In the Blade

Chapter 22: Red Stinging Technique

A kitchen knife, of course, can't feel beautiful or not.

But passers-by can see it, and the woman herself can see it, so before going out to the stall every day, this beautiful woman will put on some makeup and dress herself up - of course, this superb makeup technique is not visible to most passers-by, they will only admire the woman's beauty, even if she is bare-faced, she can still be so gorgeous.

So in order to get close to this beautiful woman, even if they say a few more words, they are willing to stop in front of the woman's stall and buy a bowl of tofu pudding to go back.

And this is why the woman deliberately dresses up, a beautiful face can always make people stay in front of her breakfast stall for a while.

The breakfast stall not only sells tofu pudding, but also some soy milk sesame cakes and the like. If you want to eat some meat, there is stewed braised meat in the big pot next to it. Cut a notch in the sesame cake, and then chop the braised pork into pieces and add it in. It will be a meat sandwich with a mouthful of fragrance. The stewed meat soup is poured on the steaming tender tofu. Drinking a bowl of it in the morning will make you feel warm and full of strength.

Such a big stall is naturally impossible to rely on this beautiful woman alone. When the woman sells breakfast in the front, the woman’s husband is responsible for baking sesame cakes in the back. Du Chengfeng has some impression of this business model. Even in the peaceful years when he lived before, this kind of husband-and-wife shop opened by a young couple was quite common.

With good skills and customer flow, the family will not have any property disputes. The woman and her husband soon became rich.

In the meantime, there was no bloody drama of the two people breaking up. In the final analysis, it was good to live a normal life in this messed up world. The couple were both down-to-earth people. Everyone was thinking about how to live a better life, so there would be no disputes.

However, as the income gradually increased, the woman's husband still found a time to talk to the woman.

"In the future, let me do this kind of public things."

The woman's husband said so.

"It's not that I have any opinion on you, but for safety reasons, you are born with a beautiful face, which is easy to attract disasters. Before, your reputation was not prominent, and the danger was small. Now your reputation is getting bigger and bigger, so you should suppress it first to prevent disasters."

Although the words were a bit rough, the woman could understand what the husband meant. The current chaotic world is indeed full of dangers, and the slightest mistake will ruin the family - but understanding is understanding, and the woman herself can't do anything.

In the final analysis, the woman herself knew why there were more customers coming and going at her breakfast stall than at others. If she really had to go behind the scenes and let her husband come out to manage it, would there still be so many people coming to eat breakfast?

So, although the woman was worried, she still wanted to continue like this for a while, until she saved more money and her family became richer.

"Besides, if I really meet a strong man, I'm not afraid."

As she spoke, the woman raised her hand and gestured twice, and she actually fought well.

"I also practiced some boxing and kicking with my mother back then. Although I'm not proficient, three or five people can't beat me."

Hearing the woman say this, the husband just thought it was a joke. After all, the woman's hands and feet were delicate and she didn't look very strong. Let alone three or five people, I'm afraid even he, a sesame cake seller, couldn't beat her.

However, since the woman insisted, the husband did not force her. After all, the couple had already communicated well. They just needed to wait for a while, earn more money, and save some money. Then they would stop doing this hard breakfast stall and turn to some more profitable business.

But this wait brought disaster.

There was a bandit in Jizhou named Ximen Yuan, nicknamed the Living King of Hell. He took a few men to entrench himself near Jizhen, doing all kinds of evil. Governor Liu, who led Jizhen, had sent people to encircle and suppress him many times, but Ximen Yuan escaped by relying on his familiarity with the local area. When Governor Liu was busy with official duties and had no time to take care of the banditry, Ximen Yuan would come out again, and even dare to go to the street in a swagger.

On this day, not long after the breakfast stall was opened, it happened that Ximen Yuan came out with a few minions.

Hungry Ximen Yuan came to the breakfast stall and saw that the woman selling breakfast was so beautiful that she could make fishes sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall, and her snow-white skin was even whiter than the tofu pudding in the bowl.

Ximen Yuan had never seen such a character before, so he stopped eating breakfast and grabbed the woman's wrist, trying to drag her away on the spot.

The frightened woman was naturally unwilling and shouted loudly on the spot. The husband who was baking pancakes behind heard the shouting and came out to stop her. The neighbors gathered around. They were old customers of the breakfast stall, so how could they watch the woman being robbed on the street? But some people had already recognized Ximen Yuan's face and shrank back, not daring to come forward.

After hearing the whispers of the neighbors, the woman's husband roughly understood where Ximen Yuan was coming from, and directly stopped him and yelled.

"Commander-in-Chief Liu has sent people here! The looters will be here soon! Why don't you let go, you evil thief!"

