In the Blade

Chapter 135 Monk Jing'an

Sometimes, Monk Jing'an would think of the afternoon when he killed someone for the first time.

At that time, he was just a novice monk in Jingshui Temple, not a real monk. That afternoon, after he killed the fake Jing'an who pretended to be him, he returned to the temple to seek help. After all, the old abbot of the temple had always taught him that God has the virtue of loving life, and killing is a heinous act. His killing in the street is undoubtedly the most vicious behavior.

But just when he thought he was deeply sinful and had nowhere to go, the old abbot who taught him helped him up.

"Don't run around, hide quickly, or you will be caught and killed."

Monk Jing'an still remembers what the old abbot said to him.

When he was at his wits' end, someone was willing to lend him a hand. He was willing to remember it for the rest of his life, even if he had to work like a cow or a horse for him.

So he chose to hide in the temple and didn't go anywhere. When the old abbot brought dinner, he would tell all his thoughts. At that time, no matter how the old abbot punished him, it didn't matter, because it was the crime he should bear.

However, that night, the old abbot didn't bring any food.

Instead, it brought five search teams to capture people.

"I have stabilized him. Now he is in the secret compartment under the main hall. When I let him let down his guard, you can rush up and get rid of this demon!"

As for what happened next, Monk Jing'an didn't remember it clearly. After all, at that time he had given his body to the soul-stealing stick and let it play with it at will.

But he will always remember how the old abbot, who never killed, used what kind of force to stab the dagger into his heart.

Just like now.


Accompanied by a loud shout, the evil spirit that was about to be blasted out twisted in his chest, and the invisible sword energy that was about to penetrate his heart was twisted to death in place!

"Despicable villain..."

The memories of the past came to his mind, and Monk Jing'an's eyes were fierce.

How dare he, how dare he...

How dare he lie!

"Zheng Zheng Zheng——"

At the same time, six invisible sword energies attacked Monk Jing'an's vital points, but they were all locked in mid-air by Monk Jing'an's protective evil spirit.


Five steps away, the swordsman named Cui Yuan raised his head in surprise.

"You can actually see my sword?"

"I'll chop off your head!"

The angry Monk Jing'an swung a big stick.

Despicable villain, this kind of despicable villain is what he hates the most, this kind of insidious and vicious person, he kills one by one when he sees one!

"Dog! Die!"

With a loud shout, the shadow of the stick was thousands of times, like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

An inch longer, an inch stronger. With the blessing of the evil spirit, this soul-stealing stick burst out with unparalleled power at this moment. Everything within three meters was destroyed, and the entire military camp gate had been bombed to the point where no grass grew!

But Cui Yuan, holding the broken sword, had already run five meters away.

Indeed, whether it was three meters or the current five meters, this was not a distance that a sword could reach. A three-foot-long sword simply could not reach an enemy so far away - not to mention that he only had a broken sword without a tip in his hand. This thing was not much different from a dagger. If it could not be used for close combat, then this weapon was almost equivalent to waste.

But in Cui Yuan's view, it was not the case.

After studying his master's will diligently, he already understood.

Although it was true that the sword had lost its tip, it also lost the shackles brought by the tip. No need to stick to the length, no need to stick to the distance, and even no need to stick to the blade itself.

Just like now.


A breath of foul air came out of his mouth, and Cui Yuan once again flattened the broken sword, pointing directly at the monk Jing'an in the distance.

In just a moment, fifty-eight sword qi shot out.

Each sword qi was as thin as a needle, and even the shape of the sword could not be seen.

Under the cover of the sound of breathing, these sharp sword qi flew past silently, and in just a moment, they had completely surrounded the crazy monk swinging the big stick.

No one stipulated that the sword cannot turn.


Accompanied by a light sound of flesh and blood tearing, the monk Jing'an, who was originally waving the big stick, was instantly covered with wounds and blood.

The more than 20 sword qi in front of him were all smashed to pieces by the big stick, but the more than 30 sword qi that detoured to the side and back still opened a hole in his body. At this moment, the monk Jing'an's whole body had been cut by the sword qi, and was covered with blood, just like the blood gourd.

But at this moment of serious injury, Monk Jing'an became even crazier.

"Just a despicable villain... Ahhhhh!!!"

Holding both ends of the long stick, Monk Jing'an whipped it hard!

The stick, which was already seven feet long, was broken into a nine-section long whip with a length of more than ten feet under Monk Jing'an's sudden force!

"What is that?"

Seeing the long stick turned into a nine-section long whip, even Cui Yuan, who was five feet away, was stunned - of course, as a swordsman, his instinct still made him hold the broken sword guard.

But this time, the fifty-eight sword energies were all swept away by the nine-section long whip, and even the sword energies that were around the back were knocked down in the air.

