In The Beginning, I Can Overdraw My Life

Chapter 148 Graduation Dinner

Time flies, half a year has passed. The time has come in December.

Several people from Qin and Han gathered around a room. There was a large floor-to-ceiling iron clock in the room, as if they were waiting for something.

"Hey, do you think Huang Qingyuan can break through the Xuan level this time?" Liu Changheng said, staring at the situation in the room.

"It's hard to say, this is the third breakthrough. But I heard that Tang Ming has a trump card this time?" Zhuge Yun looked at the sky in boredom.

"Hurry up, if it weren't for Fatty, we would have completed all the Xuan levels half a month ago, and we would have graduated half a month early." Shen Jiajia looked a little angry in the room.

"It's not entirely the fat man's fault. After all, it's difficult to master the two kinds of magic." Bai Sheng stood up to smooth things over.

"Teacher Tang Ming is down." Xu He reminded.

Tang Ming walked down from the attic and saw a group of people sitting outside the door. He was a little angry and waved his hands to signal everyone to leave.

Qin and Han's group had no intention of leaving but looked at them with different expressions.

Tang Ming sighed when he saw this and didn't know what to say. Then he started minding his own business.

Tang Ming clasped his hands together, not knowing what he was rubbing. Then the big hand opened up, and a piece of white cloth appeared out of thin air, and then completely covered the big iron clock.

"No, let's see what we can do?"

"As for that? Cheapskate!"

"Why didn't I know he was so stingy?"

"I think too much, he's always been this picky."

What Tang Ming did immediately aroused everyone's discussion.

"It's time to eat, it's time to drink."

"That's right, little brother. Leave a mark for Fatty so he can come out and find us."


Two hours passed, and there was a loud noise in the attic.

"Hey hey hey! I'm done, young master!" Huang Qingyuan, with a gray face, pushed the door open with both hands and had already posed, ready to welcome the cheers of the crowd.

"Hey? Where is the person?" Huang Qingyuan looked around, but there was no one there.

"Damn! Who is this? It's just a bit, Master, I finally made a breakthrough, but no one congratulates me?"

While he was complaining, Huang Qingyuan suddenly noticed a row of words on the ground - [Come to the second floor of the restaurant. 】

"Brothers! Master, I have made a breakthrough!" Huang Qingyuan swaggered and pushed open the door.

"A breakthrough is a breakthrough. What are you yelling at? You're yelling at me to send you back to your grandma's house!" The old man who was cooking in the back room yelled through a glass, and then threw a spatula out.

"Hey! Uncle Han, I was wrong, don't fight!" Huang Qingyuan quickly ducked and ducked.

"Humph, my little boy is yelling at me. If you want to eat, eat, if you don't want to eat, get out. You know you're wrong, why don't you bring me the shovel?" Uncle Han said this without stopping his hands at all. .

"Okay, okay." Huang Qingyuan ran over obediently and took the shovel back with a bang.

There was a burst of laughter in the private room.

Huang Qingyuan opened the door and walked in.

"Master, I made a breakthrough!" Zhuge Yun said while holding his voice.

"You know you made a mistake, why don't you take my shovel back?"

Zhang Yuan laughed so hard that he was out of breath.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Hey, isn't this the young master of the Huang family who made a breakthrough?"

"You! You guys!!!" Huang Qingyuan was so angry that his face turned blue and white.

"Okay, let's eat something quickly. After eating, pack up and get ready to go out." Shen Jiajia moved and made room.

"Exactly, you were laughing at me just now, thanks to you still having some conscience." Huang Qingyuan sat down.

"What's going on? The food is so good?" Huang Qingyuan looked at the table of dishes and smacked his tongue.

"We're leaving school soon, so of course we have to eat better. Brother Lu will treat us to this meal!" Zhang Yuan stuffed food into his mouth without forgetting to give Lu Yu a meal.

Lu Yu:? ? ?

"This school is of no use after it is separated from the school. If you eat it, you will eat it."

"Brother Lu is domineering!" Xu He praised from the side.

Qin Han glanced at it, picked up the bread and stuffed it into Xu He's mouth.

"Can't even bread stop your mouth?"


"Hey, some people are jealous!" Shen Jiajia looked at the two people with a look on her face.

There was laughter in the room.

At the same age, everyone laughs and teases each other, which is the best time.

"Speaking of which, this cultivation is not difficult. I will reach the Xuan level in two years. In another two years, I can beat my father to the ground!" Huang Qingyuan was still showing off his cultivation.

"Let's forget it, just you?" Shen Jiajia glanced at Huang Qingyuan with disdain.

"What's wrong with me? Young master, after all, I have dual magical powers, and my defense is invincible at the same level. I can hit anything within a hundred meters with my magical power." Huang Qingyuan boasted.

“The beginning of cultivation is about cultivating the physical body and spirit. Only when you have the sense of Qi can you reach the yellow level. Only after you have the sense of Qi can you truly step into cultivation.

After entering the Huangjie, every time you advance to the next level, you will use Qi to exercise the body's acupuncture points, thereby improving your strength.

The Xuan level can restrain the essence, the earth level can release the soul energy, and the heaven level can have full spirit energy. "

"As for what you said about fast cultivation, it is because the Qi first enters the body. It is normal to practice faster. However, in some capital sects, people with high talents can enter Xuanxuan within two years. What is even more difficult is that every subsequent Promotion. Let alone two years, if you can reach the ground level within four years, you will be considered great." Shen Jiajia bit her chopsticks and said.

"That's not right! Then Huang Jie will be able to use Qi to possess martial arts. What's going on?" Huang Qingyuan caught the gap in his words.

"Shen Jiajia's innate magic, coupled with her special training in these skills. What Shen Jiajia just said is only things that can be done after practicing to a certain level, but some skills can be practiced alone. For example, the Han family's flying knife can It uses its own energy to attach to the blade and feed it." Zhuge Yun explained.

"So handsome? Does that kid still have this ability?" Huang Qingyuan thought of the arrogant kid who used throwing knives when he first entered Lingshu Academy.

"Don't think about it, that's a family-inherited skill. It's impossible to teach you." Shen Jiajia picked up the chopsticks and tapped Huang Qingyuan.

"Can't I just think about it?"

"Okay, pack up and evacuate. It's time for us to gather." Qin Han reminded him by looking at the big clock outside through the window.

"Almost? I just came here not long ago, wait for me to eat more! Follow Lao Qin and eat this kind of good food next time, I don't know how long it will be!" Huang Qingyuan's chopsticks were left with afterimages on the table. He ate and drank all the food and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Fat man! Did I delay you?" Qin Han, who had already put on his coat, appeared behind Huang Qingyuan.

"Hey, don't pull me! Let me eat more!"

"Let's go, it's time!"

"Leave him here and let him eat."

"Hey, wait a minute, is this how you treat me?"

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