In the Blade

Chapter 193 We Can’t Become Big Trees

Du Chengfeng looked up at the huge giant.

In the past, perhaps there was no need to say the past, after all, it had not even been a day since he entered the imperial mausoleum. And for him at that time, whether it was to test his martial arts, to prove his strength, or for that bullshit invulnerability... Anyway, at that time, he might still want to fight.

But now, he is no longer the same as before.

This short day, for Du Chengfeng, is like a lifetime ago.

Perhaps because of the different state, his mentality has also changed.

"I don't really want to fight you now."

Looking at the huge giant in front of him who was as steady as a mountain, Du Chengfeng suddenly sighed.

"How about another day, okay?"

"Maybe not."

The huge giant shook his head.

Then he looked down at his huge body and smiled helplessly.

"If I don't kill you today, I'm afraid they won't agree."

"Is that so..."

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

Then, he shook his head and laughed.

"Don't mention it."

With a sigh, Du Chengfeng also lowered his head and looked at the phantom sword in his right hand.

The phantom of the emperor's sword was trembling rapidly, and the killing intent was firm and clear.

"I really don't want to fight, but this sword doesn't want me to retreat."

When they met again, Du Chengfeng and the huge giant saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

If they were in a normal acquaintance, they might sit down and have a drink together, or eat some snacks, and talk about interesting things they knew about each other-but they both knew that this kind of thing would only happen to ordinary people.

When they chose to accept that power, they were already helpless.

"Forget it."

Shaking his head, Du Chengfeng hung the heavy sword back on his back.

"It's a bit too much to fight you with this sword."

"Pity me? Do you think I have no friends?"

The huge giant frowned.

"Then do you know that you can't beat me by yourself?"

As he said this, the bone halberd was already swinging.

This may be the complete form of this huge giant. The terrifying halberd built by the Chu people in pursuit of dominance has finally found a perfect match for it after many years - there is no conspiracy, no intrigue, no need to consider the overall situation, and no need to compromise. Just swing the halberd and exert your strength.

Just swing out everything you have experienced and endured in this long time. He and it are the power itself.

"But, but."

Facing the overwhelming pure murderous intent, Du Chengfeng raised his sword to meet it.

"Are you a little, too contemptuous of me?"

Indeed, Du Chengfeng has rarely used swordsmanship, but this does not mean that he does not know swordsmanship. The memory from Cui Yuan's sword, the hard work and persistence of the three thousand swords at sunrise, has long made him use sword weapons like his arms.

What's more, the sword in his hand now, the hard work he has done, even better than Cui Yuan.

After all, no matter how hard Cui Yuan works, he still needs to live, spend time to make money, and maintain his survival - but now this phantom sword has the huge resources of the entire Southern Chen Empire as support.

The material resources of the entire Southern Chen Empire are only used for one person to practice swordsmanship, so how good will this person's swordsmanship be?


The majestic sword energy is swung out!

For the white bone halberd, this phantom sword is only the size of a toy, but the surging sword energy that erupted at this moment is already comparable to that of the huge war halberd!

The sword energy and the halberd blade collided, which is a language that only warriors can understand.

No moves are needed, and no skills are needed. At this moment, the two sides of the battle are only left with the most brutal and fierce collision.

"Come again!"

The huge giant waved the halberd, and boundless murderous energy surged behind him.

That was all the people he had killed, that was the boundless resentment brought by all the evil spirits, the surging momentum swept over like a dark cloud covering the sky.

It was also like branches and leaves covering the sky.

The towering tree with lush branches and leaves fell down, like the collapse of the entire sky.

But the other tree held up the sky.

Although the amount of evil spirit was obviously much less, the evil spirit of the small tree seemed more condensed. At this moment, the straight branches that rose to the sky actually held up the collapsed towering tree.

But this was just the beginning.

"Come again!"

Accompanied by the roar of the huge giant, countless branches spread from the tree. It was a violent giant wielding a halberd. Countless halberd phantoms, slashing and stabbing, each blow was enough to tear a mountain apart.

But on the small tree in front of him, more branches sprouted. The sword energy with condensed killing intent glowed white, entangled with the shadows of the halberds.

"Clang clang clang clang--"

A series of clashes of weapons resounded through the world. It was no longer a move that the human body could bear. There was no longer any force structure, no longer any force skills, everything was just for swinging the weapon, swinging the weapon was everything!

