Sagami Minami's friends nodded in approval when they heard her mention the mysterious gentleman. What was the mysterious gentleman they were waiting for doing now?

In the Sobu High School studio, behind the stage, in a small dark room

Hey hey hey hey hey hey.......Huh!!!

"Finally, it's moved here. This thing looks quite light, but I didn't expect it to be so hard to move!"

Da He Taiyang, sweating profusely, complained to his partner Fujimine Akane beside him.

"Maybe it's because of the cloak you're wearing......We now look like rats in the gutter, how can we be relaxed?"

Fujimine Akane's neurotic words made Ohga Taiyo speechless.

But he didn't want to care about it. Today, or to be more precise, soon, he can make a beautiful comeback!!!

Amaki Tomoya, when you spread rumors about me, I wonder if you ever thought that there would be such a day for you!

Before the show started, Ohga Taiyo imagined the scene that would happen later. The corners of his mouth rose wildly, and his eyes revealed endless joy.


The wild laughter echoed throughout the dark room.........

"Okay, calm down. We need someone to go to Sobu High School to operate the backstage later. Who will go, you or me?"

Ohga Taiyang stopped laughing when he heard Fujimine Akane's question.

"You go ahead, I want to observe Aki Tomoya's ugliness up close later!"

Okay........After all, she still felt a little guilty towards Tomoya Aki. She didn't want to see his collapse expression.

But for her to live a rich life in the future, she had to make Tomoya Aki suffer........

The last bit of guilt was killed by Fujimine Akane. She turned decisively and walked to the backstage. Ohga Taiyang watched her back as she left.

"Okay, let me watch other students' programs first.........After all, the masterpiece is the last one to appear. If the appetizer does not arouse the enthusiasm of the guests, it will be bad........"............

As soon as Ohga Taiyo entered the venue, he could hear the guests cheering loudly.

The spotlights were adjusted by the backstage staff, and the lights were focused on the performers on the stage.

The beautiful dresses, the pretty faces, and the gentle and graceful singing of the girls - this was the joint performance of Class F and Class J of Sobu High School.

Looking at the boys in the choir in the class, Ohga Taiyo's eyes permeated with an unusual taste.

He wanted to destroy everything in front of him........Obviously, beautiful things and handsome scenes should belong to him!

The song as gentle as the spring breeze did not soothe Da He Taiyang's anger, but instead made him gather more malice in his heart. What he didn't know was that soon, this malice would first harm himself........ five minutes later........

"Thank you everyone!!!"

In the absence of Su Yun, the spokesperson chosen by the two classes was undoubtedly the kindest and most silly girl: Miss Yuigahama Yui. Miss

Tuanzi was not wearing her usual hot girl outfit, but a pure white dress.

Because of the lead singing just now, Miss Tuanzi's face was red, and under the light, it was quite full.

Many of the audience saw that it was such a young girl who came out to thank after the performance, and they applauded even more enthusiastically.......

The audience's reaction made Tuanzi's eyes light up. As the curtain fell, Tuanzi, who was out of the audience's sight, trotted to his friend.

"I'm so nervous.......But fortunately it was a great success, Yumiko, Himena!!!"

Yumiko Miura looked at Tuanzi with satisfaction, and she suddenly felt that her daughter had grown up.........

"Come, Yui, order some water first. This is what Hime just bought. You sang so hard just now, your throat must not be feeling well."

Tuanzi did not refuse and took the water handed by Miura Yumiko with a smile.

When the situation between the two was going well, Ebina, who was hiding aside, narrowed her eyes.

She had already investigated the information about the cultural festival early in the morning, so she was clear about it now.

It won't be so smooth, that Sagami classmate will definitely do something fancy........Her previous speech was a good proof of this.

Yumiko didn't care, but the good-natured Yui should find a way to get her out of here.

Ebina secretly saw Su Yun's previous meeting with Goto and others.

It was an expected explosion. She didn't want Yui to get involved later. After all, she was stupid.........

At least she had to be sent away from the backstage. Thinking of this, Ebina Hime walked over to the two of them, intending to break the atmosphere between them first.

"Wow.......Yumiko and Yui, are you what I imagined? Hey!!!"

In a teasing tone, Ebina did not forget to give each of them an elbow, and under his translucent eyes, one could see Ebina's unconcealed smile. Tuanzi did not react at all, because she did not understand what Ebina was saying at all, but Miura Yumiko was different, she stepped forward and locked Ebina's neck

"Good man, Hime, you are not going to be obsessed with me and Yui now, are you?......."

Miura Yumiko was just playing around.....However, due to the performance just now, Tuanzi, who was a little short of oxygen in her head, thought that Yumiko was going to fight Hime, so she hurried forward to separate the two.

"Stop hitting Yumiko and Hime,....Oh, let’s go to the show!"

Yui said she wanted to go to the show without even having to ask. Ebina made a gesture to show that the plan was working, and then suggested:

"How about we go to the auditorium? The view there is better, and we can see the front of the stage......."

Tuanzi nodded at Ebina's suggestion, but Miura Yumiko looked at Ebina suspiciously. This sentence, including Ebina's previous rotten girl words, seemed a bit deliberate........

Forget it, she believed that Hime would not harm her and Tuanzi. After all, it was Ebina who reminded her of Su Yun's incident.

Miura Yumiko had already vaguely realized who was the most scheming one among the three of them........

"Let's go, Yui and Himena, I want to see if Class A's performance can get a better response than ours!"

After saying that, Miura Yumiko walked towards the audience with great momentum, and Tuanzi followed her in a hurry.

Ebina stared at a storage room in the backstage that had been sealed and abandoned for a long time, and then caught up with the two of them.

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