Brilliant spell power shone, and Su Yun's black flash hit the face of"Toryuya Aki". The sudden burst of power caused"Toryuya Aki" to be knocked away and smashed several buildings.

Reality is not a turn-based game. The moment"Toryuya Aki" was knocked away, Su Yun also flew out with him.

Until"Toryuya Aki" stopped in a building because of the buffering force provided by countless buildings,

Su Yun, who was on the building opposite to it, aimed his right hand at it.

In an instant, countless invisible slashes attacked it.

These slashes destroyed the foundation of the building where it was while hitting"Toryuya Aki".

At least a dozen floors of high-rise buildings collapsed without warning, burying"Toryuya Aki" inside. Staring at the dusty ruins, Su Yun was guessing the ability of"Toryuya Aki".

Just as Su Yun was thinking, a purple tongue quickly grew longer and stabbed straight at him.


The tongue that was still in the air was cut off in the middle.

Countless green liquids flowed out of the broken tongue, and these liquids were still steaming with a trace of white gas.

Su Yun immediately blocked his sense of smell and distanced himself from the disgusting tongue.

"Aki Tomoya", who was surrounded by countless monsters, slowly walked out of the ruins.

Seeing that Su Yun had cleverly avoided his"clever plan", he smacked his head in dissatisfaction.

"Human, I admit you are strong....But don't you understand? Your attack is useless!!!"

"If you give up now, I can conquer the world with you."

Su Yun didn't expect that this monster still had the habit of talking nonsense during the battle, but he didn't want to waste time talking to it. He came down from the top of the building and came to the street. He grabbed a new car that someone else had just picked up and threw it at"Aki Tomoya" like a sandbag.

At the same time, Su Yun hid the slash behind the car that was thrown........

The reason is simple. He used the car to deceive"Aki Tomoya" in order to test this guy's spell.

If this attack still doesn't work, it means that his spell is either as passive as"Prison Master"'s unlimited spell, or"Aki Tomoya" has been using spells to be cautious in the fight with him. The new cars thrown out have done a great job and cleared most of the monsters around"Aki Tomoya", but he himself doesn't seem to have any signs of injury.........

"You, you guy, didn't I tell you it's useless? You're not going to take my toast!!!"

Seeing his beloved monster army destroyed,"Aki Tomoya" was a little angry. How could this human be so ungrateful? It had already given him a chance!!!

He took out the bottle of centipedes from Furuta Souta and took out the most active centipede.

"Aki Tomoya activated his technique, and in an instant, the tiny centipede grew larger........A huge amputee monster was rampant in Chiba. The monster had a slender body, and one section of the body was as tall as a ten-story building. Even the countless"little feet" on the side of the body were as big as pillars.

When Kato Hui, who was watching the battle, saw this scene, she clenched her hands and murmured

"Is this a dragon?........Xiaoyun........"

""Aki Tomoya" looked at the"artwork" he created and laughed like the Uchiha Four Laughing Heroes

"As expected, it was created from a centipede!!! It looks much stronger than the one created from an earthworm thousands of years ago! Hahahahaha!!!"

The huge monster lowered its huge head and let"Aki Tomoya" jump on it. Then, the monster raised its head high, and"Aki Tomoya" stood on the monster's head and looked down at the tiny Su Yun on the ground.

"Ant, prepare to die!!!"

After saying that,"Aki Tomoya" drove the huge monster and opened his bloody mouth towards Su Yun

"The head is too high! Stupid!"

"Before An Yilongye could feel proud for three seconds, the huge monster was cut into several pieces. It fell from the monster's head in a mess.

"Do you think this is the end? You are asking for trouble! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

Seeing his general cut in half,"Aki Tomoya" laughed happily.

Along with its laughter, the broken sections of the huge monster grew new heads one after another.

However, it was too happy too early and overlooked a problem. How could such a big monster move easily?

Su Yun didn't want to be dragged down with"Aki Tomoya" anymore, so he flashed to its side and punched it away.

When Aki Tomoya hit the asphalt road on the street and stopped,

Su Yun, who had been following it, then pressed its head and dragged it to slide on the asphalt road.

The super fast speed caused sparks to gradually overflow from"Aki Tomoya"'s body.

At this time, Su Yun quickly pulled down the gas tank of a roadside car.

All the gasoline was poured on"Aki Tomoya"'s body.

The fire suddenly shot straight into the sky, and a pungent smell filled the street that had long been destroyed.

After doing all this, Su Yun quickly flashed to the surrounding high-voltage wires and pulled out a cable.

Holding the super-long cable, he returned to the fire scene and watched the movement inside.

As he expected, a"fire man" walked out of the fire at an unhurried pace. Surrounded by flames, a faint smile could be seen at the corner of its mouth.

Su Yun threw the cable over. The high voltage electricity immediately acted on the"fire man", seemingly causing considerable damage.

Under the"overload" reaction of Su Yun, the"fire man" did not look painful at all.

"Is there no other solution, human? It's very hopeless, right?......All means of attack are ineffective!"

"I'll give you one last chance, surrender to me!!! I'll spare your life!!!"

Su Yun grinned, and was not angry at what the"Fire Man" said..........Instead, he mocked it.

"You can't do anything to me, can you? Those proud creations you just created are not even toys to me.......Do you expect them to take me down?"

As if Su Yun had hit the nail on the head, a fierce blue energy surged out of the"fire man", instantly extinguishing the flames around him.

Su Yun finally saw the teasing expression on"Aki Tomoya's" face at this moment.

"Thank you for staying with me for so long......But it will be over soon. After fighting for so long, I can finally use that move again.

Under Su Yun's surprised eyes,"Aki Tomoya" put his thumbs together and crossed his index fingers.

"Field expansion: Hunger Apocalypse"

The space was closed, and Su Yun came to a barren land.

However, he did not panic at all, but asked curiously

"Is this a scene from the Warring States Period?"

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