In the Blade

Chapter 283 If nothing unexpected happens

Du Chengfeng had no interest in this place that was like a ghost wall. He just wanted to send this group of Yi people to the nearby state capital to contribute to the local infrastructure.

If he had to study it, he had to go out and study it to confirm that he could enter and exit. Only then could he spend time to figure it out. Now, Du Chengfeng, who had retired to Wangyou Village, had no shortage of time. Sooner or later, he would figure out the secrets of this place.

So he left as a matter of course, taking those Wangyou villagers who were trapped here, Tao Wuliu, his spoils, and the Yi people who were also spoils.

During the whole process, he did not even look at the fully armed soldiers.

Perhaps those soldiers would think this was a kind of contempt, but this was indeed Du Chengfeng's good intention. Since he had decided to live in seclusion, he did not intend to have anything to do with the official state capital nearby. It would be fine if he did some good things on weekdays. If there was any dispute, I am afraid that several more commanders would die, which was a situation that no one could accept.

Sometimes, the strong's disregard is also another kind of kindness.

Although it sounds a bit abstract, at this moment, Du Chengfeng really realized this.

At the same time, fortunately, no accidents happened this time, only because Bai Wujiu, who brought the Dengzhou people here, was indeed a smart man - this person is smart in that he knows that it is better to do less than more, especially after seeing that powerful fighting power, the idea of ​​not making trouble was deeply engraved in his heart.

"Mr. Bai, this place..."

Wang Erniu, who had become a murderous spirit, leaned on a pole and came to Bai Wujiu's side. The young warrior was lucky to survive the fight just now.

It was because he was so close to death that Wang Erniu could better perceive the magic of this place.

Such a magical place is simply a gift from God...

"Don't think too much, let's go."

Bai Wujiu shook his head and called for people to lead the team away.

After eating, the beasts may leave food residues or even large pieces of raw meat, but no matter how plump these raw meats are, not everyone is qualified to touch them. In short, the strong can refuse them, but this does not mean that they can take them without the permission of the strong.

Being clever is not necessarily a good thing. Temporary benefits may bring greater disasters. Bai Wujiu still remembers how the first two people who sat in his seat died. He will not be stupid enough to repeat the same mistakes.

"Since he didn't give it, we can't rob it."

Taking a deep breath, Bai Wujiu forced a smile.

"Let's go... Don't look at me like that. Their sacrifice is not meaningless. At least we got the most important information, that is, there is a monster squatting near us that we can't afford to offend."

So, Bai Wujiu finally left with these remnants. Although they had almost no gains in this battle, it was because of this that Bai Wujiu chose to withdraw decisively. Most gamblers who lost all their wealth often think "I can turn over with another hand", but Bai Wujiu just wants to say that stopping losses in time is the choice of smart people.

If he retreats now, he can at least harvest this group of remnants who have experienced battles and grown up a lot. If he continues to fight, it is hard for him to imagine what kind of ending he will face.

After all, the previous fight was too terrifying. Whether it was the deformed monster with wings or the peerless strongman holding two swords, they were not something they could afford to provoke. If they rashly participated in this level of fighting, I am afraid that the aftermath would send them all to heaven.

"It's good to have some gains."

Bai Wujiu reluctantly comforted himself.

Now he can only comfort himself. After all, the battle just now was too shocking. There was a terrifying monster that was enough to sweep away thousands of troops, and there was a peerless strongman who was even more terrifying than that monster... After seeing the other side of this world, Bai Wujiu suddenly felt that his efforts all along seemed to be meaningless.

Even if they can really overthrow Nan Chen, what? Can they really practice their will? When these strong men stand in front of them and become their obstacles, can they really do anything?

It seems that there is no way. Not only do they not have it, but even Nan Chen, I am afraid there is no way.

After all, the highest martial power in everyone's cognition is the release of evil spirits, and the ability to control fifteen magic weapons at the same time like the Southern Chen Taizu is already the pinnacle of this path - but even this peak combat power can only be regarded as a barely passing level in the fight between these truly powerful people, and it can't even stop the counterattack of the deformed monster.

"What should we do?"

Bai Wujiu, who returned to Dengzhou City, looked at the subordinates in front of him, and looked at the Dengzhou City that had completely fallen into his control, and suddenly a trace of confusion rose in his heart.

"I... Hey."

Bai Wujiu, who noticed this thought, did not extinguish it. He also knew that this thought could not be extinguished. As long as those powerful people still exist, as long as this unsolvable problem still exists, he will always be confused again and lose his way again.

But he has not found a way to solve this problem, so he chooses to work first to stop himself from thinking about it.

But as the saying goes, a blessing in disguise. After Bai Wujiu decisively cut his losses, he encountered good things instead. On the second day after he returned to Dengzhou City, the barbarians he had fought with before appeared in front of him again.

But this time, these barbarians were tied up and sent in a string.

"Who sent them?"

Bai Wujiu was stunned. He remembered who took these barbarians away.

And now these barbarians were sent here again, which was simply...

"They were sent by the people of Wangyou Township."

A subordinate explained in a low voice.

"They said that these barbarians have reformed and are willing to contribute to the infrastructure of the state capital... What do you say, Mr. Bai, do you want to kill them?"

"Kill? What do you want to kill?"

Bai Wujiu was immediately happy.

"It's too easy for them to just kill them. Since the people sent here also said that they should contribute to the construction of the state capital, then send them to the mine and let them go down the mine!"


The subordinate was speechless for a long time.

Taking them to the mine and going down the mine is like using people to death. Otherwise, how can they manage the entire Dengzhou? Just talking about the method of killing people can make some profits.

"The harvest of these people going down the mine will be converted into money and food, and then we will give some subsidies to the relatives of the soldiers who died in the battle."

Bai Wujiu thought about it and added a sentence.

"We don't lack this little money and food. It's more important to win their hearts... In addition, are the people from Wangyou Township still there? Reward! We must reward! Show our attitude!"

So, with just a few words, the fate of these once arrogant Yi people was determined.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will stay in the mines for the rest of their lives after being sent there. The foremen in the mines will treat them like human-shaped animals and use them to death. They will die out in just one or two years.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The first update is here, and the second update will be before 12 o'clock.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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