In the Blade

Chapter 103 What is evil spirit?

"What exactly is evil spirit?"

For most people in this world, this may not be a question that needs to be thought about. After all, killing people will make the weapon stained with evil spirit, which is almost like drowning in a well. It has become common sense that everyone defaults to.

Common sense is naturally irrefutable, just like two plus two must equal four, just like leaves will fall to the ground no matter how much they float. This is something that people are accustomed to, and few people will doubt common sense.

But few does not mean nothing.

After all, if this matter is investigated in depth, it may involve the fundamental operation of the world, and this level of information often means powerful power-so no matter when, there will be people willing to spend time and energy to study this matter and try to explore the essence of this so-called evil spirit.

And the best among them is the former Great Chu.

The former Chu Dynasty could be regarded as the dynasty that made the most perfect use of evil spirits. This can be seen from their war methods. The style of warfare led by the vanguard generals was almost entirely based on the evil spirit system. Perhaps it was precisely because of the proficiency in the use of swords and weapons that the Chu people were more confused about this power.

Why do weapons made of ordinary iron gather evil spirits? Why do magic weapons have such a strong power? If the evil spirit is attached to the weapon, why is there such a saying that the evil spirit enters the body? What is the so-called evil spirit?

In order to find the answer to the question, the Chu Dynasty made many attempts.

Many, many attempts.

"It's really... bloody."

Xiang Rong, who was far away in the tent of the grassland vanguard army, closed the scroll in his hand and threw it into the brazier.

Logically speaking, this royal secret left by the former Great Chu is a priceless treasure for anyone, but after reading it, Xiang Rong still felt that this kind of thing should be burned, at least this one should be burned - just because even he, a descendant of the Chu royal family, after seeing the records of those related attempts, actually felt that the reason why the Great Chu was overthrown was somewhat reasonable.

In order to identify whether the generation of sword and weapon evil spirits is related to the materials, the Chu people tried to use various materials to smash the target to death. In order to understand whether the reason is in the forging process, the Chu people tried to kill the target with pig iron and weapons respectively, so as to make a comparison. In order to explore the principle of the magic weapon, the Chu people disassembled hundreds of various magic weapons. In order to study whether the evil spirit acts on people or on weapons, the Chu people even...


Letting out a long breath, Xiang Rong drove away the images in his mind.

After all, the sages' books all say that a gentleman should stay away from the kitchen. He doesn't need to remember how cruel the process is. After all, what he needs is the conclusion drawn by the Chu people in the end.

"A strong will that can change reality."

This is the Chu people's understanding of evil spirit.

What really inspired the Chu people was to start from dismantling those various magic weapons. Although most of these magic weapons and treasures have killed people, there are also many weapons that have strong power even if they have not been stained with blood - and this just points out another question of the Chu people, that is, how did ordinary iron become a magic weapon?

Obviously, killing can only be regarded as a way, but it is not a necessary condition.

So, the Chu people made more attempts.

Only the great Chu that once dominated the world could do this. In countless attempts, it got closer and closer to the truth of the origin - and after repeated attempts, the Chu people finally confirmed that the evil spirit of the sword and weapon was not caused by killing, but by the extreme emotions of the person being killed when he was dying.

No matter who it is, when facing death, the will is always the most concentrated, and after this will is concentrated, it will more or less generate some power - perhaps this is why the manifestation of sword and weapon evil spirit is often killing, after all, the person who is killed often wants to kill back.

But is that all?

Sword and weapon evil spirit can make people stronger, more sensitive, and even make people master inhuman power, but how this power works, the Chu people are still quite confused about this - so in order to continue to explore this fundamental, the Chu people made more attempts, after all, this kind of power that directly acts on the human body and can even make people become immortals in the world, no one can refuse.

Then the Great Chu disappeared.

"What a pity..."

Thinking of this, Xiang Rong couldn't help but sigh.

On the one hand, perhaps he was lamenting the demise of the former Great Chu, on the other hand, perhaps he was lamenting the severance of the road to knowledge - but more, he was lamenting that he had read the book for half a day in vain.

The Overlord Halberd inserted in his spine was the essence of the Chu royal family's research on evil spirits. In order to forge this weapon, the Chu State paid a swordsmith, a king, and more than 30 years of expeditions to the east and west - but unfortunately, although the predecessors of the Chu State left this magical blade, they did not leave any supporting maintenance measures, so that he, the descendant, could only look through the records left by the predecessors and figure it out by himself.

"If it was him...ah."

Thinking of this, Xiang Rong couldn't help but think of Ruan Shantao again. Unlike his heir who relied on the accumulation of the Chu royal family for generations to have a set of skills, Ruan Shantao, who could forge the "Sword of Founder" with his own will, was a truly gifted talent.

If his old friend were to look through these materials, he would surely be able to find a solution, right?

“But not necessarily.”

Xiang Rong shook his head gently.

If it was an old friend, maybe he could do it, but judging from his visit a few days ago, his old friend was finally corrupted by a group of idiots in the court of Southern Chen, and he no longer looked like a hero.

The so-called sword covered in dust is probably the same.

Ruan Shantao, who once fought many students and beat everyone so hard that they dared not speak, finally bowed his head to reality.

“What kind of students can you teach like this?”

Thinking of this, Xiang Rong raised his head and looked in the direction of Yanzhou City.


What would Ruan Shantao not be able to do?

In the depths of the armory, looking at the strange sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng inexplicably remembered the past few days.

That was when Ruan Shantao turned into a monster, and the wail of regret resounded throughout the entire Ziyang Mountain. Once upon a time, he didn't quite understand why this old man who looked quite cultured on weekdays would show such an unbearable behavior.

But now, when he held this square sword in his hand, he suddenly realized it.

He would regret it, and he would regret it too much.

"By the way, Lao Liu, let me ask you something."

Du Chengfeng raised his head slightly.

"Besides the commander-in-chief, who else in Yanzhou City can keep his word?"

"What can that drunkard understand? Let me tell you."

Before Liu Bolun could speak, Qi Jinshan took the initiative to respond.

"If we talk about daily affairs, besides the governor, the person in charge is the chief clerk of a state. But if you want to ask about military officers, the chief of ordnance will have more say. After all, if the chief of ordnance disagrees, no one can get a weapon... But why are you asking this? Do you think the position is too low? It doesn't matter. I'll let the chief clerk cooperate with you throughout the process."

"Nothing else, I just asked."

Du Chengfeng laughed.

He drew his sword.

The second update is here. Everyone, go to bed early and see you at noon.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you for the reward from Yuanji Tongxuan Wanxiang Emperor. I am grateful for your kindness. It is a waste of money.

I will continue to write. Good morning, everyone.

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