In the lush green mountains, there is a winding road that stretches to the end that cannot be seen at a glance.

On this usually deserted road, today, an uninvited guest arrived - a black shadow flashed across the road quickly.

Even the curve did not slow it down. In this deserted mountain where no one appreciates it, it is performing its own speed and passion.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"

Qianzhu held a paper bag filled with Yukino's vomit and shouted anxiously.

"Slow down, Xiaoyun...Slow down!!! Yukino is already exhausted, and even Takina is......"

Following Qianzhu's words, even the elite warrior Inoue Takina, who had undergone high-intensity training, had a strange look on her face. She pressed her neck with one hand.

She would never allow herself to make a fool of herself in front of Yukino, a novice!!!

Su Yun saw the status of the people behind him through the rearview mirror, and slowed down the car helplessly. He wanted to hurry over........

As the speedometer changed from 270 mph to about 90 mph, Xueno's face, which was about to turn purple, finally improved a little. After recovering, Xueno glanced at Su Yun with resentment and said in a somewhat unkind tone:

"Su Yun, have you forgotten that I am just an ordinary person?......"

"No!! Ugh.....Ugh! I'm fine!!!"

Takina was so eager to refute that she almost made a fool of herself, but fortunately she managed to hold back and didn't vomit.

Seeing Takina's stubborn look, Xueno shook her head and stared at Su Yun, as if waiting for him to give an answer.

"I'm helping you get used to the speed......There will be many emergencies in the future, do you want to regret it later? Yukinoshita candidate member!!"

That does make sense......Just like an ambulance, Xueno convinced herself after Su Yun's explanation, only Qianshu looked at Su Yun suspiciously. Su Yun saw

Xueno being successfully PUAed by him from the rearview mirror, and felt that this guy was too easy to deceive......Just like a real kitten.

It seems that after solving this"ghoul crisis", the black straight ladies in his team need to be strengthened.......

As for the current Senzuku, I can only say that in the version without Kato Megumi and Shinomiya Kaguya, is this white-haired Senzuku playable?.............

Although located in the mountains.....But the government-dedicated construction team of Chiba City is really amazing. The gate of Licorice that was just destroyed by Su Yun last time has been renovated.

And next to the guard room at the gate, a figure was looking at the front seriously.

Until a black high-end bus drove over, the figure tried hard to squeeze out a smile.

The figure was the commander of Licorice—Nanmu.

Su Yun parked the car in an open space. To his surprise, there was a high-end car next to his car.

The driver of the car didn't take Su Yun seriously at first, but when she saw Su Yun's face, she immediately showed a kind smile and nodded at Su Yun.

Su Yun was a little confused but didn't care. Maybe the driver was reminded by Nanmu........

"Commander, I didn't expect you to come pick me up in person!"

As soon as she got off the car, Qianshu ran to Nanmu's side impatiently, made a little devil expression, and elbowed Nanmu.

Nanmu looked around and confirmed that Su Yun was not paying attention to them, then she took out the commander's style again.

"You are becoming more and more disrespectful......I really don't know how Mika manages you.......Forget it, how are you doing over there?"

Qian Shu smiled charmingly, which surprised Nan Mu. Although she didn't know much about this, she knew that this was too fast.......

"Qianshu, have you already done it there?......Have you been an excellent member of the CCG?"

Commander Nanmu saw Su Yun walking towards them with his peripheral vision, and quickly changed his words. Thinking of the fate of the tank that day, Nanmu didn't want to become a wooden Nanmu.

Qianshu saw that Commander Nanmu's attitude changed suddenly, and immediately understood something, and teased her

"When the commander banished me to the LycoReco coffee shop, he was so powerful and ruthless.......You know, I was sad at that time........I didn't expect that Commander, you have become so nice now and would still care about me~"

Hearing this, Nanmu was unsure of Qianshu's position in Su Yun's heart, so he immediately begged her for mercy.

"My little ancestor, please stop talking. I will agree to whatever you ask for later. Just be good for now, okay?"

Qian Shu saw Nanmu finally give in. She made a"yeah" gesture, and Su Yun, who was walking over, happened to see this scene.

"What happened, Qianshu? Look how proud you are........"

"No, nothing.......Let's go in quickly!"

Su Yun glanced at Nanmu, who nodded normally. Su Yun didn't think any more and took Xueno and Takina to the base of the Lycoris headquarters.

At the high-tech gate, Commander Nanmu stopped and explained to the newcomer Xueno.

"We have leaked your information. Congratulations on becoming the only member of the Lycoris organization who is not an orphan. Come and try it. Now your face can also be used to swipe open this door."

Yukino obediently stepped forward and tried it. Just as Commander Kusuno said, the machine immediately scanned Yukino's face.

"Welcome to the Rikolis headquarters, special forces member, Ms. Yukino Yukinoshita"

"Huh? Why is this voice different from before? It sounds a little......some"

"A bit respectful, right?"

In response to what Takina hadn't finished saying, Chizuki added,"

Yes, that's the taste."....But respectful? Takina glanced at Su Yun thoughtfully. She understood Commander Nanmu very well........

Without staying at the door for too long, they soon arrived at what could be considered the transit station of Likolis headquarters. The familiar indoor fountain

"So what should we test first?"

Takina asked Su Yun who was standing beside him. The reason why she asked Su Yun instead of Nanmu was because even Takina realized who was the"real commander" now."

"How about going to shoot first?"

Qian Shu made a biubiubiu gesture while speaking.

Su Yun was about to agree, but Nanmu interrupted him unexpectedly.

"I suggest you go to the training room first. Haven't you noticed that all the Likolis in the Likolis headquarters are gone?"

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