When the old Sota was at its climax, in Chiba City Sobu High School, Aki Tomoya was finally successfully"rescued" and the mysterious Ohga Taiyo and Fujimine Akane who was assisting in the background were successfully controlled by the students.

But this still did not save the failure of the General Affairs High School Cultural Festival......You can tell by looking at the disappointed expressions of the audience.

"Now is the time for the hero to appear.....Pochi-chan, are you ready? Don't worry, I'll go on stage with you."

Su Yun teleported out of the VIP room at some point and came to Pochi-chan, who was taking a deep breath at the backstage.

Pochi-chan tightly grasped the guitar. Through the gap in the curtain at the backstage, she could clearly see the disappointed expressions of the audience.......But can she really save the cultural festival?

"Are you doubting yourself, Pochi-chan? This shouldn't happen to a qualified rock singer!"

"Now, Yamada-san, Ijichi-san, and Kita-san are all watching from the audience......Are you willing to let them go back like this?"

"You're a guitar hero, Pochi-chan!"

"Playing calmly and playing desperately have completely different effects, Pochi-chan! Be more confident!"

Su Yun felt that he had a talent for talking, and after saying this, even he was somewhat convinced.

What's more, what about Pochi-chan who already had a certain degree of determination?

"I understand, Su Yun! If I succeed, I can become a popular person in the future......"

Pochi-chan's words made Su Yun stunned for a moment, but then he nodded.

Although by that time, Sobu High School....Even Chiba might be affected by the battle and turned into a flat ground..........

But of course he couldn't say that to Pochi-chan. It's always good to have something to look forward to during the performance. After getting Su Yun's affirmative answer, Pochi-chan's eyes became more determined. She, who carries the dream of being a real person and a band, must not fail!!!

Ijichi Hongxia: So now it's Pochi Minato? It's a wrong investment after all.......

Under the spotlight, Pochi-chan's figure suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Miura Yumiko, Yuigahama Yui, Ebina Hime, Yamada Ryo, Ijichi Nijika, and Kita Ikuyo all looked at their common friend's face at the same time.

Johwagi Patrol, who was thinking about how to explain to the audience on the stage, was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately reacted.

This classmate holding a guitar.....Is she preparing to save the collapsing building?

Then I must not hold her back!!!

Cheng Huixun picked up the microphone, ready to mobilize the audience's enthusiasm with his language skills as a propaganda committee member of the older generation...................

Ten minutes later, the audience left with satisfaction. Before leaving, they were still discussing with great interest: where is this cute pink-haired student from as a professional musician?.......

As for the previous farce, they don't care anymore.....Everyone makes mistakes, but Sobu High School's timely remedial measures satisfied them, and that's enough........

Pochi Minato successfully protected the village.....After the audience left, the students who were still at the Sobu High School performance venue looked at the red-faced"hero" on the stage in a strange way.

"Hey, did you notice that? I didn't pay much attention during the performance, but this classmate is really pretty.......I feel like I am not inferior to Yukinoshita, Sawamura and the like......."

"Do you think so too? She is a treasure girl! She is talented, pretty, and most importantly, she is not noticeable. Her beauty can be admired alone!!"

The male classmates said the same words, making the faces of the female classmates around them more and more ugly.

Pochi-chan on the stage didn't know this.....She's burned out........

God knows how much pressure she was under to complete the performance!!!

But fortunately, she did it!

"Congratulations, Pochi-chan! Have you thought about how to live your life in the future?"

Pochi-chan's friends, Ichichi Hongxia and others came to the stage quietly and teased Pochi-chan together.

"Cash.....I don't know what it is!.....!"

Pochi-chan's expression is getting happier.....I don't know what it turned into in the end.......

As expected, Pochi-chan has begun to get a little carried away by her fantasy of living a real life.......

Seeing Pochi-chan's ridiculous expression, her friends all burst out laughing.

At this moment, the stage of Sobu High School was filled with laughter........................

In the dark cave beneath Chiba City, two waves of one-eyed ghouls are facing each other.........

"Well....Don't be so nervous! I'm here to tell you something good! Is that how you welcome me?"Terrible" Lord Owl~"

The emotion of"fear" flashed in the only red eyes of Souta Furuta, and his limbs also seemed to cooperate and twisted exaggeratedly.

This scene made Yoshimura Ate and Kato Keika opposite him sick........

"If you have something to say, just say it now, and stop being so shameless here like a woman!"

Finally, Fangcun Aite couldn't help but said coldly to Jiuduo Zongtai.

Seeing that his pitiful appearance did not arouse the sympathy of the two ladies, Jiuduo Zongtai didn't know where he learned the Sichuan Opera face-changing technique, and his face immediately turned cold.

"Okay, let's make it short. Lend me Kaneki. In order to lure that guy out, Kaneki is indispensable."

"Of course, Kaneki will not be in danger.....What do you think?"

Furuta Souta did not choose to kidnap Kaneki directly, because he still needed the bronze trees and the cannon fodder in the stable area to help him lead away the"great god" in Sobu High School."

"After the"Great God" was led away, he could enter the laboratory in the basement of Sobu High School to take some things and capture the lead"Aki Tomoya".

Furuta Souta had no idea of the level of the human"Great God", and he could not take such a risk......So he can't fall out with Bronze Tree and Stable District yet.......

As for why he didn't send anyone himself....Furuta Souta is not a fool. Can a ghoul lead Su Yun away?

Through the intelligence of the spies, Furuta Souta knew that one of the two one-eyed ghouls in front of him had a close relationship with that human.

So rather than asking the Bronze Tree and the Stable District Organization for help, it would be more like asking for the consent of this beautiful one-eyed ghoul in front of him........

Furuta Sota stared at Kato Megumi who was silent, waiting for her to give an answer.

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