In the Blade

Chapter 237 The Dead Resurrected

Carpenter Li's resurrection exceeded everyone's expectations.

Although the wooden man didn't look like Carpenter Li, his speech and behavior were really like the dead Carpenter Li - of course, we can't say that Carpenter Li is dead now, after all, Carpenter Li is alive.

However, some people who didn't know the seriousness of the matter told Carpenter Li about this matter, and even described the cause of his death to Carpenter Li.

This was not malicious, but mainly because these villagers still didn't understand. They clearly saw with their own eyes that Carpenter Li had a big hole in his chest and was dead... How could this dead person become a wooden man and come back to life?

"This... I don't know much about it."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng on the side was about to get angry, Carpenter Li quickly stopped him.

Then he scratched his wooden head while looking at these familiar villagers.

"Maybe it's just like what Brother Du said. If we can find organs with the same functions, we can replace them... We can just replace the broken ones. So it's not strange for me to replace more, right?"

As he said this, Carpenter Li stretched out his hand to Du Chengfeng.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Du, please help me get my axe. Did you carve this body of mine? It's too rough. I'll fix it quickly..."

After taking the axe from Du Chengfeng, Carpenter Li started working on himself. It was obvious that the wooden man made by Du Chengfeng was too unattractive for a real expert.

After Carpenter Li started to fix his body, the villagers looked at him with more conviction - the reason was that they had all seen Carpenter Li working, and the focused look of the wooden man really showed some of Carpenter Li's past.

In other words, the dead man actually came back to life?

"What do you mean by alive? Brother Li didn't die at all."

Du Chengfeng reiterated his statement again.

"Local necrosis, just local necrosis, do you understand? Replace the damaged part, and Brother Li will be healthy again."


The villagers were not smart enough for a while. They were not as smart as Cui Yuan or Liu Bolun. How could they understand such shocking knowledge at a time?

But compared with Cui Yuan and Liu Bolun, who must understand the truth thoroughly, these Jibei villagers also have their own advantages.

They don't need to understand any truth at all. They just need to know that the facts are in front of them, and that's enough.

Although he turned into a wooden man, Carpenter Li did come back to life, so what Du Chengfeng said was true, no matter how outrageous the theory sounded.

"There are some outrageous things."

The villagers who came all the way from Jibei were very open-minded about this kind of thing. After all, they have seen people fighting against a hundred people, and even seen people turning into monsters. Now Carpenter Li has just turned into a wooden man, which doesn't seem to be a big deal?

It is indeed not a big deal, and it is even a good thing. After all, even if he turns into a wooden man, he is at least alive.

It is better to be alive than to be dead. People's cognition has always been so simple.

"It's great that you think so."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Yes, it's best that the villagers can think so. No one denies that Carpenter Li is still alive, which means that the most difficult hurdle has been passed.

"A firm will is enough to change reality", this sentence is easy to say, but it is not easy to really implement it-if it is just Du Chengfeng himself, everything will be easy. But the problem is that this matter also involves Carpenter Li himself, which is a different matter.

His will is firm enough, and he knows this idealistic thing well enough. He can even use his firm will to revive Carpenter Li again when he knows that Carpenter Li is indeed dead... But the question is, does Carpenter Li really believe it? What about other villagers? If someone firmly believes that Carpenter Li is dead, is Carpenter Li dead or alive?

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized that this so-called "firm will" was far from as simple as he imagined.

When it is not only himself who is firm, when two contradictory firmnesses collide with each other, whose firmness is the real firmness? Who can change the reality for himself?

"So we need secret rituals, so we need to deceive."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized the purpose of the Yin people creating those strange rituals.

Although those secret rituals also have the purpose of persuading themselves, the more important purpose is to make others believe it.

Let others' consciousness believe it, let others' will also join this grand deception, as long as you can find a reasonable reason, as long as you can make everyone believe it firmly.

Everything is possible.

"So now that Brother Li has recovered, it's time to talk about what's next."

Du Chengfeng's face darkened.

"Who did it before? Did anyone see it?"


The Jibei folks looked at each other.

When the incident happened, they had thought about tracking down the murderer, but there were many people on the street at that time, and they rushed there only after receiving the news. With the time difference, it was as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack to find the murderer who assassinated Carpenter Li.

As for starting from interpersonal relationships... this is even more impossible. Carpenter Li is a good person, and he would never make any enemies at all, so how could anyone harm him?

Therefore, the pursuit of the murderer has become a headless case, and even Du Chengfeng doesn't know who to find to avenge this.

But now, Carpenter Li is alive.

That makes things much easier.

"...Brother Li, I have a question for you."

Du Chengfeng carefully considered his words.

"Do you still remember the person who harmed you before?"

"The person who harmed me before..."

Carpenter Li scratched his wooden head and thought hard.

"I don't remember clearly. My mind is still a little confused... Brother Du, the wooden head you replaced for me is really not easy to use. Can't you change it to something better?"

"Uh, I'll think of a way later."

Du Chengfeng smiled awkwardly. He knew that Carpenter Li would have a lot of opinions about this wooden body.

"So... Old brother, do you really have no impression at all?"

"Yes... I still have some."

Carpenter Li tried to recall.

"I don't remember his appearance clearly. That person didn't look special... I just remember that person was carrying a big knife and a sword... Oh, by the way, he came to me to buy the long pole used for weapons, the kind used for spears and halberds."

"... Hmm?"

Du Chengfeng frowned. Why did he feel more and more familiar with this image the more he listened to it.

"... Hmm?"

The folks in Jibei who had not left yet also turned around and looked up and down at Du Chengfeng's figure.

Especially the handle of the knife behind him and the handle of the sword at his waist.


Feeling the gazes of his fellow villagers, Du Chengfeng finally came to his senses.

Isn't this image just like himself?

The first update is here, and the second update will be before 12 o'clock.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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