In the Blade

Chapter 118 To be a god, ride a crane to the sky

If it was just pretending to be a ghost, the people of Yanzhou would not believe it.

Everyone is not a fool, nor is it true that they have no knowledge at all. Under Ruan Shantao's many years of education, many people can read and write, and their horizons have been broadened. If it is just a little trick, it will not be able to deceive them—— However, the problem lies here. No one would have thought that the young monk would actually come here for real.

"Is this kind of thing... really something that humans can master?"

For a time, the refugees in the team had a lot of thoughts.

"Can I learn?"

"If you have the heart to worship God and the intention to follow the Tao, you can stay and practice these Taoist magic."

The smile on the young monk's face is gentle and sunny. When paired with the plain robe, just standing there makes him feel convincing.

What's more, next to this young monk, there is also the shadow of a golden-armored god.

"I want to learn!"

The refugees rushed towards the young monk one after another, scrambling to get ahead of him.

Even if the young monk has made it clear that he needs to contribute some rice rations for cultivation, people don't care about it anymore - even for them as refugees, if they really take out that little ration, it may mean that they There was no way to move forward, but at this moment, facing the possibility of learning the magic of gods, and facing that golden-armored god, how could they endure it? How could you possibly endure it?

Perhaps only a few people like old man Yang Xuanyang, who have matured in old age, can remain rational under this level of temptation.

"If there's a problem, they must have a problem."

Yang Xuan on the cart frowned.

"If they really have some magical magic, they can just conjure food. Why do they need to harvest food? This group of people... wait, what are you going to do? You don't plan to follow suit, right? "


After being stopped, Carpenter Li scratched his head in embarrassment. He wanted to learn, but after hearing what Old Man Yang said, he hesitated.

This made him turn his attention to others.

"I haven't moved anywhere."

After casually responding, Cui Yuan continued to lower his head to understand the art of swordsmanship.

He didn't bother to learn any other techniques besides the sword.

"I'm here to check the ledger at the grain truck."

Seeing his eyes glancing at him, Liu Bolun immediately raised the account book in his hand, and the two gatekeepers beside him who were originally guarding the gate of Ziyang Mountain also shook their heads.

A Tai student and two disciples of Ruan Shantao, although they were also very curious about the appearance of the golden-armored god, but with their vision and status, they did not bother to learn such sacred things.

As a result, everyone's eyes were focused on Du Chengfeng.

"I...try, I'll try."

In full view of everyone, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but smile awkwardly as he reached for the grain bag.

"Aren't you curious?"

"That's a lie! It's all fake!"

Pointing at the golden-armored god in the distance, Old Man Yang foamed at the mouth for a moment.

"That's fake! They want to lie to you! Although I don't know how they did it, but judging from the matter itself..."

"I know."


Hearing Du Chengfeng's answer, Old Yang immediately choked on the cart.

What is this? You know it's a trap, but you still step on it?

"Just because I know it, I want to try it even more."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head. He didn't quite know how to deal with this kind of thing to an ordinary person like Old Man Yang.

This is indeed a cover-up for ordinary people, but for people like him who have already released evil spirits, they can clearly feel that the illusory golden armored god is clearly a special kind of evil energy. Application method.

And unlike Old Man Ruan's inexplicable but ridiculously strong poetry and book righteousness, this time Du Chengfeng could confirm that it was indeed the evil spirit of swords and weapons. Just like him wielding a big sword to create a fiery blade, or using an ancient ax to create a cold wind, these are all manifestations of the evil spirit being released.

It's just that this frightening sword aura, after being wrapped in a layer of golden illusory armor, doesn't look so scary, but instead looks majestic.

"That's about it."

Du Chengfeng spread his hands and didn't know how much everyone could understand.

"It's a way of applying evil spirits, so I'm going to learn about it... Wait, Lao Liu, what are you going to do? Are you going to follow me?"

"Did you just say that this was evil spirit?"

Liu Bolun's expression was very subtle.

"Then there's something very wrong with this matter... That boy said he wanted to teach immortal magic. Does he mean to tell ordinary people about things related to evil spirits? How dare he?"