This loud roar would frighten ordinary thieves. After all, although the predators are an official organization, if they really want to deal with criminals, the methods would be unimaginably cruel, so when facing the predators, they are about to come. As for the arrest, anyone with a sane mind ran away.

But this Ximen Yuan is the one with abnormal brain.

"Okay! You actually dare to report to the official?"

As he spoke, Ximen Yuan drew out his knife and struck the husband with one blow.

The powerful and heavy knife almost split the whole person in half. Seeing this bloody scene, the neighbors who were filled with indignation just now turned into birds and beasts. This can't be blamed on their cowardice, just because Ximen Yuan was so stained. The bloody knife is already pointing at them. If they don't run away, they may become the next corpse.

After everyone dispersed and the road was clear, Ximen Yuan also called a few minions, tied up the woman with a rope, and carried her all the way back to the stronghold.

Until she was thrown into the dungeon, the woman was still in shock. She only remembered blood, blood all over the floor. Her husband was cut in half with a knife, and half of his body fell on the breakfast stall.

That was supposed to be the hope for the two of them to live a good life.

But now, only blood is left.

There was blood everywhere.

A night of madness.

Early the next morning, Ximen Yuan felt comfortable and satisfied, not only because he hugged the beauty back, but also because the beauty not only did not seek death because of his robbery, but even took the initiative to get up early and wash his hands and make soup for him. .

Compared to conquering a person, conquering a person's heart is undoubtedly a greater sense of accomplishment. Ximen Yuan couldn't help but feel a little carried away.

But he still remembers the most basic safety.

"It's better for Madam to eat first."

Looking at the tofu pudding and braised pork served by the woman, Ximen Yuan made no move to move the dishes.

The woman, on the other hand, picked up the bowl and took two bites without any grudge.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour to confirm that the woman had not died from any poisonous disease, Ximen Yuan boldly picked up the bowl and prepared to taste this beauty's craftsmanship.

It was at this time that a sharp kitchen knife pierced his chest and abdomen.

The knife penetrated and was quickly pulled out, followed by the second knife, the third knife... In just a few breaths, Ximen Yuan had been stabbed more than a dozen times in the chest and abdomen, and his neck had already been scratched by a sharp blade. pulpy.

But just when Ximen Yuan used up his last strength and was about to grab that damn woman to save her life, the woman holding the kitchen knife quickly retreated three steps away.

It was only three short steps, but for Ximen Yuan at this moment, it was already a distance that would never be reached.

After killing Ximen Yuan, the woman kept walking, just because the minions had heard the noise, picked up the guy and rushed in. After seeing Ximen Yuan lying in a pool of blood, the minions were not surprised but overjoyed. , all feel that if the boss dies, they will have a chance to rise to the top.

But the woman's speed is faster than those minions.

Just when the first minion had just raised his weapon, the woman holding the kitchen knife had already rushed into his arms. This gesture of throwing herself into his arms had not given him any joy, and there was a huge gap between his chest and abdomen. Seven or eight severe pains.

As soon as the second minion raised his knife, the blood-stained kitchen knife had already slashed his wrist. The sharp blade directly cut off the tendons, as easily as cutting braised meat. After that, the neck was stabbed with more than ten knives. The entire neck was turned into rotten flesh, and even the head could not be hung.

Just a moment later, two of their companions died tragically on the spot. The rest of the gangsters were also frightened out of their courage, but the woman did not give them a chance to escape. She just chased after them quickly and killed them with swords.

Then, the woman covered in blood carried a kitchen knife and staggered back to her breakfast shop.

Some neighbors saw her on the road and couldn't help being frightened by the blood-stained appearance. Faced with the fearful eyes of the neighbors, the woman just smiled bitterly and shook her head - because the neighbors failed to do anything at that critical moment. She had never resented the helping hand. After all, everyone was just making friends over breakfast, so how could they risk their lives to save her whole family.

She was just a little resentful, herself.

If she hadn't been stubborn and greedy for the little advantage, they wouldn't be in this situation now.

One died, the other...

"Husband, I'm here to accompany you."

After that, the woman stabbed herself with a knife in front of the couple's breakfast stall, committing suicide for her love.

After watching all this, Du Chengfeng finally obtained a set of things that could be regarded as martial arts.

That was the technique used by women when they killed Ximen Yuan and others.

A martial art called "Stricking Red Technique".

(Note: The concept of red tattooing is quoted from an anonymous answer on a fighting topic on Zhizhihu. Please forgive me if it offends.) Also, thank you to book friend 20210301106477041378, who cuts stone with paper, dreams of writing a book, and a passerby, The recommendation votes of Star Casting Titan, and everyone’s encouragement and support are the driving force for me to move forward. Also, how could the ID of Qidian be so long? It took me a long time to copy the numbers.

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