"Even when you become a He-shi, I still think Hui-chan is cute."

Kato Hui nodded because of Su Yun's words. Sure enough, Su Yun still knows how to talk. This handsome guy always knows how to please girls. Of course, she knows that she is not cute at all when she becomes a He-shi.........

But Kato Hui never expected that Su Yun's words were sincere. Even the cursed child Dai Tian could only be described as cute to him, not to mention the Hezhe Kato Hui.

"Okay, Su Yun, come and take a look at the coffee in our store.......I bet you won't be disappointed no matter which one you choose."

"Any recommendations? Hui-chan"

Kato Hui thought for a moment, then pointed at the coffee cup on the screen covered with a white object.

"Come try this, Su Yun, this is Kaneki Sauna's hand......."

Su Yun certainly understood why Kato Hui did this, and looked at her helplessly.

"You know that the waiter is afraid of you, but you still order this kind of coffee, which is his specialty, to torture him. If he makes a mistake......."

"I'm not that bad, Su Yunxue.....I really clicked this because Kaneki-san did a good job."

Su Yun stared at Kato Megumi, and after the appraisal, he came to a conclusion.

If a Shura field occurs, I am afraid that only Kaguya can check and balance Megumi-chan. As for Chizuki now, she is a pure experience pack. What about Yukino and Takina now? Sorry, their roles have not yet arrived. They are Chizuki's dowry.........

Kato Hui didn't know that Su Yun was analyzing the relationship between the characters in her mind. She was a little hesitant. From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to involve Su Yun in the ghoul matter.

But the store manager raised her since she was a child.......She eavesdropped on the manager's conversation in the morning and knew that her de facto father had already planned to fight to the death for the ghoul.

Kato Megumi would definitely not stand idly by, but if she died too, then the Anding District Coffee Shop would be in trouble........

"Hui-chan, what's wrong?"

Su Yun easily noticed that Kato Hui looked strange at this time.

"No....Nothing, just thinking about something"

"Can you tell me, Hui-chan? Don't worry about me, I'm invincible."

Kato Hui struggled hard in her heart, thinking of the scene when Su Yun opened the sky with one move that day, and finally she seemed to be exhausted, and said in a low voice

"I can tell you, classmate Su Yun, but you have to promise me that when things go wrong, I will help you buy time, and you have to leave me behind and don't run away with a broken heart......"

"You're making things a bit complicated. Hui, I really don't know......."

Before Su Yun could finish his words, Kato Hui stared at Su Yun with a serious look.

"well.....I promised you, Hui-chan, so can you tell me what it is?"

After getting Su Yun's assurance, Kato Hui finally relaxed and said slowly

"Many years ago, some ghouls who lived in the human society hid in the underground of Qianye. Until one day, they found the corpse of a huge monster. The monster was named"Dragon".""

"After the"dragon" was discovered, the ghouls found the skeleton of a creature suspected to be an ancient ghoul in the dragon's body. There was information engraved next to the skeleton, and the legend of"famine" began to spread.........."...........

"Today, the store manager has just learned of Famine's possible whereabouts, and I can't leave him alone........."

Su Yun was a little shocked after hearing what Kato Hui said. Is this the original plot of the ghoul world? But it is true. This is the world of anime. How can it be the same as the original?

It's just that Hui-chan and the store manager, the SSS-level ghoul who can't be killed, seem to have misunderstood something.......Su Yun was sure that the place was cursed, so how could there be any famine?

It seemed that someone wanted to harm the store manager and his people......It is related to ghouls, and has outstanding intelligence capabilities. After excluding the people other than the bronze tree, there are few answers. Is it you? The source of all evil in the ghoul world?

Kato Hui never thought that Su Yun would guess the mastermind by chance with just a random guess. She was a little worried about Su Yun, who was still calm after listening to her explanation.

"By the way, Su Yun, did you really listen carefully? That is"Famine", one of the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the West. Why don't you react at all?"

Su Yun laughed at Kato Hui's words and waved his hand indifferently.

"So what do you want me to do, Hui-chan? Is that so?"

After saying that, Su Yun pretended to be terrified and said in a panic

"Is he such a monster? I won't go, I won't go, Hui-chan, you can go and die alone with the store manager!"

Kato Hui was amused by Su Yun's performance, and then looked at Su Yun seriously.

"I actually really hope you can be a little more timid, Su Yun.......But you......"

Just when the atmosphere between Kato Hui and Su Yun was a little strange, Kaneki made coffee and rushed in as if his eyes were covered.

"Big sister, sir, please enjoy the coffee you ordered. I have something to do so I will leave first."

Originally, the atmosphere between Kato Hui and Su Yun was a little solemn, but Kaneki's timid behavior was seen by the two of them, and they both laughed at the same time.

I don't know if it was intentional.......If so, Kaneki is really a little angel now! The little angel in the An Ding District and the big angel in Shimokitazawa can be linked in a dream. Su Yun arranged it in his mind.

"Kaneki-san is so gentle......If he hadn't encountered that kind of thing, he might have been admitted to Chiba University by now."

As a god of war who can win in this anime, how could Kato Megumi not notice what Su Yun could have slightly noticed?

"Okay, let's stop talking and try the waiter's coffee."Hui-chan

," Kato Hui nodded. Just as the two were about to taste the coffee on the table, a voice interrupted them.

"Sorry to bother you, I'll buy you some coffee, can you chat with me?"

Yes, Su Yun."......There was a hint of charm in her voice, coupled with the plump legs and black stockings, Su Yun looked up and, as expected, it was Xia Laofei - on stage!

"You are a senior from Sobu High School, right?....Then let's sit down and talk. How can I refuse someone's invitation?"

After Su Yun finished speaking, Kato Hui changed from sitting face to face with Su Yun to sitting next to him.

Seeing this, Su Yun thought for a while. Kasumigaoka Shiyu would definitely not sit next to him, so Hui was afraid that when they were talking later, she and Kasumigaoka Shiyu would look like they were in the same group.........How meticulous!

(It looks like Hui-chan's high-end game operation, but in fact the author is padding the word count. Did you see that? (Funny))

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