In the Blade

Chapter 234: Being at odds with reality

Carpenter Li is probably dead, and everyone knows it.

Although they still don't know which damned person committed such a sin, facing Carpenter Li's body, the villagers finally admitted that Carpenter Li, who was always a good guy, was dead after all.

The villagers in Jizhou first admitted this fact, followed by some villagers in Yanzhou. As for Liu Bolun, Xiao Cui, Old Man Yang, and even the villagers in Yangjiabao... Although everyone didn't want to admit it, they finally admitted it in front of the cold body.

Poor Carpenter Li, the good Carpenter Li, has left them.

They all clearly realized this.

Only Du Chengfeng refused to admit this fact no matter what.

"Fake, all fake."

Even facing the cold body, Du Chengfeng still laughed.

"You must have made this up to trick me... Don't tell me it's real. I've been through a lot, I've seen a lot, what strange things in this world I haven't seen? It's just flesh and blood, I can do it."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng wiped his face, and after that, the face that appeared on his face was clearly that of Carpenter Li.

"No matter what you say, I can do it, you can't fool me."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng casually swung his knife and burned Carpenter Li's coffin to ashes.

He would not allow such a fake to tarnish Carpenter Li's reputation.

This made everyone scratch their heads, especially Liu Bolun, who scratched his head even more-all along, when Du Chengfeng was away, it was Liu Bolun, a smart man, who made the decision, but facing the current situation, Liu Bolun didn't know what to do.

After all, Liu Bolun had confirmed many times that when he came back, the villagers were already preparing for the funeral of Carpenter Li. But now...

Du Chengfeng didn't admit it.

Even facing the iron reality, Du Chengfeng was still unwilling to admit that this was true.

"So is this true?"

Although Liu Bolun had examined the body at least five times, facing Du Chengfeng's refusal to admit it, he finally asked the villagers.

"When I left, Old Li was still fine, how could he suddenly die?"

"We don't know."

The villagers represented by Old Man Yang were also quite helpless. They didn't want Carpenter Li, a good man, to die suddenly - but some things were not transferred by their will after all. When they received the tip-off from the city guards and rushed to the scene of the incident, Carpenter Li had already become a corpse.

It was indeed a corpse. The villagers of Yangjiabao could confirm that at least they had never heard of anyone who could survive without a heart.

What's more, Carpenter Li's body was bleeding so much that the whole stall was almost stained red.

And Liu Bolun had seen all these witnesses and evidence with his own eyes.

The only problem is that Du Chengfeng, who came back a step later than Liu Bolun, didn't believe it anyway.

"It's fake, all fake."

Even after seeing the witnesses and evidence, Du Chengfeng still laughed.

"You think I can't see it, right? In fact, I have seen it a long time ago... I can spray a wall of blood on you in one minute. You can't fool me. Brother Li must want to give me a surprise. So let him out quickly, I have seen through it, he can't scare me."

The villagers didn't know whether Carpenter Li could scare Du Chengfeng, but Du Chengfeng's performance now scared them.

That face, that smiling face... Yes, they can understand the grief, but is that face really a human?

"Mr. Liu, think of a way."

The villagers who had no ideas could only find Liu Bolun, the only smart man.

"Please, think of a way."


Liu Bolun was speechless for a long time.

Indeed, he could also feel the dangerous atmosphere, and he even felt the crisis comparable to death itself before his fellow villagers - if the previous Du Chengfeng could only be regarded as a blade unsheathed, then the current Du Chengfeng was simply an unstable volcano, and it could be detonated at any time.

If someone told Du Chengfeng at this time that he could bring Carpenter Li back to life by slaughtering all the people in Yizhou City, Du Chengfeng would probably kill everyone in the city without hesitation.

Liu Bolun was extremely sure of this.

He could clearly feel the cold murderous intent and the extreme danger even through two walls.

It was like a blade on his neck. If he said something wrong at this moment, he would probably die on the spot.


After thinking about it, Liu Bolun still entered Du Chengfeng's yard.

"We were just teasing you before. How could Brother Li die because of such a small matter?"

"Ha, I told you."

Du Chengfeng, who was practicing his sword skills, smiled.

"He just didn't want to see me. I know that. After all, I was out for a long time this time and I was a little bit crazy... So, have you checked it out?"


Liu Bolun's heart suddenly jumped.

This was a little different from what he originally wanted to say.

"Is there anything to check?"

"Of course there is."

Du Chengfeng laughed.

"Who has seen Brother Li before? Who has ever talked to him? List all the suspects one by one."


The inexplicable panic in Liu Bolun's heart became more and more obvious.

"Isn't Mr. Li's matter over? Nothing happened to him... What are you going to do?"

"Nothing happened?"

Du Chengfeng, holding a big knife, turned his head.

"You also saw that there was such a big hole in his chest. You told me nothing happened?"


Liu Bolun couldn't help but choke on the spot.

It turned out that Du Chengfeng had already seen it and even admitted that the body burned by the fire knife was indeed the body of Carpenter Li.

But why...

"The decay of the flesh is not the end."

Du Chengfeng stared straight into Liu Bolun's eyes.

"Brother Li is not dead yet, he was just captured... I can feel that he is still alive, he must be alive."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng raised one hand in the air.

Liu Bolun was also lifted into the air by an inexplicable force.

"See, Lao Liu, this world has gone crazy a long time ago, nothing is impossible."

Du Chengfeng said this, but he stepped forward and held Liu Bolun's hand.

"So Brother Li must not be dead yet."

The second update is here, everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I should take a nap, see you tomorrow night.

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