The promise to Yang No was fulfilled, and Su Yun had already found a music"big shot" to clean up Sagami Minami's mess.

But then another trouble came to him. He thought that because Yukino and Tuanzi had no intersection in this world, Yukino and Miura Yumiko would not confront each other.

But obviously Su Yun thought too much, these two people were simply born incompatible.

"You, the snow girl, have a very poisonous mouth......It's a pity that her figure is a bit disappointing."

Yukino, whose pain was touched, looked at Miura Yumiko coldly.

"I said, no wonder you can't even figure out such a simple question. It turns out that the nutrients are going to places where they shouldn't go......"A smart classmate whose thinking is comparable to that of a paramecium."

The atmosphere between the two became more and more intense. Su Yun was a little distressed. Xue Noi was still a little short of the mark. Although it was very likely that Xue Noi would win this"debate" in the end, the time required to win might be several times that of Yang Noi........ well....You brought Yukino here yourself, so you still have to take responsibility......Su Yun reluctantly rushed to the middle of the two people.............

The atmosphere in the joint classroom of Class J and Class F was"warm" at this time. The warehouse in the corner of the school was always extremely damp and cold.

But today, two uninvited guests came to the dark and damp corner.

The golden-haired Taiyang Da He stood at the door of the warehouse, looked around vigilantly, and when he found that there was no movement, he opened the door of the warehouse with confidence.

"Are you sure you are not being followed? After all, what we are going to do cannot be seen by others in advance."

Hearing this hoarse female voice, Da He Taiyang nodded.

"Don't worry, the baseball club captain who followed me just now has been dumped by me. You are the only one who knows about our meeting here......"

Hearing this, the guy who made the hoarse female voice slowly walked out of the shadows with confidence.

This devil-like appearance scared Ohga Taiyang. The hair that had not been played for a few days, combined with the dark circles under the eyes caused by a few days of poor sleep, looked a bit like Sadako.

And this girl who looked like a ghost was Fujimine Akane, who was madly targeted by the Shinomiya family and whose family had gone bankrupt. The image of the hot girl before was no longer there.........

"Have you bought that thing?"

Da He Taiyang heard Fujimine Akane's question and took out a small white pill from his pocket.

"This is a magic drug that can make people faint with just one pill........"

When Fujimine Akane saw Da He Taiyang take out the thing she had been looking forward to for a long time, she immediately went forward and held the small piece of medicine in her arms. Da He Taiyang was frightened by Fujimine Akane's crazy look at this time, and hurriedly asked her

"Hey, are you okay? Are you sure you have completely figured out Tomoya Aki's whereabouts? This is our last chance to turn things around......."

Fujimine Akane didn't look up, but played with the small pill in her hand. After she had finally admired it enough, she slowly spoke.

"Don't worry, I will use that eyed otaku to create a big show at the cultural festival.......In this case, I'm sure Su Yun will be very happy and forgive us."

"After that, my father can go back to work.....I can continue to live a rich life."

Seeing Fujimine Akane so confident, Ohga Taiyo finally felt relieved.

This wave not only allowed him to avenge the frame-up of Aki Tomoya against him, but also.....There is even a chance to win the forgiveness of the now"powerful" Su Yun, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

"By the way, I'm sorry to bother you with the review of the cultural festival program........."

Ohga Taiyo thought of Sagami's stupid behavior in the morning, patted his chest, and said in a light tone

"Just leave it to me. The executive committee member of this cultural festival is most likely that idiot. There is no possibility of failure for me."

Fujimine Akane looked deeply at Ohga Taiyo and said in a hoarse voice

"I hope so....Don't play tricks on me because of your hatred for Su Yun. You should know that after this failure, we are really finished."

Hearing this, Da He Taiyang clenched his fists, and then relaxed as if he had lost his temper.

"I will......."

"Then go quickly, after all, time waits for no one, and the"program" should be finalized as soon as possible......."

Da He Taiyang nodded, turned around and walked towards the bustling complex building.

The warehouse once again returned to its former tranquility.......Only a creepy sound came from inside...................

In the comprehensive building of Sobu High School, in a classroom with an extra-long business table for meetings,

Sagami Minami crossed her hands, propped her arms on the table, put her head on her crossed hands, and looked ahead, but her eyes were a little vague.

Following her line of sight, a classmate was introducing his activity plan with saliva flying.

Sagami Minami's friends frowned slightly as they looked at the classmate who was making the plan.

Five minutes later....The student finally finished the project she had carefully prepared for several days, and looked at Sagami Minami in the audience expectantly. But before Sagami

Minami could speak, her friends couldn't wait to speak.

"what the hell.....Not excited at all, can't pass"

"This project is the last program of the cultural festival, so it's a bit hasty....The classmates probably won’t like it.

Just because the male classmate’s plan didn’t suit their tastes, the bad friends easily rejected the efforts of others for several days.

The male classmate was about to explain when Sagami Minami made the decision.

"Sorry, classmate, let us reconsider your plan, you go back first."

The male classmate lowered his head in disappointment. Sagami Minami's words basically told him that his plan had no chance........

Without stopping, the boy left the classroom with his head down. But soon after he left, a strange man covered in a windbreaker pushed open the door of the meeting room.

"Hello, beautiful ladies, would you be so kind as to listen to my plan?"

Inside his windbreaker, Da He Taiyang used a voice changer to make a clear and crisp voice that was unique to handsome men. Sure enough, he lived up to his expectations, and Sagami Minami and the others were immediately interested.

"So what is your plan? If it's too boring, we won't let you pass."

The few people who were praised for their beauty had become a little confused. They didn't even have a trace of vigilance against this weirdo who looked suspicious at first glance.

Da He Taiyang laughed smugly in his heart, then put his finger in front of his mouth and spoke in a crisp voice.

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