Faster! Faster! Faster!

Stronger! Stronger! Stronger!

The first thing that couldn't bear it was the surrounding building debris. The aftermath of the battle alone had crushed the remains of the imperial mausoleum into powder. After that, even the ground beneath their feet cracked inch by inch because they couldn't bear the huge force. Even until the end, even the weapons in their hands couldn't withstand this inhuman attack.

The bone halberd was already full of cracks, and even the spear blade at the tip of the halberd was only half left, and the illusory sword was already dim, as if it was about to disappear.

But it didn't matter.

Without weapons, can they not fight?

How is it possible!

"Come again!"

The huge giant crushed the bone halberd in his hand and swung a heavy punch!

"I'll kill you with one punch!"

"Come on!"

Du Chengfeng also waved the shadow sword in his hand and swung his fist.

This was the wildest and most primitive battle, fist to fist. Just the first punch, the bones of both parties' hands were shattered by this huge force - but at this moment, none of them cared about this. As long as the fists were still clenched, as long as they hadn't fallen down, all they had to do was swing their fists! Swing again!


Facing the huge fist that was as big as his entire body, Du Chengfeng, who was swinging his fists wildly, roared like a beast.

Obviously facing a huge giant, but at this moment, he always felt that he was hitting a towering tree. The huge tree stretched out its branches, and each branch was a huge fist. The huge fist had branches and leaves, which were faces one after another, and killings and resentments one after another.

And under this towering tree, he did not see the roots that should have stabilized the tree.

"... Is this what you want?"

Du Chengfeng vaguely sensed something.

"Is this why you fight?"


The giant was also swinging his fists wildly. He had already felt the feeling of hitting the trees. The solid trees had branches and blocked his punches.

The memories from his limbs gathered in his mind, and he felt something vaguely.

The trees in front of him also had no roots.

"You are the same..."

The giant laughed, but the fist wind became more and more fierce.

"No wonder."

The whistling fist wind collided again and again, and the two lush and rootless trees attacked each other. There was no need for any reason to fight, nor any excuse to fight.

Just because this was the way they, the aliens, communicated.

The branches touched each other and made a bang. Fists, elbows, legs, knees, all parts that could be used as weapons had been used by them. They were the most sharp weapons with huge evil spirits, and they showed their edge wantonly.

The falling leaves were blown into the air by the fist wind, floating freely.

This made Du Chengfeng slightly startled.



In just a moment of distraction, thirty-four punches hit Du Chengfeng's body, and the huge force almost smashed him into the ground!

But in Du Chengfeng's sight, the big tree waving the heavy fist had begun to wither at some point.

The yellow leaves fell from the big tree and turned into ashes all over the ground, just like the majestic evil spirits wrapped around the huge giant, which were also escaping in the air and in all directions, or dissipating in the fist wind, or drifting with the wind, turning into passing clouds.

"Hit ah ah ah ah——"

The huge giant waved his increasingly shriveled arms, and the violent fist wind tore the air, and also tore his body itself, tore the twisted blood and flesh, and even tore the deformed bones and marrow.

"Don't you want it? Don't you want my blood? I won't give you anything! Every piece of meat, every drop of blood, even the last bit of evil spirit, I won't give you anything! You can't get anything!"

"I know..."

This time, Du Chengfeng didn't continue to swing his fist.

He didn't need to continue swinging his fist, just because it couldn't be called a fight anymore.

This couldn't be called a fight anymore. The force on his fist was getting weaker and weaker. Not to mention breaking his bones, he couldn't even shake his body.

In front of Du Chengfeng, the towering tree was withering and falling apart.

The body that was once as strong and huge as a god of war was now thinner than a skeleton. The tough skin that was once hard to be injured by swords and knives had been torn to pieces along with the flesh and blood, revealing pale bones. But even so, the huge giant, the emperor who created the entire Dachen Empire, was still swinging his fist.

"Okay, that's enough."

Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pressed down the palm that had lost its flesh and even little bone.

"That's enough."

"Is that enough?"

The withered giant with only half of his head left made a hoarse sound.

"Not enough, not enough..."

"There's no need to fight anymore."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

"Leave it to me next."

"No... Not enough!"

The decayed remains swung their arms together.

"More, more..."

"I said, leave it to me next."

Du Chengfeng pressed the arm of the withered giant again.

He really knew why this huge giant would do this. If he thought that this huge giant was unwilling to give him blood because of stinginess when they first fought, now he has understood the real reason.

