However, Kurumi did not expect that people who had lost their minds seemed to still have some common sense.

Suddenly, a person with red eyes stared at the monitor.

Kurumi, who was stared at by the red eyes, was stunned.

Not far away, Su Yun in Sobu High School was watching Ohga Taiyo transform into Zuan Superman next to Aki Tomoya, and suddenly felt that the technique he had engraved on Kurumi was triggered.

It's interesting..........He dared to touch his excellent employees.

I will repay him later......Fortunately, he was cautious and engraved the spell on the people he cared about, otherwise, Hu Tao would definitely be dead today........By the way, Kurumi wasn't the one who got caught because of the mission he gave her.

That's his fault......He should go back and show this little Lolita his cooking skills in person, otherwise Su Yun's conscience will condemn him and make him feel uneasy.............

"There's movement! There's movement! Big movement!!!"

In a secret base, a researcher from the Alan Agency shook the calm Furuta Souta beside him vigorously.

Seeing that it was his partner this time, he couldn't sit still first. Furuta Souta calmed down instead.

He turned around and ordered his men who were waiting on the side.

"Check it for me. I want to see what happened in Sobu High School. Who is the guy who caused the"famine" to show signs of recovery?"

After hearing the order from his boss, the ghoul's subordinate immediately resigned. He also knew the urgency of the situation. Now it was important to speed up the contact with the spies who had infiltrated Sobu High School.......

After the ghouls under Furuta Souta retreated, the researchers of the Alan Agency regained their composure.

"Have you figured out how to deal with it? I don't think that power can be used by us......."

The concerns of the researchers at the Alan Agency seemed normal to Old Dota Sōta. Judging from the footage sent today,....You can see the tip of the iceberg of that guy's strength. He is indeed the monster that created the ghoul........

But how could he face such a monster without any preparation? He even sacrificed his childhood sweetheart, Rize Kamishiro, for this!

Unlike Bronze Tree and the store manager of the"coffee shop", Furuta Souta knew the history of the origin of ghouls very well......Because he is the descendant of the guy who first discovered the giant monster"dragon".......

After his"ancestors" learned the truth, they erased the information engraved next to the"dragon".

Therefore, Furuta Souta can be said to be the only one who currently holds this unknown truth.....Quite ridiculous!............

Neon Warring States Period

Even if it is a war without gunpowder....It will still create deserts.

People are not satisfied with fighting with cold weapons.....Bows and arrows, fire attacks swept across the small land of Neon. The devastated land was devoid of life, and hunger became the norm on this continent.

The rulers and warriors did not care whether the common people suffered or not, they only cared about the size of their own territories and the excellence of their military exploits........

In such an era when people were living in poverty and there was no hope, there was a ruler who was different from other rulers. Compared with the expansion of his territory, he hoped that the people under his command could have a good meal.......

So he gave the task to his most intelligent thinker.

But the ruler did not expect that this move would bring disaster to the land........

"What kind of damn mission is this? And let those stupid lowlifes eat well? Is Lord Kaneki crazy?"

"He cursed, but soon he came up with a great idea. He had bribed a core butler of Kaneki before, and learned that there was an incredible guy sealed in his territory........

It is located in the shrine in the center of the territory.

It is said that as long as you make a wish to"it", all your requirements can be fulfilled. Now I happen to have the token of Lord Kaneki.

The samurai guarding the shrine will no longer be a problem for me!

What is there to hesitate about?!!

When he arrived in front of the shrine, as expected, the"think tank" passed the samurai at the door of the shrine smoothly: in the name of worship! As soon as he entered the shrine, the wooden sign at the door attracted his attention:

1. There are gods in the shrine, and your heart must be sincere.

2. You can worship, but don't make a wish. 3. It is difficult to gather incense, please be cautious.

The three big words written in blood made the think tank feel a little scared.

He originally wanted to wish that he was invincible in the world.....But these few lines of big words immediately made him give up the idea.

If it was really that powerful, why didn't Lord Kaneki make a wish himself?

"Think tank speculates that the price may not be simple....But from beginning to end, the"brain trust" did not doubt the authenticity of the wish. In his opinion, these ghosts and gods really exist.

After all, there are some witches with special abilities in their territory.........

"Bring me some food, my god!"

"The voice of the"brain trust" spread deep into the shrine."It", which gathered the aspirations and incense of the people before and after the establishment of the territory for thousands of years, was awakened by this voice.

Like a newborn baby,"it" did not know the meaning of its birth.

But did the words of the"brain trust" remind"it" of food? It means food, right?.......It turns out that I was born for this........

The formless"it" suddenly exerted its strength, and bundles of food fell from the sky. This seemingly simple action actually consumed a lot of its incense power.

The seeds were ripened instantly, and the ripe food was transmitted over.......This is not an easy task.

This low-level martial arts world cannot produce a monster like Senju Hashirama.

Producing these bundles of food is already the limit of its ability.......

But the"brain trust" didn't know so much. When he saw the food actually falling from the sky, he couldn't care less.

"Hahahahaha!!! The wish actually came true!!!"

"Thank you this time, God! I will visit you again some other day!"

"The" think tank" planned to transport the food back first, and wait for some time to see if the wish would be worth it.

But soon he thought of a problem, how to deal with the warriors at the door?

But the"think tank" is worthy of being a think tank, he thought of a great way.

Although those guards are warriors, they are only the lowest level........These tempting foods are the biggest bargaining chips.

The warriors will never have to worry about food and drink......But what about their families?

Unless they are high-ranking warriors, ordinary warriors will be supported by their territories, but they will not take care of their families......

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