In the Blade

Chapter 214 After Sobering Up

Drunkness itself is not the scariest thing, the scariest things often happen after being drunk.

When the sun shone on his face, the first thing Du Chengfeng felt when he regained consciousness was a headache, and his whole head was in severe pain. This is the sequelae of drinking too much cheap wine. Alcoholism can damage the brain, and the specific manifestations are , it was as if his head had been struck by an axe.

And this time it seems that it is more than just the same.

When he raised his hand to cover his head, Du Chengfeng's hand actually touched blood.


Du Chengfeng, who was startled, quickly continued to feel around, and actually found two wounds.

One wound was opened in the center of his forehead, as if it had opened an eye in the sky for him, and the other wound was at a more dangerous position on the top of his head, as if it had opened a skylight for him - no wonder he always felt that his head was a little agitated when he slept. Liang, luckily he thought it was because wisdom came out of his head.

But looking at it now, what popped up is probably something else.

"Did I really communicate with ghosts and gods?"

Du Chengfeng's blood ran cold. This was completely different from what he wanted.

But even if he recalled it now, he couldn't remember what happened. The severe headache tore the few remaining memories in his mind into pieces - he only remembered that he should have drank a lot of wine and put a Shui, came over and turned over the ground, then found a quilt to cover himself...


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but look down at the grave mound pressing on him.

He clearly remembered that he was covered with a quilt, so why was he suddenly buried in the ground?

"It doesn't matter, things haven't reached the worst yet..."

While saying this to comfort himself, Du Chengfeng crawled out of the grave.

It's too dangerous, it's really too dangerous. He almost died on the spot just by taking a nap. You really can't drink too much alcohol, it's simply fatal.

But when Du Chengfeng packed up his clothes and went back all the way, he realized that it might be better to die on the spot.

"What? You said the wine I drank was not yours?"

When meeting Yu Laoer, Du Chengfeng thought he had heard wrongly.

"Then whose wine did I drink?"

"How can I afford so much wine?"

Yu Laoer sighed.

And Du Chengfeng gradually came to know what happened yesterday.

It was good at the beginning. He drank all the six bottles of wine in Yu Laoer's house. But after that, without any wine, he ran all the way to Taigong Li's house in the village and kicked it over. Old man Li came to stop him and came back with dozens of bottles of cheap wine. After that, he drank too much and didn't even go to the latrine. He went directly to the toilet in the bedroom.

When he heard the sound of water being released, Yu Laoer was too embarrassed to continue watching out of respect.

After Yu Laoer left, the gray-black phoenix nailed to the ground also started to accuse. According to the gray-black phoenix, Shi Ke could not be killed. If there was any grudge, he could kill it with one sword. The only thing it couldn't stand was having its head poured with urine.

"Let's have a fight. Only one of you and I can survive today."

Du Chengfeng had never seen such an aggrieved expression on the face of this gray-black phoenix.

"Either I kill you, or you kill me, there is no other possibility."

"Then come on."

Du Chengfeng stopped paying attention to the gray-black phoenix nailed to the ground and started packing.

This also made the gray-black Phoenix, who was nailed to the ground, even more anxious.

"What are you doing! Where are you going! Are you going to run away! Are you going to be timid? Didn't you chase me all the way before? Come on! Keep fighting!"


Du Chengfeng didn't say anything, but just glanced at the gray-black phoenix.

There was even a bit of compassion in that look.

This also made the gray and black phoenix even more angry, just because it had noticed the meaning contained in the eyes. It was not a look looking at the opponent, but more similar to the compassion of humans for monkeys - this kind of look it There were times when it had the same look in its eyes when it looked at those Chu soldiers who knew nothing but fighting, but it never thought that this look would fall on it in turn. .

The ultimate insult, this is the ultimate insult that is even more unacceptable than the drunken madness before.

This is denying its wisdom and everything about it!


Du Chengfeng remained silent and even shook his head.

This made the gray and black phoenix no longer able to suppress its anger.

"Why don't you kill me! Why!"

The gray-black phoenix yelled hoarsely. It didn't understand what all this was for. It had been chasing it for so long, chasing it until it had no way to the sky and no way to the earth, but after catching it, it didn't kill it. It is to insult it in the most cruel way.

It couldn't figure out why. Wasn't he afraid that one day he would gain power and take revenge?

It seems that he is really not afraid.

For ordinary people, having multiple enemies would be quite troublesome, which means that they have to beware of assassinations when eating, they have to beware of assassinations when drinking water, they have to beware of assassinations when sleeping, and they have to beware of assassinations when shitting and peeing - but once they reach their level , having an opponent who is willing to tirelessly target oneself is simply a god-given treasure. This means that they no longer have to fall into a bottleneck because there is no competition at the same level, but can continuously draw experience from the battle, which will make them They become stronger.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the other party has not done anything insulting.

It may have lamented that having an opponent like Du Chengfeng was a great thing for it, but now, it just wants to tear Du Chengfeng into pieces.

Just because Du Chengfeng insulted it again.

"The reason why I won't kill you is simple. Your intelligence is very problematic."

With that said, Du Chengfeng rolled up the saddle bag and put it on his back, turned around and went out.

Only the gray-black Phoenix was left pinned to the ground by the phantom sword, struggling for its life.

But no matter how hard it tried, the sword of phantom was still nailed to the ground, unwavering, and it couldn't even move its body even a little bit - it could only beat it desperately, using It kicked the ground with both claws, but even if its claws penetrated the soil directly, it could not move its position.

"Am I going to be nailed to this ground for the rest of my life?"

At this moment, it even felt despair in its heart that it had not seen for a long time.

"Am I going to have to...wait for the rest of my life?"

It suddenly realized that something was not quite right.


It vaguely thought of something.

So, in less than a quarter of an hour, there was only a big hole left on the floor of the bedroom.

The gray-black fire phoenix, which was originally nailed to the ground, flew up again with a large piece of thick rammed earth.

At this moment, it had to admit that it did look like a monkey just now.

"Is this what you have realized..."

While peeling off the hard rammed earth beneath it, it looked in the direction Du Chengfeng left.

This time, it finally felt.

That night of drunkenness seemed to have caused some incredible changes in the man named Du Chengfeng.

Belated second update, see you all tonight.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Let me reiterate, drinking alcohol is not recommended, because it will not only make people vomit after drinking too much, but may even cause gout. This is a lesson learned through blood.

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