In the Blade

Chapter 100 Research on evil spirits, combat power levels

Qi Jinshan is preparing for defense very seriously.

Originally, Du Chengfeng thought that Qi Jinshan was just talking, and he didn't know how to do it in practice. But who would have thought that Qi Jinshan, this pig, actually had some real skills. In just less than two days, the defense of Yanzhou City had been reorganized, and the soldiers had received weapons and armor in the arsenal, ready to fight those grassland people at any time.

Just looking at this way of controlling his subordinates, Qi Jinshan really has something.

But it can only be regarded as something.

If it is a security battle against horse thieves or bandits, Qi Jinshan's skills are naturally no problem, and he can even be said to be a master. A commander with good mobility and command ability, coupled with well-trained soldiers with strict formations, most horse thieves and bandits can only wait for death in the face of such a configuration - even those martial madmen with evil spirits in their bodies and physical fitness far exceeding that of ordinary people will probably die on the spot under the siege of the crowd.

However, when facing those masters with iron-willed wills who can truly control the evil spirits, this logic can't be used.

After these days, Du Chengfeng has also gained some understanding of the combat power level of this world, so he has also divided it into several levels - the most common is naturally ordinary people. No matter how tall, short, fat, thin, strong or weak, as long as they have not been exposed to evil spirits and are still living a normal life, they are all in the category of ordinary people.

After coming into contact with the evil spirit, ordinary people become extraordinary. This strange power will make them become agile and powerful. Of course, all this is not without price. They will be more keen on killing after surpassing ordinary people. There are two situations here. One is that the evil spirit enters the brain and completely loses control and turns into madness. The other is that the will is strong enough to stabilize the mind and only enjoy the benefits brought by the evil spirit.

Although Du Chengfeng thinks that the latter is obviously better, if it really comes to a life-and-death fight, it is hard to say who is better between the two in terms of combat power. After all, losing reason does not mean losing the enhanced power, and this kind of mentally abnormal martial madman is the most likely to fight with others for life, which means that if it really comes to a life-and-death fight, they may not be able to achieve a one-for-one record.

Moreover, from Du Chengfeng's own experience, being able to stabilize the mind does not mean that you can really enjoy the benefits brought by the evil spirit in vain.

When he was still at this stage, he was basically tortured by the desire to kill every moment. A stable mind can indeed keep him rational, but this is just the beginning - he must always stabilize his mind and clarify his will to ensure that his rationality can withstand the constant erosion of the desire to kill and not be smashed by any wave.

But this route is also beneficial.

The next stage is the real watershed. If understanding why you live is to make your rationality have a place to stand under the erosion of evil spirits, then after understanding why you kill, these excessive evil spirits finally have an outlet for venting.

Then, these evil spirits will flow out along the weapons, whether it is transformed into a fire blade, a sword beam, or like He Xiqing, a blood-colored knife light is chopped out of thin air.

Du Chengfeng doesn't quite understand why the evil spirit can do this, but it is obvious that the attack formed by the release of these evil spirits can multiply the efficiency of killing. Originally, relying on one's own strength, no matter how strong one's physical fitness is, it is absolutely impossible to attack the army formation, kill the general and seize the flag. But once the evil spirit is released...

Those impossible things have become possible.

If you are more cautious, you can ride a horse around the army formation to cut grass. If you fight more recklessly, you can directly charge into the formation alone and be as powerful as a thousand. When you can cover the surrounding area with a casual swing of the sword for three or five feet, it is completely beyond common sense.

The tighter the formation, the more convenient it is for such masters to harvest in large areas. The army formation that was originally invincible has become a burden at this moment.

However, those masters who release the evil spirit can become braver and stronger through this killing.

"If the stage of evil spirit entering the body can only be regarded as the level of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, then this stage of evil spirit release is probably going to be the level of Dynasty Warriors."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of some classic games he had played before, and the time when he controlled the character in the game to roam the battlefield, invincible, and could knock down more than a dozen people with a casual sword.

That kind of wide-range attack method is really no different from the feeling of chopping after the evil spirit is released.

This is a completely different set of battlefield logic. Qi Jinshan's security warfare method is simply not feasible. Once the grassland people send out a fierce general like He Xiqing, the soldiers arranged by Qi Jinshan will lie on the ground like harvested wheat.

Of course, there are masters in Yanzhou City who can stand up.

That is Du Chengfeng himself.

This is a bit too much respect for him. You must know that Yanzhou City is facing the vanguard of the Mobei Royal Court. God knows how many fierce generals there are in it-even if he can fly, he can't do it everywhere. Indeed, if he seizes the time, he may be able to cut off the heads of a few generals, but the Yanzhou soldiers behind him, and even the entire Yanzhou City, will probably be killed.

So what is this battle?

"I might as well just start killing first, at least I can make myself stronger... Yo."

As soon as he said this, Du Chengfeng raised his hand and slapped his forehead.

Good guy, the enemy hasn't even come yet, but he already wants to start cleaning the entire Yanzhou City. Is this the way of thinking that a normal person can have?

"I still have to calm down and be more rational."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng simply rode his horse to the Yanzhou Arsenal.

Perhaps because he had fought too many times during this period, his desire to fight was really too high. Even though he had long passed the stage of evil spirit entering his body and his mind was stable and solid as a rock, he was still inevitably affected by the rush of those killing desires.

Perhaps the recent abnormal excitement and hunger were also because of this.

At this time, it showed how useful Ruan Shantao's old man Ruan's set of things was.

Although it was just a word left in the depths of the arsenal, it still helped Du Chengfeng stabilize his mind. Perhaps this is the benefit of the so-called poetry and righteousness.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to learn, and old man Ruan was gone.


With a sigh, Du Chengfeng pushed open the door deep in the armory.

The familiar smell of wine was still there. It seemed that Liu Bolun had been living here directly these days. But what surprised Du Chengfeng was that in addition to Liu Bolun, he saw another person.

Another person who shouldn't be here.

That was Qi Jinshan, the commander-in-chief of the Yanzhou Army.

The first update is here, and the second update will be before two o'clock.

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