answer, he will go and talk to Shinomiya Kaguya's"brothers" today. After making up his mind, Su Yun plans to have a good talk with Kaguya first.

"Okay, Kaguya, but let me think about it first."

After saying this, Su Yun signaled Kaguya Shinomiya not to speak, then walked silently to the door of the Student Union and opened the tightly closed door.......

The blonde girl outside the door was startled by the sudden noise and fell to the ground in front of Su Yun.

"It seems that you are not very honest, Miss Gal."

Kaguya in the student union also noticed her blonde maid at this time. It's over. Hayasaka knows that she has a childhood sweetheart.........I wonder how this little maid will tease me at night. Thinking of this, Kaguya also came out and said to the blonde maid

"Have you forgotten what you promised me, Ai!-chan!"

Hasaka, who was sitting on the ground, knew that she had really gone too far this time when she heard the young lady call her Ai-chan........There is no other way, the hot girl Hayasaka Ai is offline, and the pitiful Hayasaka Ai appears on the stage!

"I'm just a little curious, I didn't mean it, please forgive me~"

Hayasaka Ai said these words in a crying voice, and a few tears squeezed out of her eyes.

Now Hayasaka Ai Suyun can say responsibly that the lethality is definitely not worse than the aggrieved expression of Bai Mao Qianzhu, but as a girl, Kaguya doesn't seem to buy it.

"Let's talk together when we get home tonight, okay, Ai-chan? Now you go back to the classroom first."

Kaguya's gentle words made Hayasaka Ai's skin crawl. Knowing that she couldn't escape, Hayasaka Ai turned around and walked away with a lonely face.

Kaguya watched Hayasaka Ai's back disappear into the protagonist's place, and then she put away the smile on her face.

"Xiaoyun, let's go back and continue chatting."


Su Yun didn't say much, but agreed. The current Kaguya-chan made him a little strange, especially when she looked at Hayasaka with that gentle smile.

It seemed that the maid was going to have a miserable night. Su Yun thought to himself............

"The invincible grandfather who lived thousands of years ago passed down his skills in his fingers? You are now invincible in the world, and you only want an opponent who can satisfy you?"

In the student union office, Kaguya was surprised.���Looking at her handsome childhood sweetheart in front of her

, what Su Yun said was too outrageous. The cool novels she usually bought from the light novel club were not written like this.

Kaguya really wanted to have an instrument that could let her check Su Yun's mental state with one click.

Su Yun, who was making up a story, also noticed the strange look on Kaguya's face. The look she gave her was very complicated: 2 points of strangeness, 3 points of curiosity, 4 points of pampering and 1 point of.............Possession

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