"You bastard! Die!"

The nine-section long whip shook in the air, and it stabbed through the air like a spear. The skull on the head of the stick even spit out a fierce energy, and it was going to nail Cui Yuan to death on the spot!

"Yes! You can still fight like this!"

Cui Yuan broke the sword in his hand and shook it. Thirty-six sword energy twisted into a shield on the spot, protecting his body.

Is the spear stronger? Or is the shield stronger?


Seeing the crazy monk who seemed to have fallen into the evil way of Shura getting closer and closer, Cui Yuan couldn't help but spray a mouthful of blood on his sword.

It's a pity that the moves I just learned have not been polished and are still too immature.

He is probably going to die here today...


Just when the last six layers of sword energy were about to be broken through by the skull whip, a five-foot-long blazing blade pierced the sky.

"Huh? Is there still evil energy to be released?"

Monk Jing'an, who was preparing to strike the final blow, couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he turned around and ran away.

"Don't run! Keep fighting!"

Cui Yuan stood up and tried his best to strike the sword energy with the broken sword, but all the sharp sword energy was shattered by the nine-section long whip in the distance, and the blood-covered figure only rose and fell. Then he disappeared on the far corner of the street.

This made Cui Yuan annoyed. He had just been forced into a desperate situation and was about to try to see if he could break through, but the crazy monk ran away.

"Why does it happen to be at this time...hey."

Thinking of this, Cui Yuan couldn't help but look in the direction of the blazing pillar of fire just now.

That Mr. Du was debugging some things in seclusion recently, and he had heard about it. He came here this time to use the open space in the old barracks. It's just that the timing of this debugging is really a bit...but it's hard to say. What if Mr. Du is giving him a hint?

"Is he trying to say that the sword energy cannot break the nine-section whip because it is too slender?"

Cui Yuan vaguely caught some inspiration and hurried back to the house to continue his enlightenment.

And the matter of the crazy monk was also forgotten by him.

Although it was a pity that the crazy monk could not be kept, it would also be a good thing if the crazy monk ran away and the other party came back later when he had gained strength.

Just like Du Chengfeng did to him.

He used to be the one who was harvested, and the moves he worked hard to study at most brought some enlightenment to Mr. Du - but now he has finally begun to harvest others, which can't help but make Cui Yuan feel a faint sense of joy in his heart. Feel.

As for the Jing'an monk running wildly in the distance, it was obviously impossible for him to know Cui Yuan's little thoughts. He only knew that he had been deceived again, shamelessly deceived.

Therefore, even though his body was seriously injured, Monk Jing'an rushed to the Dudu Mansion as soon as possible.

"Master is back?"

Qian Jin, who had just finished studying the art of black and white with a few handsome boys, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Monk Jing'an covered in blood.

"Master, what are you doing... I'll find someone to heal you as soon as possible!"

"Stop pretending to be compassionate."

Monk Jing'an sneered.

"Monks don't lie, how can you lie to me?"

After saying that, the nine-section whip swept across Qian Jin's waist and cut him into two pieces!

"You bitch!"

Smelling the smell of blood mixed with powder, and looking at Qian Jin's graceful posture that was broken in two but still with wide robes and long sleeves, Monk Jing'an couldn't help but think of the sinister swordsman with a broken sword on his waist.

Therefore, the Jing'an monk, who was still angry, reassembled the nine-section whip into a long stick, and then beat Qian Jin's corpse on the ground into a pulp.

"Bah! Dog breed!"

It wasn't until the last stick smashed Qian Jin's head that the Jing'an monk was able to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Then, the Jing'an monk snatched the horse and galloped out of the city.

He is just easily deceived, but he is not stupid. What's more, even a fool knows that he may be able to fight one evil spirit, but he will definitely not be able to fight two evil spirits at the same time. There was any chance of winning - instead of dying here without any explanation, he might as well go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion to ask for an explanation and see if the Prime Minister was deceived by Qian Jin like him.

After all, the Prime Minister, like him, is also an honest person who cannot lie.

As for the matter of beating and killing the governor of a state...

"Forget it, let's not mention this matter."

Monk Jing'an thought for a while and then made a decision.

If it had to be brought up, it would be somewhat difficult for the Prime Minister. It would be better not to mention the process at all and just say that Qian Jin is dead.

Just like when he returned to Jingshui Temple after killing someone for the first time.

However, unlike the old abbot who did one thing in front of others and did another behind his back, this Prime Minister is really an honest person like him.

"With such an honest man as the prime minister, how could Da Chen not prosper?"

Thinking of the Prime Minister, Monk Jing'an couldn't help but feel more reverence in his heart.

The second update is here. Good morning everyone. I'm going to take a nap to regain my strength before continuing.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

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