In the Blade

Chapter 12 He Xi Xuan

The cold wind in Mobei in winter is sharper than a knife, killing people without blood.

Every winter, a group of people die in the wind. After all, not everyone is qualified to live in a warm tent. For two children who have not yet reached the height of the wheel, surviving this winter on their own is even more of a luxury.

No one is willing to take in these two children. After all, they are not pure-blooded prairie people. The herdsmen all think that taking in bastards will bring disaster.

What's more, the leader of the tribe had just personally killed the father of the two children.

So these two children can only live on their own. The only thing taken away by these two children is the family ax. According to the leader, it allows the children to chop some firewood by themselves, but everyone can see it. , this is just an excuse for the leader.

After all, it would be unlucky to kill a young child with your own hands. Since Hanfeng could do it for him, the leader naturally didn't want to get his hands dirty.

After all, these two kids couldn't even lift an axe.

In order to survive, the two children went into the mountains, gnawing tree bark when they couldn't find food, and stuffing snow into their mouths when they couldn't find water. But even though they had exhausted all means to survive, they still couldn't survive. They were still helpless against the biting cold wind.

"I'll go figure it out."

Seeing that his younger brother was beginning to lose consciousness in the cold wind, the slightly taller brother dragged his ax out.

When the younger brother woke up, he found himself in a warm cave with a bonfire burning beside him, and his body was covered with a layer of blood-stained bearskin.

As for his brother, he was squatting by the fire, munching on half-cooked bear meat. His bloody mouth was reflected on the wall by the firelight, like an evil ghost with teeth and claws.

This sight could obviously make the child stop crying, but he felt so at ease.

The eldest brother is amazing, he can do anything.

And in the spring of the next year, the tribal leader who expelled the two brothers was beheaded in his sleep. No one knew who did it, but occasionally a shepherd said that evil was reflected in the tent at night. Ghost's shadow.

The two brothers also left their original tribe and began a wandering career.

The elder brother’s name is He Xiqing. According to his father, in the language of southerners, green is the color of the sky. The younger brother’s name is He Xixuan. According to his father, in the language of southerners, Xuan is the color of the earth. They all still remember that their father once told them to become upright men.

And they did exactly that.

As the elder brother, He Xiqing dared to fight hard, and soon made his name among the surrounding tribes. However, as the younger brother, He Xixuan, as he grew older, his figure became smaller than that of his elder brother, He Xiqing. He is even taller, and when he swings a big ax, he looks like the reincarnation of the God of War, unstoppable.

It is precisely because of their courage that they quickly formed a team and were even recruited by a large tribe like the Qingyang Tribe and became their guests.

Of course, becoming a general of the Qingyang Tribe is not without cost.

According to the leader of the Qingyang Tribe, the god-like Khan hidden in the royal court deep in the grassland has issued an order. In order to ensure that all grassland people are qualified to survive the winter, the god-like Khan decided Send troops to conquer the warm lands in the south. As the Qingyang tribe closest to Chen State, they naturally became the vanguard in this attack. The two brothers who had just joined the Qingyang tribe also needed to prove that they were real warriors with their military exploits in this attack. .

This can't help but make the two brothers a little embarrassed.

"Wizard, we still have too few wizards."

After returning to his camp, He Xixuan, his younger brother, expressed his doubts.

"Fighting south is not difficult. After all, our warriors are all good men who have survived the cold wind. But if we let them kill too many people and their blood gets too strong..."

When the blood energy is high, that is, the so-called evil energy enters the body, after a person becomes red-eyed, he will become a madman who does not recognize his relatives. Only wizards who are said to be able to communicate with the sky can restore calm to these crazy warriors.

The Qingyang tribe could afford to support their own wizards, but the two brothers could not. When their warriors went crazy, they could only go to the Qingyang tribe's wizards for help first.

But this time, the Qingyang Tribe themselves will send their troops south, so they will naturally not lend their precious wizards to them.

“But this is also a boost for us.”

Facing his younger brother's doubts, He Xiqing, as the elder brother, shook his head.

"You also said that our warriors are all good men who survived the cold wind. Then I believe that they can be like us and will not be affected by this mere blood. Only cowardly people can't even bear this killing. , But we, we climbed out of the pile of dead people time and time again, we stood firm, we are real warriors."

After that, He Xiqing began to directly lead his team to plunder and fight with blood.

Although he once questioned He Xiqing's thoughts, when the fight actually started, He Xixuan, as the younger brother, was the one who charged the most fiercely. Wearing armor, He Xixuan swung his axe, almost like a giant bear in human form, leaving only broken limbs and broken arms wherever he passed.

More and more evil energy remained on the axe, and more and more blood energy poured into He Xixuan's mind, but He Xixuan didn't care at all.

After all, if it weren't for his elder brother who risked his life to kill the bear, He Xixuan would have died in the cold winter wind. So even if he was angry, even if he became a demon who only knew how to kill, as long as it was for his elder brother, he would be willing.

What's more, his elder brother was amazing and could do anything.

And the facts also proved this point. Their training was very effective. Although some of the warriors under his command did fall into madness, more warriors passed the test. They became more fierce and more deadly. Their blood-red eyes made them look like hungry wolves on the grassland.

And the reputation of the two brothers in the Qingyang tribe also grew stronger with the ferocity of their warriors.

What the elder brother said was right. There was nothing to be afraid of. It was just training. It was just that their training method was a bit too harsh.

Relying on this wolf-like team in his hands, He Xiqing quickly entered the upper echelons of the Qingyang tribe, and as a brother, He Xixuan took over the task of training. This is a hard job, but He Xixuan has no complaints. After all, Xuan is the color of the earth. As a brother, he should support the sky for his brother.

This time, He Xixuan's target is Yangjiabao. According to the eldest brother, this is called bleeding the opponent before the battle, but He Xixuan doesn't understand those complicated things. He only knows that what the eldest brother said is right.

So, He Xixuan swung the axe and split the door of the fort with inhuman strength.

Just as the eldest brother said, the so-called blood and qi, or the evil spirit entering the body, may be a disaster for the weak, but for the strong with firm will, it is a reward from heaven. It is precisely because of the steel heart that remains unmoved in the cold wind of Mobei that they can control this inhuman power and become more and more courageous.

Now, another group of new warriors are going to receive this reward. After killing all the people in Yangjiabao, the best among them will cross that threshold and become real warriors.

"It's just a training exercise."

After cutting a gap in the spear array in front of him, He Xixuan stood there with his axe, letting his soldiers enter the battlefield to fight.

He didn't want to kill too many people, because that would deprive these soldiers of their right to be tested. This was an opportunity for these young men to transform. Only after going through this test would they be qualified to become true eagles and soar in the sky of his elder brother He Xiqing.

Until he saw the knife and the pair of eyes as bloody as his.

Calling his soldiers, He Xixuan picked up the axe and walked up. At the first sight of those eyes, he realized that it was an inhuman monster of the same level as him.

Ordinary soldiers could not stop this kind of monster at all, and their heads would be chopped off in an instant.

But the only thing He Xixuan didn't expect was that he couldn't stop it either.

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