In the Blade

Chapter 281 Broken Faith

Among all the people present, who has the strongest belief in victory?

Perhaps those Yi people have the strongest belief, even firmer than the natives of Dengzhou - although these Dengzhou people are fighting at home on the land of Nanchen, they have never seen the fighting style of these Yi people. Suddenly seeing such a powerful Yiren, how could he be sure that he would win?

On the contrary, these barbarians, relying on their fanatical belief in the gods and their almost irrational persistence, made them more determined than these locals when they were playing away games.

Especially after the legendary angel was accidentally summoned, the Yi people who realized that this "Promised Land" was so magical became even more fanatical. The legendary thing has appeared in the world, and God is still protecting them, so what about them? Maybe there is a reason to lose?

But is it really impossible to lose?

" careful."

Although victory has been established on the surface, these barbarians, including the most tyrannical barbarian elders, are still cautious in their hearts.

You really need to be cautious. After all, this is basically a battle between two armies. It can even be regarded as a fight between two ethnic groups. As the people chosen by God, they have God's blessing. Don't these humble people have anything to hide? ?

Just like the giant who just walked down from the clouds, it is obvious that these Chen people also have some blessings - although this blessing does not seem very strong, it is at least capable of fighting.

So will these Chen people come up with something stronger? Will there be any accidents?

Although the fight was in full swing on the surface, these barbarians had this kind of vigilance in their hearts.

Of course, this is necessary vigilance, and it is also the mentality that must be adopted in battle. If you ignore this trivial vigilance, the purity of the will of these barbarians has reached an astonishing level - they have to learn to pray to the gods since they were young. The only books they read were scriptures that recorded gods. Belief in gods was their life, their life, and everything they had.

However, there are always people who are more pure than them.

"If I give you one hand, you can't win."

The two swords were raised like wings of fire, and Du Chengfeng rushed towards the deformed angel in mid-air.

He can fight evenly with one hand, so now that he has two hands and even an extra knife, how can he lose?

But what he faced was just a deformed monster, and he had killed a lot of such monsters - even if the monster in front of him that was created by the barbarians could be beaten a little, it could only be beaten a little.

Monsters are still monsters and they will be defeated.

After all, no matter how powerful a monster is, it will die if it is killed.

The monkeys used weapons to defeat the ferocious beasts. In the past, the Yin people also forged weapons to kill those monsters. So now, wouldn't it be natural for him to chop this monster to death?

So there's really nothing confusing about this kind of thing.

All it takes is a swing of the knife.


Two wings of fire pierced the sky and came instantly, like a gentle embrace, embracing the deformed angel into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, it passed through the body.

The blazing fire blade and gray-black flames instantly ignited the deformed body full of eyeballs.

The charred corpse that was divided into four pieces fell from the clouds and turned into sparks all over the sky, burning up in mid-air.

Du Chengfeng was left standing in mid-air holding two big swords, shaking his head and sighing.


At this moment, all the Yi people were stunned.

Something indestructible was shattered, and the persistence hidden deep in their hearts also cracked. The enthusiasm in their eyes was replaced by disbelief. They couldn't understand what they saw.

Can angels actually be killed?

Can an angel who can kill even a giant be killed?

What did they see? What is it that appears in front of them? If God was really protecting them, why did he let them see such a cruel scene?


Some of the Yi people were already trembling.

"The Great Devil! That is the Great Devil! The enemy of God! His wings cover the sky and the sun, and his fire burns everything..."

"Don't be tempted by the devil!"

The Yiren elders who realized something was wrong quickly shouted loudly.

"Don't recite his name! Don't praise his image! Don't let him set up an idol in your hearts! Strengthen your faith! Pray to the gods quickly! Hurry!"

However, no matter how much the Yi people shouted, the terrifying figure holding two swords in the air had been engraved in the hearts of these Yi people. After all, this was the most terrifying and tyrannical image they had ever seen, and even It is enough to be used as a synonym for strength - in fact, even the Yiren elder himself, who keeps shouting "firm faith", can't really stop thinking about it.

After all, what just appeared in front of him, the two-color fire wings like a giant sun-chasing bird, the angel that was annihilated on the spot after just one attack...

He would probably never be able to forget this situation for the rest of his life.

Power, fear, fighting, slaughter... these were once just abstract concepts of words, but now they have concrete images.

If there is a devil in this world, I am afraid that he will not grow up like the one in the scriptures, but will look like this, waving his blazing wings and killing everything in front of him.

"I actually...don't even believe in the scriptures?"

The Yi people elder, who noticed that his thoughts were loosening, was completely desperate.

Even he, the person with the most firm faith, had begun to waver, let alone others?


This was the first reaction of the Yi people elder.

When reason was destroyed, physiological instinct became the absolute master of the body. Any creature would instinctively stay away from danger and death. Even if they didn't want to move, their bodies would move on their own.

But just when these Yi people were about to turn around and run away, a gray-black flame fell from the sky, completely sealing the narrow entrance.

"I let you go?"

The devil in the air fell down.

"Come as you want, leave as you want, who do you think you are?"


Unable to even run away, the Yi people elder, who was completely desperate, simply pulled out a dagger and stabbed his neck.

Maybe it would be better to die. As long as he died, he would not face this pain and despair. As long as he died...


At the moment when the dagger had cut through the skin, the sharp blade was grasped.

"Did I let you die?"

Throwing the dagger aside, the fiery devil picked up the dove stick on the ground.

Then, he handed it to the Yi people elder.

"You wanted to use this, right?"

Under the Yi people elder's incredulous gaze, the devil even clenched his fingers so that he could hold the dove stick more steadily.

"Come on, continue, show all your skills."

The first update is here, and the second update will be before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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