It's just because every bit and every inch of this huge giant's body is full of distortions brought by evil spirits.

Including its blood itself.

It's better to say that it's liquid evil spirits than blood. This kind of thing can indeed bring power, but it is also the source of madness-and Du Chengfeng is naturally clear about this. After all, he has experienced it personally now. The madness and resentment contained in the evil spirits can indeed be called the source of power, but the resentment and hatred will also lead people to the road of self-destruction.

Just like the withered giant in front of him.

In order to prevent Du Chengfeng from taking on the overly huge evil and hatred, the withered giant did not give Du Chengfeng the opportunity to kill him, but chose to self-destruct.

To die in a battle and dissipate between heaven and earth, this may be the best destination for the huge giant.

But it was just a possibility.

"You don't think that I can go back empty-handed after running all the way here, right?"

As he said this, Du Chengfeng had already pulled out the blazing sword behind him.

The five-meter-long blazing blade swept across, and the giant's remaining feet were burned to ashes. Then the blazing blade swept again, and the giant's legs were also shortened.

Under the smoke and dust, Du Chengfeng swept one knife after another, like a hardworking lumberjack, chopping down the towering tree again and again.

The towering tree finally fell down, and the hard wood was turned into firewood. The branches and leaves were burned, the trunk was torn apart, and the withered tree was finally reduced to ashes.

Only a stump was left on the ground.

That was the giant's huge head.


The giant, with only the head left, murmured hoarsely.

"Enough, you don't need to do this..."

"Not enough, I should still be able to eat."

Du Chengfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This huge giant might be right. He felt a huge pressure just by detecting the huge amount of evil spirit. You know, it's not just thousands of people, but the evil spirits and resentment of all the people killed by this huge giant in his long life of hundreds of years.

But it doesn't matter, he should be able to do it.

Should be able to do it...

"Do me a favor."

The withered head twitched the few remaining teeth.

"Help me find some sweets, okay? Bring me some snacks, I want to try some more sweets."

"Do you know that you are not very good at lying?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"How can I go to the city to find snacks for you? I am afraid that you will die if I turn my head."

"Then... let me say a few more words. After all, it seems that we haven't had a serious chat since we met."

The withered head smiled bitterly, then opened the only remaining eye and looked into Du Chengfeng's eyes.

"Do you think there will be another world after death?"

"...I think so."

Du Chengfeng finally looked away.

He always felt that this huge giant seemed to have known something.

"...Is it true?"

The huge giant smiled.

"That's... great. You know, this world is boring, really boring. Every day, either you kill me or I kill you, there's nothing else to do, as if killing is the biggest thing in the world..."

Speaking of this, the withered head no longer looked at Du Chengfeng, but turned his eyes away and looked at the starry sky.

The moonlight sprinkled on the half of the face, silent and long.

In the bright moonlight, he seemed to see the old bunker again, the prison that he was familiar with, the man with a gloomy face, and the remaining Chu people, who handed over candy, praised his bravery, and laughed so happily.

Even though he knew that this was just a reward for a tool, it was his only remaining impression of the word "home".

"Du Chengfeng?"

"Hmm? You say."

"If, if there is another world, will that world be good?"


Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment.

"That must be great."

"How great?"


Du Chengfeng fell into thought.

"Anyway, it's great, there will be a lot of interesting things, a lot of fun, in that world, you don't even need to fight to survive... Anyway, it's all good, believe me."

"You're not really good at lying."

The withered head grinned.

"How could there be a place where you can survive without fighting? At most, the way of fighting is different... That world is actually not interesting, right?"

"How is that possible?"

Du Chengfeng immediately turned around and prepared to start the debate.

But just when he wanted to say something, the broken head that was still beside him disappeared without a trace.

Only a voice remained, and those flying fragments drifted in the wind.

"Go, take care."


Du Chengfeng turned his head and looked around.

He hadn't finished what he wanted to say, he hadn't carried the huge evil spirit, he hadn't ended the life of the giant himself, he hadn't had time to bear this heavy life, he hadn't had time to make some sweet snacks.

He didn't even have time to know the name of this person.

Belated update, this chapter is more state-intensive, and the number of words is also relatively large, so it's a little late, I'm really sorry.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you all for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to the leader of Naokeyingkangnuojiya for the reward, it's really a waste of money.

I'll continue to write, everyone watch first.

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