In the Blade

Chapter 279 When will really changes reality

Du Chengfeng was stunned. He had never expected that the opponent in front of him could actually summon people to help.

Bai Wujiu and the people of Dengzhou were also stunned. They did not expect that the Yi people had such means and could even summon such unheard-of horrible monsters to help.

Even the Yi people themselves were stunned.

"I, this, huh? Ah?"

The Yi people elder opened his mouth wide and looked at the deformed monster in the air. This thing was exactly the same as the angel recorded in the scriptures. It can even be said that this came out of the scriptures-but it was precisely because of this that the Yi people elder could not believe it.

How could it be believed? How could an angel appear? If an angel really existed, then what would the suffering and torture they endured during their thousands of miles of travel be? Could it be that all the efforts they made to find the promised land were just a... joke?

At this moment, not only the Yi people elder, but all the Yi people present were shaken.

But immediately, the Yi people elder raised his neck.

"No! This is a test!"

Realizing that he was beginning to doubt God, the Yi people elder immediately strengthened his mind.

"All the experiences along the way were God's tests for us! Now we have finally arrived at the promised land! We have finally completed the test! God has finally begun to have mercy on his people!"

While shouting this, the Yi people elder asked someone to connect the two severed hands to the arms.

"Look! Under God's blessing! I will be as good as new!"

As he said this, the hands that had been cut off actually moved again, and the five fingers moved flexibly, and there was no sign of being cut off.

"Yes, this is the promised land."

The Yi people elder became more and more fanatical.

"It will appear as long as you think of it. This is a miracle! It is a miracle!"

"Miracle! It is a miracle!"

"God has finally had mercy on us!"

"We are God's people! We are invincible!"

Under the call of the Yi people's elders, the Yi people became more and more fanatical, but just when Dengzhou people and Du Chengfeng thought it was just ordinary madness, those Yi people actually glowed.

The pure white light gathered into the shape of armor and attached to the bodies of these Yi people. In just a moment, these Yi people were already wearing armor!

"The people chosen by God attack the promised land, take it with swords, and destroy it with fire!"

Accompanied by the chanting of the Yi people's elders, the swords in the hands of those Yi people ignited white flames. They were just ordinary weapons, but at this moment they were comparable to divine weapons!


The deformed beast in the air pounced first, with countless eyes emitting light, and rushed straight towards Du Chengfeng, but immediately, these lights were blocked in mid-air by the more blazing fire - but Du Chengfeng had the strength to resist, which did not mean that those Dengzhou people had the strength to resist. With just one round of sweeping, dozens of masters with evil spirits in their bodies were swept by the light.

The places that were swept turned into salt grains and sprinkled on the ground, and those barbarians wearing white light armor also rushed over, swinging flaming swords to kill them.

The melee that had not yet seen the outcome soon had a one-sided trend. After using that inexplicable power, these barbarians already had the strength to kill everyone present.

This made Tao Wuliu, who was hiding in the dark, tremble with fear.

"How could it be? How could it be like this?"

Tao Wuliu, who was huddled in the corner, was trembling all over. He could not imagine that things would turn out like this. He thought that he might be trapped to death in Taoyuan Township, and he also thought that he might be killed in the battle between the Yi people and the Dengzhou people, but now this miracle, this monster, this is simply...

How could it turn out like this? What is going on?

Is the deformed monster called an angel really summoned by those Yi people? How can those Yi people have such ability to summon such a terrifying monster that only exists in myths and legends?

Just looking at the unmatched appearance of the monster, I am afraid that those evil monsters can't compete with it. No matter how terrifying those evil monsters are, they will probably be treated as a dish when they fall next to this deformed angel. No matter whether it is power or strength, they are not of the same level. This so-called angel is really too terrifying and too powerful.

Just like those Yi people who are armed with sharp weapons.

Under the blessing of the mysterious power, the Dengzhou people who were originally in an advantageous position were slaughtered one-sidedly at this moment. Even those fierce armored soldiers with evil spirits in their bodies could not cut through the white armors on the barbarians. Instead, the incandescent swords in the hands of the barbarians could easily tear open the iron armors on the armored soldiers. No matter how brave these warriors with evil spirits were, they still fell to the ground with hatred and had their heads cut off.

These barbarians are so strong.

It is different from the judgment of the barbarians in the past. In the past, everyone thought that Chen was the strongest and the center of the world. The only people who could compete with Chen were probably the grassland people who came and went like the wind. As for the barbarians, they were not in the eyes of the Chen people at all. In the eyes of the Chen people, these barbarians with broad noses and deep eyes were not much different from monkeys.

But now it seems...

Controlling the mysterious power, even winning with fewer people, these barbarians are clearly much stronger than the Chen people!

Even the monsters of the barbarians are far better than the monsters of the Chen people.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, there must be something that can defeat that monster."

Looking at the deformed angel raging in the air, Tao Wuliu gritted his teeth.

Yes, even if they are not as strong as the Yi people in terms of military strength, how can they not be as good as the Yi people in terms of monsters?

The Chen people must have their own monsters, monsters that can compete with this deformed angel. In terms of monsters, how can the Chen people lose to the Yi people... But if he had to think about it, he really couldn't think of anything that looked more terrifying than this deformed angel.

If there must be something that can be hostile to this deformed angel, it is probably the Southern Chen Taizu who slaughtered more than 100,000 troops by himself.

That emperor who is so strong that he is not human, that giant man who is like a living god, if he appears here, he will definitely be able to...


Just when Tao Wuliu was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a long sigh.

Immediately afterwards, fifteen magical weapons and precious blades that flew from nowhere all rose into the sky.


Du Chengfeng, who was in the middle of a fierce fight, turned his head in anger.

But just this moment of distraction, the deformed angel was nailed to the ground by fifteen divine weapons.

The first update is here. The new machine is so smooth that there is no lag when typing. It's getting better.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you Lu Zezi for the reward. It's really a waste of money.

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