Happiness Mall.

"Zhuge Yun, lend me some money." Qin Han suddenly said this to the goods he selected.

"Ah?" Zhuge Yun didn't react for a while.

"Lend me five thousand yuan. This tea is pretty good." Qin Han held a wooden gift box in his hand. He looked left and right and thought it was pretty good.

"You have no money?" Zhuge Yun was trying on the sunglasses next to him and stretched out his hand to pull down the sunglasses halfway, revealing his eyes and staring at Qin Han.

"Well..., that's about right. Excluding the traveling expenses, food and accommodation expenses. You can lend me five thousand, which is almost enough." Qin Han asked for a plastic bag to put the packaged tea leaves in.

"There's no need to buy such expensive tea. The tea my dad usually drinks is quite ordinary. Let me see." Zhuge Yun pushed Qin Han away.

Excellent spring tea——3999

"Have you not collected all the accommodation and travel expenses? Are you treating me as a money-splitting boy?" Zhuge Yun's face twitched unconsciously as he looked at the price list in his hand.

"Ahem, calm down. When I get my salary next month and pay you back, it will be equivalent to your contribution to the team in advance." Qin Han sheepishly handed the tea leaves to Zhuge Yun and waved with a flattering smile. He waved his hand to indicate payment.

"It's not that you guys can't raise three thousand yuan? Why did you go on this vacation? I can barely believe that you have no money. You told me that Fatty Huang has no money?" Zhuge Yun pointed at the person with a black line on his face. Looking left and right among the pile of trinkets, I looked at a few people.

"Military District Volunteers."

"Go back to your hometown and help pay for the jars."

"If you pay for it, go back to your hometown and pay for the pot."

"I ran away from home with nothing but my ID card."

"Just got out of the hospital."

Several people seemed to have been prepared for it. They expected that Zhuge Yun would ask such a sad question, and basically everyone blurted it out. They were even doing their own things without raising their heads.

Zhuge Yun was stunned.

"No, what's going on with the lines you blurted out?"

"Hey, this is a sad story. Okay, you go and pay first. Don't worry, it will be reimbursed when you go back." Qin Han greeted everyone to leave the mall.

On a seven-seater car.

"Ayun, are these your classmates? They are all handsome men and beautiful women. At first glance, they are good candidates for practicing Qigong."

As soon as a few people got in the car, a cheerful male voice came from the front.

Through the rearview mirror, Qin Han could see the man sitting in the driver's seat. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a slightly fat body and a beer belly. As for his appearance...how to put it, it made people feel safe.

"Okay, Fourth Uncle. My friends here are not too tight. Let's go back to the village first. They have something to do with my dad." Zhuge Yun stepped forward and got into the car, pulled up the seat belt and opened the window. The movements are done in one go.

"Little brothers, do any of you smoke?" Zhuge Yun's fourth uncle took out a box of cigarettes and handed them to them.

"Thanks, uncle, we don't smoke. Ask those two over there." Shen Jiajia pushed open the cigarette case and pointed at Qin Han and Huang Qingyuan Baisheng sitting in the third row.

"I won't."

"Uncle, you can smoke it yourself." Qin Han handed the cigarette case back.

"Okay, then I'll smoke it myself." The fourth uncle touched it casually and lit the cigarette.

"Huh, fourth uncle, you are a bit handsome." Huang Qingyuan shouted excitedly after seeing this scene through the rearview mirror.

"Hehe, isn't it handsome? I'm not naturally interested in your stuff. Rather than saying that I'm interested, it's because I don't have the talent in that area. I've only mastered a little bit of it after studying for more than ten years." The fourth uncle said with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

Zhuge Yun's fourth uncle was very talkative and made a group of people laugh. He didn't have the airs of the older generation at all.

After walking for a long time, I vaguely saw a village. Zhuge Yun's fourth uncle put everyone down and parked the car. Before leaving, he asked Zhuge Yun to let him take everyone for a walk.

"Let's go, haven't you eaten yet? I'll show you some of our local specialties. Roast chicken with pan noodles and boiled wine." Zhuge Yun led the way.

Huang Qingyuan and Shen Jiajia on the side were drooling as they listened.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm starving!"

Dang Dang Dang.

An old-fashioned restaurant is filled with the sound of chopsticks and bowls clinking against each other. Some tourists who came here with admiration looked at the exaggerated appetite of the young men and young girls in front of them.

"Boss, let's have another bowl of Ban Mian!" Shen Jiajia shouted and then dropped the clean bowl on top of the dozens of bowls waiting in front of her.

Compared to Shen Jiajia, the people from Qin and Han on the other side seemed extra polite.

"Slow down, slow down. No one is competing with you for food, isn't it? If you follow the Qin and Han Dynasties, won't they give you food? You are now just like people who escaped from famine." Zhuge Yun stood up and gave several people their own food. Pour a glass of water.


"Eat your food first and then talk." Kong Yu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't bear it anymore and held Shen Jiajia down.

"I mean, he really didn't give me food when I followed Lao Qin! I didn't say anything on the first day. I just took the train to find Huang Qingyuan and spent a day climbing with him. I finally had a full meal at night. The second day Although the meal Tianhuang Qingyuan took us to eat was delicious, the portion was small. Then we took the train and gave each of us a bowl of instant noodles. Following him was like a black-hearted boss!" Shen Jiajia cried for a long time, causing everyone around to look at it. come over.

"Hey, hey, I treated you to a meal worth hundreds of thousands, am I wrong?" Huang Qingyuan quickly retorted when he heard that there was still his own pot.

"Grandma's, a meal of more than 100,000 yuan! This fat man is still rich." Zhuge Yun, who heard about this for the first time, looked at Huang Qingyuan with something wrong.

Finally, Shen Jiajia stopped when she was eating her fourth bowl.

Zhuge Yun looked at the price of a bowl of noodles, which cost more than ten yuan, and asked them to pay a bill of more than 400 yuan. He quickly paid for it and brought the embarrassed people out.

"My father just went out and will be back in the afternoon. I will take you around for a while to refresh your mind."

After taking some time off, Qin Han couldn't help but feel relaxed when he looked at the harmonious countryside.

This place is no better than the high-tech snack street in Huangjiacun, with high-rise buildings and convenience stores. On the contrary, it has a very simple rural feel. As for technological products, it has everything from TVs to washing machines. Most of the houses we live in are renovated small bungalows, but they just make people feel like this is the countryside, the kind of place where people feel free both physically and mentally.

It seemed like it had just rained, and the fragrance of the earth in the air was even more refreshing.

"Here...is this a bullet hole?" Huang Qingyuan walked to the outskirts of the village and suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that many surrounding rooms had bullet holes, large and small, on the walls.

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