"Isn't that good? Go discuss it with Class J........"

After receiving Su Yun's affirmation, Ye Shan breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye to Su Yun respectfully, and went to Class J to hand over to them.

It seems that Pochi-chan is going to be in the limelight this time.......Su Yun looked at Ye Shan's departing back with a smile on his face, and the pink-haired girl who was super good at playing guitar flashed in his mind.

Well, now that the program is arranged, I should go and do some serious work. After all, the cultural festival of Sobu High School is open to the public.........

So on the day of the Cultural Festival, maybe there will be a lot of"rats" sneaking into the school?

As a loyal fan of the professional rat catcher"Gin", how can I sit back and watch the rats do whatever they want?

While Su Yun was thinking this, he had already walked to the door of the Student Union..............

"What? You said you want to go with me to the cultural festival? Xiaoyun, are you trying to date me but is too embarrassed to ask me outright?......So cute!...."

In the student union office, Kaguya put her finger to her lips and said to Su Yun in an extremely annoying tone. Su

Yun was speechless because of Kaguya's brain circuit. He reluctantly motioned Kaguya to come closer.

Is this angry? Kaguya stretched her head over with a smile on her face. She wanted to see what Xiaoyun, a playboy, could do to her.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Ha!"

Su Yun clenched his fists and pressed on Kaguya's temple with special force.

The stimulation at that moment made Kaguya burst out with shameful sounds.

"Am I still cute now? Kaguya-chan~~"

Kaguya's face flushed, and she looked angrily at Su Yun, who squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Don't you feel guilty about this? Xiaoyun, I was waiting for you to come to me last weekend.....But where have you been?"

Ahem! This is not something that can be said. Su Yun smiled politely at Kaguya and quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, Kaguya, as the student council president, you will be patrolling the campus during the cultural festival, right?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Kaguya was a little confused. Isn't this obvious?.......? Kaguya reacted and smiled back at Su Yun.

"You mean there's some unusual guy sneaking in?.....I originally wanted to see if the ghouls would take any action, so......"

"So let's act together on that day."

Su Yun said the next words for Kaguya. How could a girl take the initiative to ask for such a thing?

Kaguya nodded and agreed to Su Yun's request to act together.

"Also, Kaguya, can you help me collect the blood and skin tissue of the people on this list?"

Kaguya took the list handed over by Su Yun, and the names printed on it were:

Kasumigaoka Utaha, Sawamura Eriri, Miura Yumiko, Ebina Hime, Yuigahama Yui, Goto Ichiri, Hayasaka Ai........

There are a few people Kaguya remembers, without exception, all are beautiful girls

She looked at Su Yun suspiciously, her tone a little doubtful

"What do you want their blood and skin tissue for?"

Su Yun looked at Kaguya with a meaningful look, then said slowly.

"Do you still remember the free blood donation campaign launched by Sobu High School to students before the start of the school year? At that time, the ghoul laboratories of the four major chaebols had not been attacked yet, so do you think there is a connection between the two?"

Kaguya was stunned for a moment, she seemed to have heard Hayasaka mention it.......

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Kaguya immediately became serious and switched back to Ice Kaguya's state.

"I will collect them as soon as possible before school is over today, but do you have someone who can conduct research on this? Xiaoyun"

Su Yun heard Kaguya's doubts and thought of the beautiful doctor he had conquered for a long time, and responded to Kaguya calmly

"You don't have to worry about this, Kaguya. My people are absolutely reliable. If there are any results, I will inform you."

After knowing that Su Yun has his own team, Kaguya no longer asks too much. The two of them had already had some tacit understanding when they were young.

"Okay, I'm going to inform Hayasaka to start collecting as soon as possible. Xiaoyun, you go back first. Remember to come to me before school this afternoon to pick it up."

Su Yun was not angry at being ordered to leave by Kaguya, because he knew that Bing Kaguya's style was indeed like this.

So let him look forward to it...................

"There's no movement over there, right?"

"I'm fine, BOSS. It seems that there are no other spies in the Alan Agency. By the way, what are these things you sent me?......"

"These are some interesting samples of girls' blood and cells and ghouls' RC cells. You can study them to see if there is any connection between them. You can start with the sample named Kato Megumi......."

(PS: Su Yun had already passed the information about the ghoul to the doctor)

"I understand, Boss. Just wait for my good news."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yun scooped a spoonful of ice cream made by Qian Shu and put it into his mouth. It felt different from before......Sweeter

"Well done Qianzhu, so don't do it next time"

"Eh? Isn't it delicious? I said it very attentively."

Qian Shu's expression was a little disappointed, but her apprentice beside her did not forget to make up for it.

"I told you to use animal cream, not milk cream, Master, why didn't you listen?"

Qian Shu, who was already a little sad, felt like she was stabbed with a knife. She turned her head and looked at her apprentice's icy face, then pounced on him like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

"I've said before that as a volunteer you have to keep a warm smile. Your face is too cold, let the master rub it for you."


Qianzhu pressed on Yukino and ruthlessly ravaged Yukino's cute face, while Takina on the side watched this scene coldly.

"Commander and Hu Tao, let's play in a three-person team. Ignore these two guys......."

Hu Tao raised his eyelids, chewed the snack in his mouth, and said vaguely

"Okay, I have no objection, but you can't let me down, Takina, I still need to gain points"..........

A few minutes later

"What are you doing, stupid black girl, didn't you see that the other party has sneaked into your house? What are you absent-mindedly thinking about?"

Miss Kurumi put her hands on her hips, and her cute little face had disappeared, replaced by a furious look. On her phone was Takina's record: 1/15

Takina, like a child who had made a mistake, twisted her limbs together in front of the petite Kurumi, looking very cute

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