Seeing that the two had become"cute", Dai Tian clapped his hands excitedly.

Under the gaze of the two transformed people, Dai Tian, like an ancient emperor, spread his arms and raised them high.


....The store manager's left arm is missing.

"Old man, why do you take the initiative?...Your arms....."

The store manager did not answer...He just wanted to protect his daughter for a little longer. This was one of the few times in his life when he could feel that his biological daughter was right behind him and relying on him. Never mind. Fangcun Aite smiled inexplicably, stood up and stood beside the store manager. She was ready to let go of her grudge.

"dad....When you die, remember to treat me and my mother well."

The store manager interrupted immediately.

"You don't know, I was always dominated by my wife when I was young......And what did you call me just now?...!"

The old store manager was so moved by the word"Dad" that he shed tears. His wish for so many years had finally come true........

The touching scene between the father and daughter obviously did not move Dai Tian. He was very angry that these two guys did not show any fear after seeing his great power. Just when he was about to teach these two guys a lesson, he suddenly found that two more"humans" had entered his imperfect domain."

"It seems that we have come at the right time, Hui-chan. From the perspective of the sitcom, this should be the climax."

Kato Hui saw that the old store manager had lost an arm at this time, and she had no time to care about Su Yun's"improper"

"Do you remember what you promised me? Go quickly."

Su Yun poked Kato Hui's tense face with his finger and reminded her.

"Look around, Hui-chan, where should I go? There is no way to escape."

Dai Tian seemed to understand what Su Yun meant, and cooperated with him and Kato Hui with an evil smile.

"Oh? You look very happy.......Hui-chan, you and the two reunited father and daughter please stand aside, I'll play with it...."

Kato Hui was about to refute Su Yun, but Su Yun now exuded a feeling that could not be refused. Like a young wife, Kato Hui stood honestly next to Fangcun At and the store manager.

"Hey, paralyzed face.....Who is that man?"

Kato Hui didn't say anything, and motioned for Fangcun to just watch.

Finally, after the three spectators were in place, Su Yun leaned on Dai Tian's"Bai Zhe" back and said almsgivingly.

"Do you want to surrender to me? Then you can live!"

Dai Tian did not hesitate at all. He quickly moved aside and took a fighting stance, looking at Su Yun who was still leaning against the ground with uncertainty.

"Looks like it was rejected......Then let me see what gives you the confidence!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yun punched it in the chest at a speed that Dai Tian could not see at all. The red spell power was running, Dai Tian was seriously injured, and the villa behind it had become a ruin.......

Dai Tian struggled to stand up. As a special pride, he would not allow himself to be defeated like this.

Waving his arms, Dai Tian launched his own technique. The reinforced concrete materials used to make the villa shot out straight and turned into long snakes to stab Su Yun.

Su Yun looked at this scene with interest. He made two fingers into a sword shape and waved them lightly. Dai Tian's confident offensive immediately turned into powder.


Dai Tian opened his mouth in disbelief. He couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all. He didn't see any signs of this human casting a spell?

"Do you have any other moves? Use them all.

Dai Tian couldn't accept being looked down upon by a human being like this, so he used all his magical power to attack Su Yun..........

A minute later, Dai Tian's limbs were all fixed on the gate of the villa by Su Yun.

After his body struggled to free itself from the big hole in the ground, and finally had room to move, Dai Tian could not wait to activate his recovery ability.

Although he could not defeat the"human" in front of him, he was confident that he could use his unique recovery ability to kill the"human" in front of him."

"It seems that you are very confident in your ability to recover......Now is a good opportunity, let me teach you what real magic is......"

But after thinking about it, Su Yun still didn't use the domain to expand. There was no point in using a butcher knife to kill a chicken.

Concentrating his energy, Su Yun punched out a black flash!!!

The ground cracked, and several villas behind him collapsed. Dai Tian had disappeared.......

Su Yun was a little unsatisfied, but there was really no other way. Dai Tian was really weak, and he had to worry about accidentally killing Dai Tian during the battle. It was really difficult to deal with it..........

After solving the cursed fetus, Dai Tian, Su Yun looked back at the father and daughter beside Kato Hui.

They both had released their Hezhe transformation. When they saw Su Yun looking at them, they hugged each other in fear. This scene seemed a little funny because the store manager only had one arm.

"Crazy and cool green-haired lady, this is not like you......."

Fangcun Aite heard Su Yun's teasing and smiled awkwardly

"How dare I act unruly in front of you? Famine has become a toy in front of you......."

"You seem to have misunderstood, Miss Green Hair. This creature is not a"famine". It is just a kind of evil spirit born from the boundless sins here."

Fangcun Ate was a little unbelievable. She quickly cast a questioning look at the store manager next to her.

The old store manager felt his physical condition, imagined what human food looked like in his mind, and shook his head.

"How could this happen? This guy is so strong........"

Su Yun walked to Fangcun At and the old store manager and explained

"It is indeed quite capable, but if the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in mythology are only this capable, it would be too disappointing."

After that, Su Yun used the reversal technique to help the old store manager regenerate an arm.

This miraculous scene made the pupils of Yoshimura Eto and Kato Megumi beside them dilate unconsciously.

The"shocked" expression of the beautiful girl did not frighten Su Yun. He asked Yoshimura Eto the question he had wanted to ask since a while ago with some curiosity.

"You know Sobu High School?.....Are you related to the ghouls that appeared there recently?"

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