"...Would you wait a moment?"

Listening to Liu Bolun's words, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

What does it mean to tell ordinary people about things related to evil spirits? Does it mean that ordinary people don’t know about this at all?

How is that possible? It's obviously over there in Jibei...

"There's nothing we can do over there in Jibei. Everyone goes out with a knife, so even if they want to, they can't defend themselves against it."

Hearing Du Chengfeng's doubts, Liu Bolun couldn't help but shake his head.

"...No, brother, haven't you ever thought about it? If the general public knows that killing people can be infected with evil spirits and become powerful, what do you think the consequences will be?"


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If the general public knew that killing people could infect them with evil spirits and make them stronger... This could actually be seen in Yanzhou City. Even with a powerful person like Ruan Shantao pressing down on them, the Yanzhou people who were given knives by the knife sellers would still choose to commit crimes at night and rob and kill passers-by on the street after tasting the benefits of killing.

In the final analysis, on one side is the heavy reality, and on the other side is the shortcut visible to the naked eye. Who can resist this temptation?

Even if this temptation makes people crazy, it doesn't matter. After all, madness is a matter for the future, and the benefits brought by the shortcut are in front of them.

"So there must be laws and order, and people must know that killing people will pay a heavy price."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng had understood, Liu Bolun also nodded.

"As for those who have killed people and are infected with evil spirits, they must be killed to serve as a warning to others. First, it is to meet the saying that if you kill someone, you must pay with your life, so that everyone will believe it. Second, it is to prevent them from continuing to commit crimes until it turns into something unbearable to talk about."


This time, Du Chengfeng understood.

If you can't stick to your original intention and let the evil spirit enter your body, you will become a murderer. Even if you reach the point where the evil spirit is released, once your consciousness is scattered, you will be driven into a monster by the evil spirit on the spot-both situations mean major public security incidents, especially the latter. The monster that can strengthen itself by killing people is simply a moving natural disaster.

"This is why the status of the robbers in charge of public security in Dachen is even comparable to that of combat soldiers... Of course, it's different in Shanbei Road. Everyone there carries weapons, and it's a problem for the robbers to enforce the law. They can't always arrest everyone."

At this point, Liu Bolun's voice paused.

"But it's different since Shannan Road. The looters here are more vicious than the soldiers. Brother, you better be careful and stop saying you are a traitor."

"What do you mean I am a traitor? How can you slander my innocence?"

Du Chengfeng immediately argued with reason.

"You also saw that Qi Jinshan, the governor, died in battle. What does this have to do with me?"


Liu Bolun was stunned by Du Chengfeng's shamelessness.

But this is indeed the case. At that time, there were only three people involved in the underground arsenal in Yanzhou. Now Qi Jinshan is dead, and he is a fugitive official with a golden seal. It is impossible for him to show up directly. This directly leads to that as long as Du Chengfeng himself does not say it, no one knows that he is a traitor.

"Anyway, you should be careful. You can't hide this for too long. When the imperial army arrives at the front, they will find out that it was you who did it sooner or later."

"That can't be done. I have cremated the remains of Governor Qi. It's a pity that the ashes are still in the city and not brought out... Alas, the grassland people are too cruel!"

Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly, and the grassland general beside him was so angry that his eyelids twitched.

As a surrendered prisoner, he saw with his own eyes what the so-called cremation was. If burning a corpse into ashes with a knife can be considered cremation... How did this get thrown on the grassland people's heads?

Incredible, really incredible, this shameless spirit is exactly the same as those tribal leaders!

Such a person is born to be a leader! They, the surrendered soldiers, are with the right person!

"Forget it, let's talk about business."

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more off-topic, Liu Bolun couldn't help shaking his head.

"Anyway, there must be something wrong with this mountain temple. What do they want to do by trying to expose ordinary people to evil spirits? This is against the government and the court. I think we should go to the county government immediately... Forget it, just ignore what I said."

As soon as he said this, Liu Bolun remembered that if he really wanted to report it, he would probably be the first to go in first.

What's more, this mountain temple made such a big scene, so is the Yiyang County Government really blind?

