"What!!! You said that the old man and the expressionless face left the coffee shop one after another in a hurry? Is the news true?"

The ghoul looked at the appearance of the cadres in front of him. Okay, it's the other side. Now she is not calm.

"Officer, the information is absolutely reliable. We took this photo with the device we bought from the Yalan Agency. You specifically told us to keep an eye on the old man and the girl in the coffee shop."

"So we concentrated our attention and didn't even let go of a mosquito outside the coffee shop. It shouldn't be wrong."

When Fangcun Aite thought of the old guy who was weaker than her and the paralyzed face who was as strong as her, she was sweating.

What good things are these two SSS-levels going to do secretly? She didn't believe that these two people just wanted to go out for a walk.

Suddenly thinking of something, Fangcun Aite took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Ji Song!!! Are you hiding something from us, Bronze Tree? Have you forgotten our agreement?"

Ji Song, who was drinking tea, heard the roar of the girl from the other side.���I pinched my head with a headache.

"I really can't tell you this unless you can guarantee that the bronze tree won't make a big noise after you die."

I'm dead?" Fangcun Et didn't understand. She was an SSS-level ghoul. How many people could stop her if she wanted to escape?

And who could stop her?.........

"Hey, Yoshimatsu, this isn't the news from that legend, is it?........"

Fangcun Ate's voice was trembling at this time. She was eager to ask Yoshimatsu for confirmation, but there was silence on the other end of the phone.

"You agree, right? Tell me the address, and I promise you that the bronze tree will not do anything after I die."

"Your promise has no effect."

It didn't happen as Yoshimura Et wished. Yoshimatsu was not convinced by her verbal promise, but the ghoul's persistence in escaping his fate was beyond his imagination.

"If you keep silent, I will bring Bronze Tree to your headquarters in Neon tomorrow."

"You know, I don't care about my promise to you now. Compared with the fate of us, promises are nothing." Did she start threatening after the negotiation failed? But Yoshimatsu had to admit that her threat just caught his weakness. The Yalan Agency could not suffer such a huge loss.

"Have you watched the news this morning?"

What? News? Yoshimatsu's words stunned Fangcun Eite.

Then she slapped herself on the head.

How could she not think of such a simple question? The birth of"that guy" must be a big deal.

After figuring it out, Fangcun Eite hung up Yoshimatsu's phone directly, and then searched for today's news headlines on her mobile phone.

The term gas explosion immediately caught Fangcun Eite's attention.

She was familiar with it!

Every time they organized a crime scene, the Neon officials explained it to the people in this way.

After confirming that it was this news, Fangcun Eite began to check the location of the incident.

Tokyo? It seems that she has to leave quickly. This time, Fangcun Eite only plans to explore the situation, because she is not sure how strong the legendary guy is.

If the situation is not right, run away immediately. Without experiencing a real high-end game, Fangcun Eite is still relatively confident about whether she can run away.........

Glancing around at the Bronze Tree members who were still waiting in the ghoul dungeon, she sighed inwardly, how come they were all so crooked at the critical moment?

There was nothing she could do........Although his mental state is not stable, his strength is still good.

"Gecko, come with me, there is an interesting mission!"

After hearing what Fangcun At said, the blond, sturdy man excitedly broke his fingers and shouted like crazy.

"Is there a new guy to torture? Hahahahaha! The pleasure that is coming makes me want to destroy! Destroy! Kill everything!!!"

Hmm.....His mental state is really optimistic! I hope that when something happens later, he can also laugh so happily. Fangcun Aite looked at the gecko laughing up to the sky speechlessly, and silently gave this guy a stick of incense in his heart.

"Okay, let's go, time is running out, I want to get there before that old guy."

Although Fangcun Et said this, he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, thanks to the sponsorship of the Yalan Agency.......The ghoul gathering places in Chiba and Tokyo are connected underground.

Through the high-tech mining cart of the Alan Agency, Yoshimura Eto can rush to Tokyo at a very fast speed and investigate before the store manager.

Of course, she didn't let the store manager go in first to investigate, not because she cared about the old guy's life or death, but she didn't want to lose to the old guy in the great cause of changing the fate of the ghoul clan.........

After getting on the high-tech mining car with Gecko, Fangcun Aite activated the device, and the two of them rushed to Tokyo at high speed in a small tunnel.....................

In Tokyo, outside a villa area blocked by the police, there stood a strange combination of a blond man who looked like a bad guy and a weird man wrapped in bandages next to him.

"Is this the place? So this time they are here to torture these damn rich people.......I still remember the miserable look on my face when those rich people offered me money to let them go. I still can't forget it.........."Hahahaha!"

Not paying attention to the sudden illness of the gecko beside her, Fangcun Et stared at the blockade. The villa area was dark, and an extremely ominous premonition surged into her heart.

But it was already here, so there was no reason to escape. Fangcun Et clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and signaled the gecko beside her to start moving. As soon as she made the gesture to move forward, the gecko rushed into the blockade with a grim smile on his face.

What a reckless guy, Fangcun Et spat in her heart, and then the gecko also crossed the blockade.

At the beginning, the scene in the villa area was normal. Except for the cold voices, there was no other abnormal situation.

But when Fangcun Et and the gecko approached the center of the villa area, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed.

"This is.....Where?"

Fangcun Aite looked at the dilapidated and desolate scene around him in disbelief.

Several villas stood on this scarlet land, covered with various plants, as if they had experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes. The sun that should have been hanging in the sky in the afternoon suddenly turned into the moon, and cast a few scarlet moonlight.

The whole environment was depressing and bloody, so Fangcun Aite hurriedly looked back at his"retreat", but there was no way out......The road we came from disappeared, leaving only a scarlet land stretching into the distance.

Fangcun Aite's mood gradually fell to the bottom........

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