the other side.

After Lin Yuan killed Tang Haotian, the Ghost Sealing Pond located underground in the Tang Family Manor suddenly erupted with overwhelming ghost energy.

As if endless ghost energy spurted out, hundreds of ghosts instantly broke through the seal and came to the Tang Manor on the ground.

When Tang Haotian's subordinates saw this, they were all shocked and quickly assumed a fighting stance.

In this way, a tragic battle between humans and ghosts begins!


Outside of Tangjia Manor

"what happened?"

"Why is there such a huge amount of ghost energy gathering inside the Tang Family Manor?"

The five ghost controllers who came to visit Tang Haotian were extremely surprised when they saw the monstrous blood flames above the manor.

All five of them were from the Ghost Control Association.

The leader was a burly middle-aged man

"Master, come and see this!"

At this moment, a young man with ponytail shouted and took out his mobile phone to show everyone

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Wei frowned and looked at his phone.

The video of the battle between Lin Yuan and Tang Haotian was playing on it.

"Tang Haotian...he really deserves to die!"

When he saw that Tang Haotian made those anti-human conditions to Lin Yuan in order to survive, Zhang Wei couldn't help but become furious.

"He actually regards human beings as a condition for begging, which is simply a human face and a beast heart!"

"Fortunately, we regarded Tang Haotian as a like-minded partner before, but we didn't expect that he would turn out to be such a scumbag."

"You really know people, faces but not hearts!"

The rest of the people said angrily.

They are all members of the Ghost Control Association, and they have always regarded exterminating demons, defending the Way, and protecting human beings as their life creed.

Therefore, when they learned about Tang Haotian's true face, they became so angry.

"Master! So what should we do now?"

"Leave immediately? Or help suppress the ghosts in the manor?"

"No need to ask, of course I have to help suppress the ghosts inside!"

"That’s right! If those ghosts are allowed to run into the city, they may pose a life threat to the people!"

Everyone nodded solemnly when they heard this.

However, when they thought that this was the mess left by Tang Haotian, everyone hated him even more.

"By the way, that fierce ghost named Lin Yuan, is there any detailed information about him on the Internet?"

Zhang Wei asked suddenly.

Suppressing the ghosts in Tang Manor was not a big problem for them.

Compared with these ghosts, he was more worried about Lin Yuan who killed Tang Haotian.

Even he was very worried about such terrifying strength. Fear.

After all, in terms of strength, he is almost the same as Tang Haotian.

Lin Yuan can kill Tang Haotian, so naturally he can also kill him.

"Netizens commented that the fierce ghost named Lin Yuan seemed to be a graduate of Dongda University when he was alive, but he turned into a ghost after being killed by Tang Haotian's son!"

The ponytail guy smiled bitterly.

"Depend on!"

Zhang Wei secretly scolded Tang Haotian again for causing harm to others.

The pony-tailed guy asked:"Master! Are we going to deal with him now?"

"No! The top priority is to suppress the ghosts in the manor first to prevent them from running into the city and causing greater impact!"

"As for Lin Yuan... let’s talk about it later!"

Zhang Wei shook his head, and then led four people straight to the manor.

Tangjia Manor.

At this time, there were corpses everywhere.

When Zhang Wei and the five people came in, the first scene they saw was that countless ghosts were eating crazily. corpse

"Food again? And it’s still delicious, top-notch food!"

A ferocious-faced ghost stopped eating, turned its head and looked at Zhang Wei and others behind him, with a hint of greed in its scarlet eyes.

"Oops! I misjudged the situation!"

Although there was only one fierce ghost in the audience, Zhang Wei and others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Because the aura emitted by this fierce ghost was so terrifying!

Zhang Wei initially guessed that the opponent had at least fifty years of terrifying experience.

"Chu Lan! Wang Ye! Zhuge! Lingyu! I'll be responsible for stopping that fierce ghost later, and the four of you will escape in four directions!"

"Don't worry about me, run away as fast as possible. Once it's safe, go to the local association branch for support!"

Zhang Wei ordered with a solemn face.

The red ghosts who have been practicing Taoism for fifty years, plus the ghosts who are watching eagerly. Even if the five of them try their best, it is impossible to compete with them.

"escape? Can you escape?"

"Haha... Stop struggling pointlessly and become my food!"

Li Gui's face was full of ferocious laughter.

"Come on, little ones!"

As Li Gui gave the order, hundreds of ghosts roared and charged toward the five people.

"Blood light curse!!"

Zhang Wei roared angrily, merged with Li Gui's shadow, and turned on the ghost martial form.

Immediately afterwards, a bright blood light shone outside his body, reflecting towards the surroundings.


Li Gui was illuminated by the blood light, and was blown away several times on the spot. Ten meters.

As for the attacking ghosts, they were also shot through by blood light and flew out one after another, screaming in agony.

"good chance! You go quickly!!"

Zhang Wei roared at the four of them.

The four of them looked at each other, gritted their teeth and ran away.

"Want to escape? Have you asked me about Wu Sheng’s fist?"

"Five Ghosts Moving Mountain Fist!"

Li Gui Wusheng roared, blinked and turned back, and punched Zhang Wei.


With one punch, five ghosts appeared!


Zhang Wei's blood light spell was instantly defeated, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body flew out like a cannonball.


The four people who were escaping couldn't help but stop and shout.

Seizing this gap, Wu Sheng punched the four people who had already walked away.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four rings in a row, and the four people suddenly fell seriously injured. On the ground, coughing up blood continuously

"Haha... deal with you little ones first, and then deal with the big one last!"


Just when Wu Sheng was about to kill the four people, a terrifying ghostly aura erupted from behind it.

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