As an outsider, it is important to learn to adapt to local customs. If you really want to break this tacit understanding between each other, then everyone's face will not look good.

"Hey, this Da Chen..."

With a sigh, Liu Bolun went back to the cart to drink.

It's better to get drunk. After getting drunk, people are more confused and don't have to think so much.

"So I'm going to learn a little bit here, and by the way, I'll have a few meals to save our food reserves."

With this, Du Chengfeng distributed some food.

"Are there any other people going together?"


Seeing that Du Chengfeng was going, Carpenter Li simply raised his hand.

"Brother Du, count me in."

"I'll go too."

Cui Yuan, who had been autistic all the time, actually raised his head.

"Since Mr. Du thinks that the methods of this mountain temple are worth learning about, I should also go and learn about it."

"I, I'll go too..."

Liu Bolun, who had already drunk half a jar of wine, also raised his foot.

"You all went, so what am I doing here? I don't care, I don't want to do this job anymore, I want to go too."

"I'll go too!"

The grassland general Zhierhuo also stood up.


"What are you going for?"

Du Chengfeng immediately glared.

It's fine if everyone went over to take a look out of curiosity, but why did Zhierhuo, a grassland man, join in the fun?

"I've always admired Wang Hua... Don't do it! I'm telling the truth!"

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was about to take out a weapon from his saddle bag, Zhierhuo couldn't help but shrink his neck.

The truth is more hurtful, that is, these grassland people are not suitable to stay alone in the team. It was okay when Du Chengfeng was there, as surrendered soldiers, they still had an identity, but if Du Chengfeng was not there... whether the refugees attacked the surrendered soldiers or the surrendered soldiers resisted, there was no way to ask for help.

After all, everyone left their homes and became refugees to escape the grassland people's attack. Who can really have any good feelings towards the grassland people?

"Then... you can go up the mountain with me."

With a long sigh, Du Chengfeng waved to the two mountain gatekeepers guarding the grain cart, indicating that they should also divide the treasury that the more than 300 grassland soldiers need to pay and put it on his account.

And those grassland soldiers headed by Zhierhuo also bowed their heads.

This might be why they were willing to follow this fire blade warrior. A powerful leader might make them bow their heads, a cunning leader might get their recognition, but this kind of leader who is willing to take care of their feelings...

This is the first time they have seen one.

"Then let's all go."

Seeing that everyone actually wanted to go and take a look, old man Yang Xuanyang also gave up.

"Anyway, I see that many of the villagers are also tempted. Since you want to go, let's all go together. But don't blame me for not reminding you that the people in this mountain temple really don't look like good people."

"It doesn't matter, we are not good people either."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help laughing.

After letting the grassland armored soldiers take off their armor, Du Chengfeng led a group of people to find the young monk carrying the magic sword.

Seeing a group of fierce men with weapons on their waists walking towards them, the young and strong men in the mountain temple suddenly felt like they were facing a great enemy - it was the young monk who maintained order for a while, so they didn't run away in fear on the spot.

"Why are you running? These are the heroes who are escorting the people. If it weren't for them, would these people be able to reach our Yiyang County safely?"

After scolding the young men, the young monk turned around and bowed to Du Chengfeng and his party.

"I'm sorry to see that the country folks don't have much knowledge... Why, do you also want to go into the mountains and learn the magic of the gods?"

"Indeed, I'm sorry to bother this immortal."

With that, Du Chengfeng waved his hand, and the villagers of Yangjiabao pulled the grain cart over. This was the tuition for them.

After paying the tuition, the young monk also called for people to lead the refugee team into the mountains, and Du Chengfeng and his party, under the guidance of the guide, passed by the young monk.

At this time, Du Chengfeng stretched out his hand and rubbed the golden armored god beside the young monk.


Just a touch, Du Chengfeng's eyes suddenly widened.

The touch that fell into his hand just now was not an illusion.

The touch of the armor on the golden armored god was exactly the same as real steel.

The first update is here. Why do I feel that my work and rest are getting more and more normal? In addition, I plan to adjust my work and rest today, so the original evening update should be in the afternoon.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

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