In the Blade

Chapter 107 Two Monsters

The beasts were enjoying the bait, and the grassland vanguards entering the city were the living sacrifices in this hunting ground.

Just looking at the corpses on the ground, Xiang Rong already understood that the inhuman monster should have realized the beauty of blood food - and what he brought in now was not some ordinary grassland Hu people, but the real elite vanguard of the Mobei Royal Court.

These armored soldiers with strong fighting will may be a nightmare for the enemy, but for the monster hiding in the dark, they are far superior to ordinary creatures.

What's more, he also brought a lot of charging generals.

"Even you can't hold on..."

The warhorse was walking on the road full of corpses, and Xiang Rong had already recognized the corpse of the fourth charging general - these people were brave people with iron wills, and each of them had reached the point of releasing evil spirits. Such a strong strength can be called a hero anywhere.

If the description of the elite warriors of the grassland is like wolves and tigers, then these fierce generals are real tigers and wolves that can eat people.

But now, these tigers and wolves that roamed the battlefield have all fallen to the ground, and no one knows where their heads have been thrown.

The information of the Qingyang tribe is wrong. The man who used the fire blade is not a young tiger at all.

It is a more dangerous monster that can already feed on tigers and wolves.


The warhorse continued to move forward, and Xiang Rong finally saw some living remnants of the grassland.

After seeing this state master, these remaining grassland warriors were naturally overjoyed. After all, they escaped from the blazing fire blade and knew that they had no way to fight against such a monster - but the state master in front of them was different. This state master was a top-notch strongman. Even if it was a monster of that level, as long as their state master took action, it would definitely be easy to catch.

What's more, their national master was holding a ferocious long halberd that looked quite extraordinary.

"National Master, was this halberd captured?"

Some grassland generals couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

"It looks really cool, the aesthetics of these southerners... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, the grassland general's voice was stuck in his throat.

Then, the halberd blade just swept lightly, and the huge head fell to the ground.

"... National Master?"

Looking at the headless corpse in front of them, and then at the ferocious long halberd still stained with blood, the remaining grassland soldiers couldn't react for a while. What happened?

They just couldn't win, not cowardly and fled, so why should they execute such harsh military law?


In the puzzled eyes of the grassland soldiers, Xiang Rong once again raised the halberd in his hand.

"Rather than letting him eat them all, I might as well eat them myself."


The halberd with the word "bu" swept across, and more than ten heads flew into the sky.

The remaining grassland soldiers immediately fell into chaos.

They who had escaped death could not imagine why their national master would attack their own people, and their national master was obviously too lazy to talk to them-at this moment, Xiang Rong had completely become a predator, how could he have the leisure to chat with food?

Just kill them at the fastest speed, this is the greatest kindness to the food.

So, under the swing of the halberd blade, more than 300 grassland soldiers hiding here were killed in just a moment.

"Not enough..."

Xiang Rong casually turned over two pieces of bloody military rations from the pile of corpses on the ground, and turned over and got back on the horse while chewing the blood-stained dry biscuits.

It's not enough. More than 300 lives are not enough. Although these grassland warriors are good bait for the Overlord Halberd as elite soldiers, they are still far from restoring the former majesty of the Overlord Halberd.

"We have to hurry up."

Hearing the shouts of killing in the distance, Xiang Rong knew that the monster had started to prey again.

Obviously, the monster should not want to fight him head-on. As for the reason, Xiang Rong can guess it. It's nothing more than seeing Ruan Shantao's broken body. Although the communication in front of the mountain gate was brief, Xiang Rong has already observed that the monster is also a person with delicate thoughts. If the other party really returned to the mountain and observed Ruan Shantao's broken body, it is not difficult to see that he holds some extremely powerful power in his hands.

What's more, the monster is not as upright as Ruan Shantao, who is even pedantic.

Compared with humans, the monster's thinking is closer to that of a large beast.

People will fight to the death for their ideals, beliefs, or various reasons, but large beasts that are more ferocious than humans will never choose to fight to the death - whenever they sense possible danger, these beasts will turn around and run away to avoid fighting.

This is not a manifestation of cowardice, but a wild instinct. They will instinctively choose to preserve their combat power and wait for the next opportunity to attack at any time.

So we must not let this monster eat all 20,000 soldiers, and we must not let this monster continue to grow.

Otherwise, when these 20,000 soldiers are eaten, the grown monster will come to eat him.

"Then let's see... let's see who eats whom."

Holding the halberd tightly in his hand, Xiang Rong also showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Indeed, if this monster were to eat up all the 20,000 grassland vanguard troops inside and outside Yanzhou, he might not be able to do anything but wait for death with only a broken Overlord Halberd in his hand - but a monster of this level could just do it for him. This Overlord's Halberd brings a feast of killing!

"This is destiny! Destiny is with me, Dachu!"

At this moment, Xiang Rong even felt secretly that maybe God was really helping him. Otherwise, why at this time, when he was about to raise the halberd of the Overlord and revive the Great Chu Dynasty, there happened to be someone who could restore the Overlord. Good material for the halberd appeared in front of him?

This ferocious aura, this barbaric behavior... are exactly in line with the nature of this overlord's halberd!

But before that, he needed to do one more thing.

He also needs to get more blood into the Overlord's Halberd in his hand.

"Master Imperial Master! Why, why!"

After seeing his national master return to the team, he suddenly waved the halberd he had never seen before and began to slaughter his own soldiers crazily. All the grassland pioneers were all dead.

"Why on earth! We are obviously all here for Dahan..."

"Who is following you for Khan?"

The halberd was swung, and more than ten heads flew into the air.

"I've been here for Da Chu from the beginning!"


Seeing the corpses of their companions lying on the ground, the remaining prairie soldiers quickly turned around and ran away.

But after running a few steps, they suddenly discovered that a rider carrying a blazing blade was waiting for them at the far corner of the street.

They have seen the rider holding the flaming blade. After all, many of them were burned to death by the flaming blade just now - but now they have no possibility of retreating, just because the rider holding the halberd high The Imperial Master has already chased after him.

There are wolves in front of them and tigers in the back. Are they really going to die here like this?

"Follow me!"

At this time, these grassland soldiers who were about to die suddenly heard a cry.

When they raised their heads, they saw the rider holding the fire blade waving to them.


All the prairie warriors couldn't help but look back at their national master who was holding his halberd high.

If they are caught by the National Preceptor, no matter what the reason is for the opponent to practice this military method, they will definitely die anyway - but if they surrender to the Flaming Blade Rider, although the opponent will indeed kill many people, they are the enemy after all.

If they were enemies, they would have surrendered and become prisoners. Maybe they could have survived?


At the critical moment of life and death, I don't know which prairie warrior was the first to urge the war horse, and then a large number of prairie warriors followed suit, raising their horses and whips, and rushed to catch up.

But he rushed all the way in the direction of the Flaming Blade Knight.

An update will be added (4/4). I'll take a nap for a while and update as usual in the evening.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to DIOOI for the reward, and thanks to book friend 20220430014944358 for the character reward. It’s really a waste of money.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. See you all tonight.

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