Under Jinmu Qianshu's confident gaze, Su Yun scooped a spoonful of ice cream and slowly put it into his mouth, then said with a smile:

"It's not delicious, it's cold and sweet, it's really not delicious." Su Xiao, who was just putting a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, said with a smile that it was not delicious. This kind of words were not convincing at all. Jinmu

Qianshu was just a little lively, but he was not stupid. After Su Yun finished his evaluation, his face immediately turned red.

"Don't lie to me, you clearly enjoyed your meal, don't lie to me......."

"Well, objectively speaking, it is delicious, right, Jinmu Chitsuki? I admit you are good at making ice cream, no one is better than you at making tricks."

Jinmu Chitsuki laughed happily after hearing this, but she soon realized that something was wrong,"Making tricks? Shouldn’t it be delicious? Customer, you are playing tricks on me again."

After saying that, Jinmu Chitsuki pounced on Su Yun, but Su Yun dodged them one by one. After all, in Su Yun’s eyes, Jinmu Chitsuki’s movements were slow, and he didn’t want to be taken advantage of by the beautiful girl, so he should take the initiative if anyone wanted to take advantage.........Smile

Su Yun's unusual afternoon tea ended with a fight with Nishiki Chizuka. Although the beautiful girls at LycoReco were nice, Su Yun knew not to drink too much, as the fun was yet to come.

He then said hello to Mika, said goodbye to Chizuka and Takina, and left the store.

"Will you take the bait, Lycoris's top fighters? Don't let me down."...........

After Su Yun left, Takina, who was already serious, became even more serious,"Uncle Mika, did you see that? All of Chitsuka's moves were avoided without exception."

Chitsuka also put away his big smile at this time, and muttered,"Who are you, brother?"

Uncle Mika thought of the armed robbers that Su Yun mentioned to him, and his heart skipped a beat. He hoped that the young man was not one of the terrorists, it was impossible! As Mika thought about it, he felt something on his back.

Su Yun, who was walking on the street, didn't know that the three people in LycoReco had started a brainstorming session. Seeing that it was almost dusk, Su Yun decided to take a good walk around the area.

After all, this was the time when all kinds of monsters and demons showed up, and Su Yun was more looking forward to their meeting than the monsters and demons themselves.

"Where are you, weak and helpless monsters?" Su Yun walked while humming the divine song he composed on the spot, as if he was performing some unknown mysterious ritual.

Fortunately, no one appeared in the alley where Su Yun was, otherwise he would have to consider killing people to silence them. After all, he didn't want to let"Handsome guy, you don't want to..."........."As Su Yun's divine song gradually came to an end, the sky darkened from dusk, but the ceremony did not seem to succeed. Under Su Yun's disappointed gaze, it seemed as if nothing had happened, and the remote street was still extremely silent.

"It's impossible to think about it. Even though there is a Sukuna template, it's not possible for your wish to come true..........."


Bang , bang, bang!!! Bang, bang!!!


Not far from Su Yun, Mitsui Suneo, wearing an elegant black suit and gold and jade on his body, was looking forward with horror.

Following his sight, he saw that the narrow alley was full of violently dismembered limbs, and the walls, which were already covered with dust, were stained with large patches of blood, and three or four assault rifles were scattered in the pool of blood.

In this bloody scene, stood the protagonist who made Mitsui Suneo sweat profusely. A ghoul with red eyes was eating the arm that had just been torn off a living person.

Looking at the ghoul grinning at him, Mitsui Suneo couldn't understand why he was going to be the principal of Sobu High School and had a bright future waiting for him, but how could this happen? It was obviously just a ghoul below the B-level, why could he so easily kill the elite Sea Abalone Commando that he hired to protect him?

At this time, the ghoul who was eating heartily also noticed the strange look on Suneo Mitsui's face, so he opened his bloody mouth and laughed wildly at Suneo Mitsui.

"Hahahaha, ha, hahaha, you are really funny. You don't really think that what I show to the outside world is my true strength, do you?"

"Oh, by the way, you don't seem that stupid. These special forces of the Sea Baby may be able to deal with B-level ghouls if they unite. I am only below B-level to the outside world...."

"It's a pity that I'm A-level, hahahahahahahaha." The ghoul laughed wildly, and at the same time, he did not hesitate to explain the doubts of Mitsui Suneo who was about to be dismembered by him. After the doubts in his heart were resolved, Mitsui Suneo, who perhaps knew that he could not escape this disaster, did not kneel down and beg for mercy like other ghouls, but showed a calm expression.

"Can you answer my last question? Why did you break the deal? Is the information so important? Is it worth it for you to risk being watched by the Mitsui Group and kill me, the only person who knows the truth?"

"I don't know either, but the transaction reward you asked us for was a weapon made of kagune. You wouldn't tell the Mitsui Group about this weapon that can give you bargaining chips, after all, you want to win the power struggle."

"So, the probability of being discovered by the Mitsui Group after killing you is actually very small. As for that information, it is indeed very important to us, but I don’t know why, hahahaha!"

Mitsui Suneo learned the answer. Although he had been cautious for most of his life, he was overjoyed because he had just taken office as the principal of Sobu High School. In the end, he was about to be killed by the A-level ghoul in front of him.

However, being killed by an A-level ghoul did not bury his identity as a big shot.

Mitsui Suneo slowly closed his eyes and waited for the god of death to find him. He did not want to struggle ugly before dying. This was the last elegance of his life. Seeing Mitsui Suneo’s calm look, the unknown A-level ghoul suddenly felt bored. What he enjoyed most was to crush the last hope of his prey and then swallow them alive.

But the man in front of him was too uncooperative with him. Forget it, just give him a quick death and then go back to report. After that, the ghoul extended the tail behind him and stabbed it straight into Mitsui Suneo’s head.

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