In the Blade

Chapter 129: Book of Sages

Du Chengfeng had long wanted to try to understand the serious methods of cultivation in this world.

Although he had recognized Ruan Shantao as his teacher before, the old man disappeared before he could teach him. Therefore, the path he is taking now is still the most basic one, which is to increase his strength by killing people - but now he is running eastward. After running west for a while, he already knew that killing was not the only way to become stronger in this world.

For example, Ruan Shantao himself has never killed anyone in his life and is still extremely powerful. Or the prairie people's war drums and horns, which are another way to control evil spirits, or Liu Bolun's self-made wine that can suppress the evil spirits of weapons. Or maybe those so-called "immortal cultivators" in Taiyin Mountain had their own special methods.

Obviously, apart from murder, which is the most obvious path but also has the most obvious consequences, everyone seems to have other options.

And this is what Du Chengfeng is most interested in.

"Just think it's to give me a little more confidence when I face that court master."

Du Chengfeng looked at Liu Bolun sincerely.

"Please guide me. Please tell me what skills are taught in the Imperial Academy in Jiankang City."


Liu Bolun began to scratch his head.

"It's a good thing that you are interested in learning, but are you really ready to learn from scratch? Let me tell you first, at your age, I'm afraid you won't be able to cultivate any poetry or calligraphy."

"...Shall I try?"

Even though Liu Bolun said this, Du Chengfeng was still a little unwilling to give up.

If you don’t try, how will you know you’re not good?

"Then let me help you find a sage's book."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng still insisted, Liu Bolun went out and asked someone to bring him a book of sages.

And Du Chengfeng was exposed to something that could be seriously called a "teaching material" in this world for the first time.

It is said that before Chu conquered the world, there was a period of time when many kingdoms were established. At that time, there was a coastal country in the southeast, and this sage came from a place called Lincang on the edge of this coastal country. .

The exact name of the sage has not been known for a long time. After all, when Chu conquered the world, even the country where the sage came from was also wiped out. Obviously, facing the sharp military fronts of the Chu people, The sages' books were of no use, and even the inheritance of knowledge was almost cut off.

But later, after conquering the world, Da Chu finally used this teaching book.

"Because all the classics at that time were more functional. Although you can learn various techniques from reading them, the only thing you can learn is the techniques."

Having said this, Liu Bolun pointed to the book in his hand.

"Only this sage's book can guide people to be good and teach them how to behave."

After saying that, Liu Bolun, who was drinking, sighed, seeming to be recalling those ancient times.

"Da Chu indeed conquered the world, but they who founded the country by force can only teach warriors. But you also know that if everyone is a warrior and everyone has swords and guns in their hands, then the world will be in trouble. Time has passed... You are from Jibei, you should understand what I am talking about, right? "

Of course Du Chengfeng knew what Liu Bolun was talking about. Although strictly speaking, he had not been active in Jibei for a long time, the simple folk customs there where he was always ready to chop with knives left a deep impression on him. impression.

Even the predators from Nanchen find it difficult to enforce the law on the northern border. The level of chaos is evident.

So you really need to have some rules, even if it's just the most basic order.

Just like what Old Ruan Shantao did in Yanzhou City.

Therefore, the former great Chu finally used this teaching book. However, the people of Chu were not unprepared for this book about the former enemy country - they erased the country originally recorded in the book, and even erased the name that was written down, leaving only the "sage" Two words are used as its title, and part of the content is deleted, leaving only the way of benevolence and righteousness that leads people to do good.

Chu people felt that they had done a perfect job. They not only obtained a piece of knowledge that could be used to enlighten people, but also eliminated possible future troubles. As for the book itself, it was just a scroll that taught people to become benevolent and righteous gentlemen, and what was written in it was also It's just some general principles, what use can this thing have? Can it be compared to the spears of Chu warriors?

However, what Churen didn't expect was that the problem also lay here.

The people of Chu erased the name originally recorded, leaving only the word "sage" as a pronoun. However, this word "sage" aroused the endless reverie of these scholars - who is the sage? What is a sage? How can one be considered a sage? What does a sage look like?

"According to records, those were the first people to cultivate the righteousness of poetry and calligraphy."

Liu Bolun's drunken eyes were hazy, as if he had seen the predecessors and sages of the past.

"Bao Chu erased the names of the saints, but instead allowed them to be more exposed to that mysterious and mysterious situation... Then, with the efforts of generations of scholars, they finally wiped out the cruel Bao Chu and established the later Yu Chao."


Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

He didn't know very well how hard the scholars worked, but just look at Ruan Shantao to see how far the scholars could go - if they were a group of old men holding square swords, they would indeed be an incredible fighting force.

"So, what happened next?"


Liu Bolun's face darkened.

Like all stories, the ending always looks good - but obviously, for those scholars, the fall of the violent Chu is an end, but it is also another beginning.

From that moment on, these scholars were finally able to practice their benevolence and righteousness, and finally be able to benefit the world with the sage ideas in their hearts, just like the sage in the book they once admired. This time, it was their turn to educate the people like the sage in the past.

However, the problem lies here.

Although they all read the books of sages, their understanding of the books of sages is different for each person.

So, who among them is closer to the sage?

"That was a more tragic struggle than the extermination of the violent Chu... So in the current Da Chen, the school of thought of the past is no longer popular. They are all given a book of sages, and what you can understand is what you can see."

With this, Liu Bolun handed the book to Du Chengfeng.

"Try it, see if you can feel that mysterious feeling."


Du Chengfeng tried to read the book in his hand.

He had already asked Liu Bolun about literacy and reading, so there was no obstacle for him to read the book. As for the was okay to read it hard, after all, the content of the book was not complicated. The whole book was basically a dialogue between sages and disciples, telling how a person should become a benevolent and righteous gentleman.

But he had never felt that mysterious feeling.

"Is it because I am not sincere?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the time when he came to Taiyin Mountain. He remembered that it was the same that time. He had read the scriptures for several days, but he didn't feel anything...


As if he thought of something, Du Chengfeng hurriedly took his saddle bag.

Opening the package, Du Chengfeng pulled out a brass magic sword.

Yes, it is true that he is not sincere now.

But he can at least try and learn how to be sincere.

"Read it later, I'll sharpen my sword first."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng had already taken out the whetstone.

And the brass magic sword had already been placed on the whetstone.

The second update is here. It's a little late because I sorted out the distribution of the following content. There will be more later.

In addition: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you all for your encouragement and support.

Thank you to the book friend 20190110193026250 for the reward, it really cost me a lot.

I will continue to write, and there will be more in about two hours.

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